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How can I list users who are active and not suspended?

Data ultimo post: 01 mar 2023


Lists both users with active true and users with active false.  Sames goes for suspended=true.  How can I filter on these values?



2 commenti

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Greg Katechis

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hi Sam! The query parameter that you passed is not an available side-load for users, which is why it's returning all users. I am not aware of an APIs that return all active users, however you can list deleted users with this request.


Hi Greg,

Not sure I understand you there.  From that documentation it sounds like side-loading refers to loading data from another table/object, but active and suspended are both fields within the user record, which is the record I'm retreiving.  I'm not looking to return any aditional data, the fields I want are both already returned as part of the user record, I just want to filter on them.


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