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search for webhook by name using zendesk api

Data ultimo post: 02 gen 2023

Is it possible to search for a webhook by filtering by name?

I tried "https://{subdomain}.zendesk.com/api/v2/webhooks"

but sure how the filter


 can be used here



1 commento

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Zach Anthony

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Amit,

If you would like to use the Zendesk REST API to filter webhooks by name, you will just need to add filter[name_contains] as a query parameter to your request to the List Webhooks endpoint. This will list all webhooks in your account that contain the value of the query parameter in their name.

For example, a GET request to https://{{subdomain}}.zendesk.com/api/v2/webhooks?filter[name_contains]=demo will return all webhooks that contain 'demo' in their name.

However, because square brackets are technically reserved characters in an URI, depending on your HTTP client they may need to be percent-encoded.

e.g. https://{{subdomain}}.zendesk.com/api/v2/webhooks?filter%5Bname_contains%5D=demo

Hope this helps!


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