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Request feedback after negative article vote - code implementation

Data ultimo post: 27 mag 2022

Hello! I would like to implement a survey for users that visit our help center after a negative vote and this is requested from many others Zendesk users. 

I found a good option here https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/4409506755866-Request-feedback-after-negative-article-vote

Does anyone tried it? I have few questions about it and I need help! 

My concerns here are 

  1. Where the feedback generated with the workaround code for the not useful votes will go (special que, …).
  2. this will code applied to all articles in the database? can I just test it with one? 



2 commenti

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Community Moderator

1) The feedback indeed goes to a special queue. In the community post you shared it links to a news requests page in the Help Center which creates a ticket where the feedback is stored.

2) Yes the code is indeed active for al pages that have an article. You could just create a new template for an article, where this code runs. Then when you're writing the article, select the newly created template, and only in that article this mechanism works. 💪


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