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Messaging - Translation and more intuitive usage.

Con risposta

Data ultimo post: 27 lug 2023


Is it possible to :

- Translate Field Name un end user langage? 

- Let the end user put is name into text field directly? It's quite confusing for some of our end user to have two text field. 





5 commenti

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Ivan Miquiabas

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Denisssss! 
Good day! 
You should be able to translate automatically your ticket form name by using Dynamic contents as explained here
Other helpful tips about translation:


Hi Ivan, 


Thanks for feedback. Unfortunately, I tried, with no success. Name stays name..



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Ivan Miquiabas

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Denisssss!
To get this sorted out, let me create a ticket on your behalf, so that one of our advocate can streamline troubleshooting process. Thank you. 



I have the same problem and can't translate the Name field. Zendesk tech support answered that currently, it's not possible without enabling a chatbot. If there is any workaround for this? 


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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey Jekaterina Tavgen,

Since this isn't currently possible, I would recommend creating a feedback post in our Feedback - Chat and Messaging (Chat) using the following template: Product Feedback + Feature Request Post Template

This will help provide visibility of this need to our Product Managers.  

Let me know if you have any other questions!


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