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Meaning of "unreplied" tickets?
Con risposta
Data ultimo post: 15 ago 2023
Can someone explain the exact meaning of unreplied tickets? I assumed it was exactly as it sounded but after running the report, it seemed to be missing tickets. Is it only tickets created by end users where agents have not replied?
I'm looking for a report or view where staff/agents have commented internally but there hasn't been a response by the assignee. Am I on the right track with unreplied tickets? If not, is there a better way to do this?
1 commento
Dave Dyson (gmail)
Hi there -
"Unreplied tickets" are tickets that have not yet received a public agent response, so internal comments won't count as an agent reply.
For more details, see the definitions of Unreplied tickets and Agent replies metrics here: Metrics and attributes for Zendesk Support