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Attach Original Ticket's Comments to Follow Up Ticket
Data ultimo post: 12 mar 2024
I am requesting that a feature be implemented to attach the comments of a Closed ticket to its Follow Up ticket. This will save a lot of time for both our agents/admins and the end users they are communicating with. We have agents who get follow ups on Closed tickets months or years down the line, and having the original ticket thread visible on the new ticket would allow them to reply faster because they wouldn't need to hunt for the context of the follow up.
This feature would solve the problem of our agents having to open the original ticket and switch back and forth between the tickets while responding to the new one.
We are not currently using a workaround for this problem but I am going to try and find one.
My ideal solution to this problem would be that Zendesk implement some kind of system function that runs whenever a Follow Up ticket is created. It already knows the ID of the original ticket, so it could grab all of the comments and attach them to the new ticket either as an email attachment or on the thread itself. Either way it would display both on the ticket in Zendesk and in the email response received by the customer.
5 commenti
Adam Fronteras
that could get very messy as often people reply to a closed ticket to open a new ticket on a completely different item.
Sydney Neubauer
+1 to this functionality as well - we have definitely gotten complaints when an Agent performs a follow up ticket. If there was a way to customize the experience so those that want it, can do it - not something enabled for all instances. For example - when an agent chooses to do a follow up, they can choose to have a copy of the original ticket on the thread.
Shawna James
Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your feedback. This has been logged for our PM team to review. For others who may be interested in this feature request, please add your support by upvoting this post and/or adding your use case to the comments below. Thank you again!
dAVE Inden
It would be great to have an option for this via the API as well when creating a follow up ticket. An additional attribute (include_original_comments possibly?) to add for indicating the follow up comments should come over could be a nice way to control this. It could be a boolean (that defaults to false) and its use could look like this:
“ticket”: {
"via_followup_source_id": 123,
“include_original_comments”: true,
“comment”: {
“body”: “Ticket comment example that is totally great”,
“author_id”: 456,
“public”: true
Daniel Bernens
dAVE Inden +1 to that idea. That would be a great implementation.