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Use of groups

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Data ultimo post: 06 nov 2023

Hi! I been researching the most that I can but still can't figure out what groups are for. Agents solve tickets based on Views that were defined based on groups, but no one knows which group they belong to, just what View they need to review.

I'm going to explained what my company did before I arrived. We need some people taking care, say, about Marketing, and other of Sales. Marketing issues are written to marketing@mail.com and Sales issues to sales@mail.com. So they created a group calles Group A for marketing and Group B for sales. Then they created a trigger that asigns mails received in marketing@mail.com to Group A and the ones received at sales@mail.com to Group B. Then, they created 2 views, one called Marketing and one called Sales and created a trigger that assigns everything Group A to Marketing adn Group B to Sales. I believe they should've just created both views and triggers that assign certain email address to each one, and forget about the groups, but I don't want to erase them because they must have created them for something, I just can't figure out why. I've read it makes the work of my agents easier, but how? I appreciate the help!



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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Paloma!

There are lots of use cases for groups that you can take advantage of. To refer the example you've provided, bear in mind that assigning a ticket to a group and a ticket that is displayed under a particular view are two different things. 

For more information on groups (possible workflows, user segmentation, limiting ticket visibility for certain agents, reporting...), I suggest reviewing the following articles:

About organizations and groups
Using groups

Hope this helps!

Best regards,


Hi Fran, thank you for sharing the links. Unfortunately, the hyperlink for the first articles is wrong. Here is the right one: https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/4408886146842-About-organizations-and-groups

Best, Melanie


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