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"Average Leg Answer Time" Metric Creation
Data ultimo post: 26 gen 2023
Recently we stumbled upon the need to have a metric that give us the average amount of time an agent is being waited before answering a call.
Such metric is not actually present because we only have Call Answer Time which does not necessarily represents the time for one agent. What I mean is - we have 45 seconds wait time before the call is being transferred to another agent and lets say he/she responds in 15 seconds - the Call wait time will be 60 seconds and it will appear as 60 seconds Call wait time for the agent that actually responded in 15 seconds.
This is why we actually need Leg Answer Time, so we can have more accurate data when it comes to a specific agent.
Thank you in advance.
Yanko Chakarov
5 commenti
Anastasia Kachanova
Jay Gianan
Atanas Tomov
Boyan Spasov
Wojciech Smajda
Thank you for reaching out and sharing your thoughts on enhancing our call metrics by introducing 'Leg Answer Time' for more precise agent performance evaluation.
We understand that having detailed metrics is crucial for monitoring agent efficiency and customer experience. While the specific metric you've requested isn't on our current roadmap, we truly value the insight and will consider it as we aim to refine our analytic features.
Your input plays a significant role in how we develop our tools, and while we can't commit to this change now, we will keep it in mind for potential future updates.
We appreciate your feedback and encourage you to keep an eye on Zendesk's updates for any new features that might meet your needs.