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How do i interpret whether a ticket has breached the SLA Poilcy or not from Ticket Metrics Events REST API ?

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Data ultimo post: 26 mag 2022

How do i interpret whether a ticket has breached the SLA Poilcy or not from Ticket Metrics Events REST API ?



2 commenti

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Erica Girges

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hi Praful,
You'll want to look for all event types with a value of breach. These ticket metric event types are specific to when a SLA target has been breached. If you would like to learn more about the various Ticket Metric Event types, I recommend checking out this doc.
Hope this helps!


Hi, I think the answer does not provide a solution. The documentation says the breach event will always be recorded, whether the ticket is breached or not.

Isn't there a flag or something that says if it actually breached the SLA?


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