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Chat: continuity of user over sessions
Data ultimo post: 28 giu 2022
Feature Request Summary:
Chat should recognize the same end user from one visit to the next, and therefore let me use a checkbox in a trigger such as "Fire only once per user" -- referring to a *user* and not a *visitor/session*
Description/Use Cases:
We are B2B and our users come back to use our product over and over again, usually a few times/month. We aren't retail, trying to sell them something. Rather, we're providing a service, and our users are very familiar with our product. I would like to be able to trigger a proactive chat that only gets sent to a given user ONCE. EVER.
A few specific examples:
- I was thinking of using Chat to introduce new features. When someone loads a given page, I would trigger a proactive "hey lookie at this new feature we just deployed!" and I want to leave that trigger active for like a month so that most users have a chance to log in and see it, but if a person has already seen it, I don't want to bombard them with it every time they come to the website.
- I want to trigger a proactive chat to users who have been using our site for a long time, soliciting feedback. I used "visitor previous visits > 50" but I don't want them to see this every single time.
Business impact of limitation or missing feature:
I'm not able to use this in the many cool proactive ways I imagined b/c chat seems to be built for managing someone who is new to your site, doesn't visit often, etc. My users would see the same message over and over, and this would be a nuisance, so I'm just going to ditch the idea entirely and mostly stick to reactive chats.
2 commenti
Sarah Darmawan
Hi Nikki,
Thanks for taking the time to provide this feedback. You could consider transitioning to our Messaging solution, where it fits your need for persistent conversations with the same set of returning customers. Re: the use case of building awareness around new features - proactive messaging for this solution is currently scheduled to go live in H1 2023.
Hope this helps!
Thanks for the advice. I'll look into Messaging, especially once proactive messaging is available.