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Chat - Broadcast routing limited to Agents by Group.
Data ultimo post: 08 set 2022
When using Broadcast routing all agents are alerted at the same time of a chat. This can be manually picked up by any free agents.
In order that the chat notification is limited to agents within a particular group you must use Assigned.
However when using Assigned not all agents in that group are notified at the same time. Zendesk notifies one agent, then the next until someone serves the Chat.
I would like to be able to notify agents within a specific group (as in assigned) but notify all agents within the group at the same time (as in broadcast).
Is this something being consider in your roadmap?
4 commenti
Marie Hayes
This would be super useful for us too!
James Clark
Following up on this. Is there anyway this can be done?
Radboud Van de Pol
We have a problem with chat routing to specific groups (service center and Operations). When a new chat is offered to the service center group, it also allerts operations eventhough they are not able to serve this ticket. Notify is set on assinged. Does anybody know how to fix this?
James Clark - right now, this can't be done, but I recommend continuing to follow this article to get updates around any changes!
And Radboud Van de Pol -- it sounds like you may have an issue with group/department routing not working as expected. I'd check out this article for troubleshooting recommendations: Department routing is not working correctly in chat. If you are still having issues after reviewing that article, please reach out to our Support team who can provide additional help on the specifics of your account.