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Improve Zendesk guide article editor tools
Data ultimo post: 23 giu 2023
The editor is very basic. I would love to see buttons introduced that simply insert a note or a callout text box that doesn't require coding knowledge to implement.
Another feature request is to allow readers to select a particular article version, for example, some users may be using an app version 1.0 with different documentation to the app version 2.0. A simple toggle at the top of an article that's easy to implement (i.e., no code required) would be fantastic.
4 commenti
David Kahn
We just migrated from Confluence to Zendesk, and the lack of a non-code way to implement notes or "infos" has been a little problematic for us as well. We used them quite frequently, so there's been a bit of a learning curve for us to be able to reimplement them.
Migramos do Workpress para o Zendesk, sentimos fortemente a falta de facilidade de edição, 90% tem que ter conhecimento de recebimento de html, literalmente tendo que aprender a codificar para publicar o básico.
Tomara que com as novas mudanças, facilitem pelo menos o básico de edição.
Como inserir um colapso, acordeão, separadores e principalmente uma paleta de cores!
Deixar o código aberto, para inserir cores que não são padrões.
Inserir grifados, não tem essa opção na barra de edição, é isso é básico.
Tara McCann
Katarzyna Karpinska
Hey Zoe Goble, thank you for taking the time to provide us with this feedback. We apologize for the delay on our end in providing you with a response to your feature request.
This feature request has been accepted and is on our roadmap in 2024/2025. Per our Community Guidelines that we do not provide specific timelines around releases for our product and any discussion of planning is always subject to change. To stay on top of product releases please visit our What’s New page in the Help Center. We are going to leave this post open for comment to allow others to provide their feedback and use cases.
Thank you again for your feedback and for being a valuable customer with Zendesk.