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Populating Problem Ticket Subject in Explore
Data ultimo post: 27 feb 2023
Feature Request Summary:
Zendesk Explore should have a way to see problem ticket IDs, the subject of problem tickets, and the count of related incidents all in one place.
Description/Use Cases:
Teams need to be able to create a report with the number of incidents tied to a problem ticket by subject name so work can be prioritized for higher incident problems.
Business impact of limitation or missing feature:
Using COUNT(Tickets) doesn't work, because it will only pull in the count of the problem ticket. Using Count(incidents) doesn't allow me to pull the problem subject, only the ID.
We need this to be able to track the feature requests we receive, and understand the number of customer requests we're receiving tied to each. We use the Problem Subject ID to provide the detail of the request. Sure, we can setup fields to track related by product and we do, but we need specific details about the request that we include in the subject line and not just the product its related to.
A HUGE plus would be clickable links... but that may be too much to ask. ;)
Other necessary information or resources:
This has been posted in the Q&A, but has not been submitted as feedback, so doing that here for consideration: https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/4411091250714-Populating-Problem-Ticket-Subject-in-Explore
17 commenti
Anselm Engle
This would be HUGE. Right now, we're doing a scheduled export to a Google sheet, then doing spreadsheet magic to get the data that way, and then inserting that into a document to create our dashboard. It's cumbersome, and it would be fantastic to be able to do all this in Zendesk, instead of elsewhere.
Mila Suthakar
I have no idea why this isn't already a thing - I've been trying to pull Subject in, and it's terrifyingly difficult! To have to export and vlookup is not actually helpful.
Frank Ferris
100% agree this should be available in ZD reporting
A good alternative solution is to export the data into a spreadsheet where you can take advantage of easy formulas and flexible reporting to build out this view. Coefficient (disclaimer I work here) offers automatic data imports and refreshes from ZD into Google Sheets.
Irina Gorelik
I was taken completely by surprise that this wasn't already supported. It seems so obvious that the problem ticket subject would be the descriptor of what the incident is about.
Jill Bragg
Is this something that's going to be added? Seems like a reasonable ask, & it'd make reporting on problems/associated incidents so much more useful. Thanks!!
Mike DR
No updates as of yet but we will keep you all posted if it will be possibly added in a future road map!
Keshia Coriolan
Hi All,
Is this already on your product roadmap or not at all? We use problem tickets for bug reports and track how many customers report the same bug. Right now, to gain this information and understand what to prioritize based on impact, we have to write each problem ticket ID manually, subject into a spreadsheet and go through our backlog every week by looking up each ticket to see what the number of linked incident tickets to that bug are. It's a very tedious process and inefficient use of our time when this could be done through reporting.
I would also add that it would be super important to be able to filter by Problem ticket status so we can pull for example problem tickets that are in Open status. Thank you!
Marius Wilhelmi
Since we also work with the problem ticket workflow, maintaining Explore dashboards about problem tickets is quite a pain. Since the ticket subjects cannot be automatically populated in Explore, our Explore specialist has to continuously add the titles by hand, e.g. in the legend of a graph, otherwise, no one can make any use of these dashboards. I hope for an update regarding the future roadmap since problem tickets are such an essential feature and something we need to closely monitor in our dashboards.
Any updates Zendesk? This ask has been requested since 2020, at least (see other feedback post sitting at 74 votes: https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/4409217044250-Problem-and-Incident-tickets-need-a-way-to-view-the-subject-and-detail-of-all-incident-tickets-against-a-problem-ticket-or-vice-versa)
This is desperately needed.
Wojciech Smajda
We appreciate you highlighting the need for a comprehensive reporting view that combines problem ticket IDs, the subject of problem tickets, and the count of related incidents in Zendesk Explore.
Your ability to prioritize workloads based on the volume of incidents associated with specific problem tickets is crucial for efficient problem resolution. We understand the challenge that the current limitations of COUNT(Tickets) and Count(incidents) pose in achieving this.
While this specific functionality is not currently available, rest assured that your detailed use case and the impact of this limitation on your business processes have been noted. We consider all customer feedback in our ongoing product development, and your request will be taken into account as we plan future Explore updates.
Thank you for taking steps to submit this as official feedback. Please continue engaging with the Zendesk Community for updates, discussions, and resources.
Jay Krishnan
+1 to this.
We have recently started using Problem/Incident feature in the hope that we will be able to gain deeper insights into what specific problems causes the most number of incidents etc. The ability to combine problem ticket ID, subject problem ticket and count of related incident tickets will be extremely crucial in the successful implementation of this feature.
Jake Warren
+1 For this, we use problem/incident relationship to organize product bugs and enhancements where we have 1 problem ticket under our internal org, and then link client incident tickets to that problem ticket. Without this, it makes reporting and organizing these tickets very difficult.
Erica Siew
Hi All,
Please include this on your product roadmap. It would really help in Dashboard reporting. Thanks!
TJ Brown
I posted this elsewhere, but posting here as well:
+1 on this. I'm a prospective buyer who's currently demo'ing out Zendesk, and to me it seems like table stakes to have the ability to list out your known bugs (Problems) and at a glance, understand how many linked Incidents there are for each bug. I know you can do this by Problem ID, but that gives me no information at a glance because I don't know what bug a Problem ID corresponds to.
This may be a deal-breaker for us – we were really excited about switching to you guys.
Wojciech Smajda Is there any update on this please? It is really causing us a lot of additional manual work. It feels like the use of Problems could massively help but with the lack of ability to report and also only being able to add public comments to all tickets if you are solving the problem (rather than also being able to send progress updates) is making this functionality unusable.
Wade Bishop
Definitely need this to help streamline incident management
Thomas O'Laughlin
I would like an update on this issue as well. This is a really bad look to be ignoring a pretty core functionality @zendesk Wojciech Smajda Can you please provide an update? Is this feature on the roadmap, or are you still ignoring your customers? I would much rather you peel an engineer of your AI efforts and put them on this.