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Enable Focus Mode in Omnichannel (Or fix the functionality outside omnichannel)
Data ultimo post: 27 ott 2022
Bring Back the Functionality of Focus Mode for Messaging and Talk
Feature Request Summary:
Messaging and talk are both live channels and it is not possible to simultaneously have a verbal conversation in talk while having a typed conversation with a different customer in messaging.
Description/Use Cases:
Prior to the launch of messaging, focus mode allowed agents to be online for both talk and chat at the same time. They would only receive one type of live contact at a time, allowing for them to handle either calls or chats at any given time, and to switch back and forth between the channels based on routing. For small teams, this flexibility removed the need to schedule one or two agents to calls and one or two agents to chat, and meant that when volume shifted to be higher on one channel over another, this need was easily met by the systems already in Zendesk.
With messaging, this functionality broke. Prior to omnichannel, agents would get locked into messaging and calls would not route to them if focused mode was enabled. With the launch of omnichannel, now both calls and messages will route at the same time which is equally as problematic, if not moreso.
Business impact of limitation or missing feature:
Focus mode was a useful feature that allowed for flexibility of scheduling and variety of work in an agent's workflow. Omnichannel reflects that one person can't handle 2 calls at once, but still routes messaging - a live channel, to someone who is on a call. This is counter-intuitive and I don't know what the purpose of a unified status is if it's not going to actually intelligently route work to agents who are available to handle it. (It's meaningless to be online for messaging and talk if the system is going to route to both channels at the same time.)
This seems like a major oversight in the development of a feature that our team had been looking forward to in hopes that it would solve an ongoing significant product issue.
Other necessary information or resources:
A community manager indicated that return of focus mode was planned for messaging and talk on this post but no update has been provided recently. Seeing as this problem was not remedied with Omnichannel, and Omnichannel forces disabling focus mode (which doesn't matter since it's broken for anyone using messaging anyways) it would be good to have some guidance around the planned resolution: https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/4412161208218-Focus-mode-for-active-Messaging-and-Talk-users?page=1#community_comment_5070312720538
28 commenti
Barry Neary
Hi Trudy Slaght
As you mentioned, focus mode for messaging and talk within omnichannel roiuting engine is definitely on the roadmap but we dont have a specific date for expected release yet.
Alternatively, an agent could use their status to indicate that they should not be assigned a message whilst on a chat (or vice versa). You could setup two custom stauses: message only and voice only and when agent took a message or a call they could set themselves offline for the other channel by selecting one of these two statuses.
Not ideal, I know as the agent would need to take a manual action.
Trudy Slaght
Hi Barry,
I'm glad this is on the road map, but we have disabled omnichannel routing for now. While the focus mode malfunctions outside of omnichannel, it's malfunctioning is better than how omnichannel works. Having to manually change status based on what has been assigned is not a reasonable ask of an agent to do repeatedly throughout the day. I hope returning this functionality is a high priority - it seems like a major oversight that it wasn't considered in the initial launch of omnichannel.
Stephen Senez
Agreed, this fix is very much needed. Asking the agent to manage their status during and after calls / messages is not a reasonable ask if we are wanting to make the agent experience better in order to provide better service to the customer.
Haleema Iqbal
We would also like this feature to work in omnichannel. Our routing issues will be resolved with omnichannel but as mentioned above this is useless if we lose focus mode.
This issue was first raised 8 months ago, when can we expect this improvement?
Barry Neary
This is on the roadmap - currently at Q1 2024 (potential EAP release in Q4)
Aashley Malsbury
We are in the same position, we have trialed omnichannel for the past month but are not able to transition to it until focus mode is enabled.
Nathan Came
Is this still on track for Q1 24 and potentially an EAP Q4 ?
Lauren Benkov
Hi Barry Neary - is there any update on timing for this feature? Still Q1?
Barry Neary
Hi, we are doing final planning for 2024 now, so hopefully will be able to update on this in the coming weeks
Joe Baer
any update on when focus mode will be supported in omnichannel?
I am considering switching from chat to messaging and omnichannel will solve a lot of issues I am having with trying to make sure customers get answered quickly and tickets dont remain in one agents bucket if they are helping others, but without focus mode it doesnt seem I will be able to effectively stop agents from getting a call while taking real time messages from customers. We still want our agents to answer messages like they are chats and help the customer in real time so this would be needed functionality
Shawna James
Atanas Tomov
Definitely a +1 on this.
This will solve a problematic scenario in our use case as well where only 1 agent is available at a time.
Anastasia Kachanova
Mary Ann Sin
Q1 2024 is here and looking forward to focus mode for omni! Would appreciate being part of any beta testing, if it's available.
Ali Kanaan
We need it too.
Barry Neary
Hi All
We are actively developing it right now - expect to release in March, but it may slip to April
Shawna James
Thank you again for your continued engagement and feedback here. We look forward to sharing more information with you soon!
Brenda Piersak
+1 we are waiting too. Routing 2 live channels to 1 agent at the same time doesn't even make sense....unless you don't support live channels. I don't understand how such a critical business rule was missed. Looking forward to the deployment!
Stacey Page
Is there any update on the release?
Barry Neary
We are in final testing for Focus mode - expected release in the next few weeks (but no guarantees!)
Trudy Slaght
Thanks Barry, this is great news! We have been eagerly awaiting this!
George Parackel
Focus mode is an extremely essential feature for Omnichannel. Eagerly waiting for this feature to be released. Could you please notify me when we have this in production
Matthew Sammut
I saw the announcement for focus mode and OCR, however I still cannot see the option on our account - has rollout completed? If so, can you send a screenshot of where the option is meant to be please?
Barry Neary
Hi Matthew Sammut
Rollout is now complete - do you have OCR switched on?
It should appear in the routing config screen within OCR section of admin centre:
Barry Neary
George Parackel : its now released
Barry Neary
Hi, this feature is now released for omnichannel routing
Shawna James
As Barry mentioned, this feature has been released. More information can be found here and instructions for set up can be found here. Thank you again for sharing your feedback and for being valuable Zendesk Community members!
At this time I am going to close this post for comment. Should any other feature requests on this matter come up, please feel free to create a new post. Thank you!