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Benjamin Kirsch

Data ingresso 14 apr 2021


Ultima attività 28 feb 2025

Zendesk Product Manager





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Benjamin Kirsch ha commentato,

CommentoTicket management

Hi Dakotah Poitra , we can remove you from the rollout for the time being while we work through implementing more control for the feature on your end .  Please open a ticket with Zendesk Support and feel free to mention my name, your request with your account information will then make it to my team.

Visualizza commento · Data ultimo post: 28 feb 2025 · Benjamin Kirsch







Benjamin Kirsch ha commentato,

CommentoTicket management

Hi Kasey Knox , the speed in which an error appears is mainly dependent on when a recipient email server decides to send us the failure notice.  As soon as a failure is received within Support, we surface it immediately. 


Hi Stephen Belleau , appreciate the feedback!  I'll discuss it with the team.  And to clarify, would you expect the feature to be disabled for those types of notifications?

Visualizza commento · Data ultimo post: 27 feb 2025 · Benjamin Kirsch







Benjamin Kirsch ha commentato,

CommentoTicket management

Hi Karen Smith , that likely means that there are email notifications being sent out by your triggers on that comment that aren't a part of the To/CC fields in the ticket convo.  You can check the specific Trigger notification that is failing by utilizing the data in the EventLog.


For Kyle Dupont, Elisa Ma, and Suresh S: we can remove you from the rollout for the time being while we work through implementing more control for the feature on your end .  Please open a ticket with Zendesk Support and feel free to mention my name, your request with your account information will then make it to my team.  That will also help me to better track your use cases so we can work on accounting for those in future iterations.

Visualizza commento · Data ultimo post: 25 feb 2025 · Benjamin Kirsch







Benjamin Kirsch ha commentato,

CommentoTicket management

Hi Sydney, regarding Milena's question, she had asked it here but to summarize the answer, this feature will work External Addresses that are connected via Email Forwarding.  Other External Address connected via methods such as the Gmail Connector, SMTP Connector, or Exchange Connector are follow-on improvements that we're considering, which is called out in the note at the top of this article.


For the other two points, those are things that I'm tracking as follow-on improvements and I'll get the article updated to reflect that this initial release doesn't cover Side Conversations or a use case in which an identity doesn't have an email address.   


For the use case in which a user doesn't have an email address on their identity, there is already a warning in the Composer notifying an agent of that.  I understand that your ideal scenario would be to have that warning in this feature's UI (and I'm definitely tracking that), but just wanted to bring up this other feature in case you any feedback I can pass along to the team that implemented it.

Visualizza commento · Data ultimo post: 20 feb 2025 · Benjamin Kirsch







Benjamin Kirsch ha commentato,

CommentoTicket management

Hey all, really appreciate the engagement on this post!  Glad to see everyone excited about the feature and providing feedback.  There’s a few questions so will do my best to get them answered here:


Mare Donohue For your first question, this is something that we can consider adding in the future! I'll track this feedback as a feature request.  A potential solution for your request could be achieved by using the system tag we are adding to the ticket any time there is a failure: that tag could be used in an automation to send out an email to a specific address.


For your second question about Suspended Tickets, that is already possible and discussed in this HC article.


mfg At this time, that is all functionality that we are considering as a part of incremental improvements we will be making to the feature in the future.  I’ve jotted these down as feedback and will continue tracking them!  In the meantime, the Email Notifications API can be used to programmatically access the data powering the feature.


Robby Lawrence at this first release Side Conversations will not be covered.  I'll take your feedback and chat with the Side Conversations team about this.  I agree, getting this feature included in Side Conversations will be important.


Ronit Gieske As mentioned in the Announcement, the feature will be rolling out over a 2 week period from Feb 10, 2025 to Feb 24, 2025, so it may take some more time for it to be available in your account.  Also, to clarify, the use case you have described is already addressed by another feature mentioned here.

Visualizza commento · Data ultimo post: 12 feb 2025 · Benjamin Kirsch







Benjamin Kirsch ha commentato,

Commento nella community Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

Hi Jon Thorne at this first release Side Conversations will not be covered.  I'll take your feedback and chat with the Side Conversations team about this.  I agree, getting this feature included in Side Conversations will be important.

Visualizza commento · Data ultimo post: 12 feb 2025 · Benjamin Kirsch







Benjamin Kirsch ha commentato,

Commento nella community Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

Hey Philipp Metzdorf, that feature already exists within the To and CCs section of the Composer .  See “Step 5” under the To CC a user from the ticket interface section.  

If you have any feedback on that feature I can pass it along to the PM and team that implemented that!

Visualizza commento · Data ultimo post: 11 feb 2025 · Benjamin Kirsch







Benjamin Kirsch ha commentato,

Commento nella community Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

Hi Milena Rusanova, sorry for the confusion there. We've updated that note to be clearer and it now states “Note: This feature does not currently apply to email sent via the Gmail Connector, Authenticated SMTP Connector, and Exchange Connector (EAP).”


Email Status will work for External Support Addresses set up via the Email Forwarding feature.  Based on your comment, it seems like your Support Addresses are set up via that Email Forwarding feature, so you should be covered.

Visualizza commento · Data ultimo post: 11 feb 2025 · Benjamin Kirsch







Benjamin Kirsch ha creato un articolo,

Data dell'annuncio Data di inizio implementazione Fine dell’implementazione
10 febbraio 2025 10 febbraio 2025 24 febbraio 2025

Ora, quando un'email in uscita non viene recapitata ai destinatari previsti, nello Spazio di lavoro agente vengono mostrati una notifica di errore e il codice di errore associato. Questo aiuta gli agenti a capire quali passaggi devono intraprendere per raggiungere l’utente finale del ticket.

Questo annuncio include i seguenti argomenti:

Cosa cambia?

Zendesk ha implementato una nuova funzionalità per lo Spazio di lavoro agente che migliora la visibilità degli errori di recapito delle email in uscita e li mette in evidenza nell’interfaccia utente di Support. Questa modifica interessa tutti gli utenti dello Spazio di lavoro agente, che ora potranno contare su codici di errore e informazioni contestuali utili in caso di mancato recapito delle email relative agli aggiornamenti dei ticket. La nuova funzionalità migliora notevolmente l'efficienza delle interazioni con il servizio clienti consentendo agli agenti di identificare e risolvere rapidamente i problemi di recapito delle email.

Il tag ticket system_email_notification_failure viene aggiunto ai ticket che presentano errori di recapito delle email in uscita, consentendoti di creare viste o cercare tali ticket.

È stata rilasciata una nuova API per le notifiche email pubblica, pensata per rendere accessibili a livello di codice i dati alla base di questa nuova esperienza.

Perché Zendesk apporterà questo cambiamento?

Zendesk si impegna a migliorare l’esperienza d'uso dello Spazio di lavoro agente offrendo insight più approfonditi sulle comunicazioni email. Le notifiche email e le conversazioni email in thread sono fondamentali per il nostro modello di servizio clienti.

Quando i messaggi email non raggiungono i destinatari previsti, il processo di assistenza viene compromesso e gli agenti hanno difficoltà ad assistere i clienti in modo efficace. Attraverso notifiche chiare e codici di errore, vogliamo aiutare gli agenti a risolvere i problemi più rapidamente e a mantenere alta la soddisfazione dei clienti.

Che cosa devo fare?

Questa modifica non richiede alcuna azione da parte tua. Inizierai a vedere nuovi dettagli nelle informazioni dell'intestazione delle email in uscita, sia nella conversazione del ticket che nel registro degli eventi del ticket, che indicano se un'email non è stata consegnata correttamente.

Puoi ottenere maggiori insight sul motivo dell’errore facendo clic con il cursore sull’icona dell’errore e puoi consultare la nostra documentazione per capire come risolvere il problema. Inoltre, per ulteriore assistenza nella risoluzione del problema, gli eventi dei ticket conterranno maggiori informazioni sui trigger che hanno generato il messaggio di errore.

Per lasciare un feedback o per eventuali domande in merito a questo annuncio, visita il forum della community, dove vengono raccolti e gestiti i feedback dei clienti sui prodotti. Per ricevere assistenza generica con i prodotti Zendesk, contatta l’assistenza clienti Zendesk.

Data ultima modifica: 20 feb 2025 · Benjamin Kirsch







Benjamin Kirsch ha commentato,

Commento nella community Feedback - Admin Center
Hey Boyan, thank you for taking the time to provide us with this feedback! 
This is a great feature request and I have added it to the backlog for future consideration. This means that we will think about adding it as a priority later in our planning cycle. We are going to leave this post open for comment to allow others to provide their feedback and use cases, however please note as is stated in our Community Guidelines that we can not commit to prioritizing any one piece of feedback we receive in the community. 
Thank you again for your feedback and for being a valuable customer with Zendesk.

Visualizza commento · Data ultimo post: 02 dic 2024 · Benjamin Kirsch





