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How can I add internal notes in bulk?

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Data ultimo post: 13 lug 2023

Hi! How can I add internal notes in bulk to a specific ticket list?



5 commenti

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Audrey Ann Cipriano

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Sharon Bare you can select tickets you want to update by ticking on the checkbox beside the tickets in your View.

When you select one or more tickets, a toolbar appears at the bottom of the list where you can click on "Edit" button and then enter the internal note :)  

More info here as well: Bulk update Tickets

Hope this helps! :) 


Thank you!


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Audrey Ann Cipriano

Zendesk Customer Care

You're welcome, Sharon! :) 


That's right, Audrey. Sharon, don't forget that this update is irreversible. Therefore, be careful with the other fields that will be edited.


When bulk updating tickets to add an internal note, make sure you have a macro specifically set for internal notes. After selecting the tickets you want to update, choose the macro that contains the internal note to apply it to all selected tickets.


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