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ask for details in social media messaging
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Data ultimo post: 08 ott 2023
when chatbot is enabled on social media Direct channels the "ask for details" answer is not working as it works in Web Widget and this makes a huge difference. It really affects the agents as without this option they they have to fill the ticket fields manually and this have significant effect on time .
another thing is that if I have dropdown menu how I supposed to make a workaround to show this so that requester can choose from it .
another thing in Web widget I had the ability to route tuckets based on details now I can not do this in social media channels !
19 commenti
Stephanie Langlois
Updated: Thank you all for taking the time to request this functionality. We currently have work around this planned to start in Q1 2025 with work wrapping up before the end of H1 2025. Thank you for your patience.
Shawna James
I want to point you in the direction of our product feedback template. This template has been designed by community members and PM's to help users provide the most accurate details for their feature request so that we can better understand your use case and needs. If you could, we would appreciate you taking the time to update your post and utilize the template.
For others who may be interested in this feature request, please add you support by upvoting this post and/or adding your use case to the the comments below. Thank you again!
Abdelhameed Khaled
I think I am following the template
Shawna James
Hi Abdelhameed, it looks like you have pieces of the template but not all elements. If I am misunderstanding what you have written please excuse me. The best way to provide feedback to our PM's is to answer the following questions in this structure:
Please give a quick overview of your product feature request or feedback and note who in your org is affected by this issue [ex. agents, admins, customers, etc.]. (2-3 sentences)
What problem do you see this solving? (1-2 sentences) I see you have provided some details here but
When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool? What happened? How often does this problem occur and how does this impact your business? (3-4 sentences)
Are you currently using a workaround to solve this problem? (If yes, please explain) (1-2 sentences)
What would be your ideal solution to this problem? How would it work or function? (1-2 sentences)
In your original post, I am missing this last question about what your ideal solution would be for this problem. I understand this format is new so you do not need to update your post if it's not ideal for you. I just want to make sure you have the information needed to provide the best feedback to our PM's. Thank you!
Leonardo Santos
This feature is sorely missed in the flow builder.
Personally, I use the flow builder on the WhatsApp channel, and for any data request, I need to include a message at the end of the flow and rely on the customer to fill it out. With the ability to add the "Ask for details" step in the WhatsApp flow, the chances of the customer providing the required data would be higher.
I also think about the possibility of including some data type validators (string, int, etc.) to ensure that the provided data is what is needed.
Abdelhameed Khaled
Leonardo Santos Yes It will add a great value to the conversation experience
Christian Duffus
I'm just contacting you about an important issue we've had with the WhatsApp integration of your system. The feature to route tickets based on user details, which works well in the Web Widget, is missing in the WhatsApp integration. This feature was a key factor in our decision to use your product, as mentioned by your sales team during our discussions.
Given the importance of this functionality for automating our client interactions and managing workflows efficiently, please provide a workaround or direct us to any case studies that might offer a solution. We have pressing client deliverables that rely heavily on this feature, and its absence is causing significant challenges.
Your prompt assistance in resolving this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Shawna James
Abdelhameed Khaled
Hello Shawna James . Is there any updates on this feature in other channels
Shayan Moussawi
This feature actually used to be available. In a somewhat limited way.
I am quite shocked that Zendesk decided to remove it without any further warning.
We really need a way for end-users to enter their EMail and Name at least.
We use WeChat so a phone number isn’t even available and hence we have no way in connecting the user from the chat to our existing clients.
Contabilidad (Admin)
It is incredible that this option is not available
Helder Custódio (ETEG)
Olá equipe Zendesk.
Gostaria de compartilhar minha experiência e sugestão em relação ao desenvolvimento da plataforma. Recentemente, tenho explorado a possibilidade de liberar a opção de solicitar detalhes para outros canais e gostaria de destacar a importância desse recurso, especialmente no canal do WhatsApp.
Como usuário ativo do WhatsApp para interações com clientes, percebo que a capacidade de solicitar detalhes específicos diretamente por esse canal seria extremamente valiosa para a construção de fluxos mais precisos e assertivos. Com a integração desses dados em chamadas de API, seríamos capazes de enriquecer significativamente nossos fluxos, tornando-os mais completos e adaptados às necessidades e preferências dos nossos clientes.
Acredito firmemente que essa atualização aumentaria não apenas a eficiência dos nossos processos, mas também a qualidade do serviço oferecido aos nossos clientes. Estou confiante de que, ao implementar essa funcionalidade, a Zendesk não apenas atenderia às necessidades atuais dos usuários, mas também se destacaria como uma plataforma verdadeiramente centrada no cliente.
TUS Airways
That's great to hear that there is a plan to work on this in Q4, is there any further update on this in relation to WhatsApp and planned timeline? Reason I ask it will help us understand how much effort and time do we invest in using WhatsApp with Zendesk.
arthur honjo
Hi Guys,
Any update about this issue?
Tom Watsham
do we have an update on this?
Shawna James
arthur honjo
I've tested it today and is still not working, it just skip to the next step.
Stephanie Langlois
arthur honjo I've gone and updated the official comment on this feedback to reflect our current plans. This feature is not yet available.