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Strange Subject ID in the Help Center V4
Data ultimo post: 23 ago 2024
Hi everyone,
I'm certain there is an easy solution, but I'm simply trying to auto fill the subject on the help center for a specific form selected.
Inspecting the field shows an id of: #3--input.StyledTextInput-sc-k12n8x-0.egmjoO
An older version of the HC the subject id shows #request_subject.
This is probably why the form's subject is blank when I have this at the bottom of the script.js file. The date part is to confirm the code continues on the proper form.
var now = new Date();
var ticketForm = location.search.split('ticket_form_id=')[1];
if(ticketForm == 28485134800795) {
$('label[for=request_subject]').html("Custom Label");
$('#3--input').val('Custom subject'); // Autofill subject
All feedback is greatly appreciated.
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