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Incorrect Czech translations in Help Center auth form


Data ultimo post: 06 feb 2023


There are numerous incorrect translations in the auth form for the Help Center. 

Let’s start from above.

  1. Přihlásit se k účtu IT-Parťák
  • Translation: Log in to the IT-Parťák account
  • The text should either look like Přihlásit se or Přihlásit se na web IT-Parťák
  • Translation: Přihlásit se = Log in, Přihlásit se na web IT-Parťák = Log in to the IT-Parťák Website.
  • Reasoning: The user is not actually logging into our account, he does log in into our domain / website.
  1. Jste nováček na účtu IT-parťák? Zaregistrovat se
  • T: Are you a newbie on IT-Parťák’s account? Register
  • The text should be either Nejste zaregistrováni? Registrujte se. or Jste nový uživatel/člen? Registrujte se.
  • T: Nejste zaregistrováni? Registrujte se. = Not registered? Register.
  • T: Jste nový uživatel/člen? Registrujte se. = Are you a new user/member? Register.
  • Reasoning: The original sentence sounds like a this is some sort of game recruiting newbies. To be honest, it does not suit our (and I believe no other serious) business.
  1. Pokud jste již dříve komunikovali e-mailem s pracovníky podpory, jste už zaregistrovaní. Ale pravděpodobně ještě nemáte heslo.
  • T: In case you have already communicated to customer support, you are already registered. But you probably do not have a password.
  • The sentence should look like this: Pokud jste již dříve komunikovali s pracovníky podpory pomocí e-mailu, jste již zaregistrováni. Pravděpodobně však ještě nemáte heslo.
  • Reasoning: The sentence is simply incorrect. It looks like an automated translation. To be honest, the sentence should have entirely different meaning. You want to explain that the customer is pre-registered, not registered yet and he has to click the link to setup his password, right? If so: Pokud jste s námi již v minulosti komunikovali, máte u nás vytvořenou registraci, kterou je třeba dokončit.




  1. 1st picture (receive a new password via email) - Pokud chcete obnovit heslo pro účet https://it-partak.zendesk.com, zadejte svou e-mailovou adresu, a my vám pošleme e-mail s pokyny.
  • T: To reset your password for account (website link), please insert your e-mail address and we will send you an e-mail with instructions.
  • The text should be very simple, as the user already knows he is on our website. Pro ZÍSKÁNÍ hesla prosím zadejte svou e-mailovou adresu, kde vám budou odeslány pokyny.
  • T: To receive your password, please insert your email, where you will receive the instructions.
  • Reasoning: As stated, it should be very simple. Also, you are not resetting password. You are getting a new password.
  1. 2nd picture (register form) - Vyplňte prosím tento formulář a my vám pošleme uvítací e-mail, abyste mohli ověřit svou e-mailovou adresu a pak se přihlásit.
  • T: Please fill this form and we will send you a welcome email so you can verify your email address and then log in.
  • This sentence should be re-written as well. Po vyplnění formuláře vám odešleme ověřovací email. Jakmile jej potvrdíte, budete se moci přihlásit.
  • T: After you fill the form, you will be sent a confirmation email. As soon as you confirm it, you will be able to log in.
  • Reasoning: This is quite usual statement on many other Czech sites. Gramatically speaking, it looks much cleaner.
  1. 3rd picture (reset password) – This is basically the same as 1), only with one word change:
  • Pro OBNOVENÍ hesla prosím zadejte svou e-mailovou adresu, kde vám budou odeslány pokyny.

Please note that the translations are not correct in English. They are per-word rewritten from Czech by me.

I will be looking forward to your response.

Apologies for the wrong formatting, this is copied from email.

Thank you.



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