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Child Ticket closure should by default open parent ticket

Con risposta

Data ultimo post: 07 dic 2023

Child ticket status change will not open parent ticket. In the current functionality, the parent ticket opens only if there is a comment done on the child ticket, not on the status change.

For Example - If my child's ticket agent does not comment on the ticket and just changes the status. The parent ticket should change the status automatically. 

Please suggest how to get this done. 






2 commenti

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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Akanksha,
Unfortunately, this is a limitation at the moment. This may be considered in future updates. Thanks for sharing your feedback!
Paolo | Technical Support Engineer | Zendesk


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Sydney Neubauer

Zendesk Luminary

I have created a general feedback post for all SC limitations: Side Conversation Limitations – Zendesk help feel free to add this to that!


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