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Travis Tubbs

Data ingresso 15 apr 2021


Ultima attività 07 mar 2023





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Travis Tubbs ha commentato,

Commento nella community Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

This is a major limitation for us current as well. We want certain triggers and automations to only occur when the (Current User) or (Requester) is a light agent. But since light agents are considered "agents" in the conditions made available, this is not possible currently.

Agents and Light Agents need to be separated out and not be considered the same when it comes to triggers and automations.

Visualizza commento · Data ultimo post: 14 lug 2021 · Travis Tubbs







Travis Tubbs ha creato un post,

Post Q&A - Users, groups, and organizations

I'm working on creating a report in Explore to look for tickets where the custom date field on the organization's profile is not blank (NULL).

While reviewing the results of the query, I noticed the data presented was inaccurate. Upon further investigation, I discovered Explore is returning results based on the Requester's Organization and not the Ticket Organization. This is a problem for end user profiles with multiple organizations as I don't need their default organization. I need the Ticket Organization.

Anyone know if there is a way I can get Explore to display the Organization Custom Field data based on the Ticket Organization instead?

Data ultimo post: 22 apr 2021 · Travis Tubbs







Travis Tubbs ha commentato,

Commento nella community Feedback - Reporting and analytics (Explore)

This is something I'm interested in as well. We use an app that adds a tag to their ticket if they're offline and removes it when they're not (similar to the Out of Office app), so the tag isn't always on the ticket. We want to be able to see when this tag is being added and removed.

Visualizza commento · Data ultimo post: 12 gen 2021 · Travis Tubbs







Travis Tubbs ha commentato,

Commento nella community Q&A - Reporting and analytics

Thanks for taking a stab at this, @...!

I appreciate your suggestion to use a custom metric. Unfortunately, the queries we created need to have their data manipulated in the dashboards they're put in. So while this is great for the one-off yearly review I'm working on, I would still have to question the numbers I'm looking at in our day-to-day dashboards. (Probably should have mentioned we also look at created versus solved in other places.)

Like you recommended, I'll reach out to Zendesk Support to see if they can provide some clarity. If they are able to shine a spotlight on what's going on (that's not specific to my account), I'll add it to this thread in case it could be helpful for anyone else.

Visualizza commento · Data ultimo post: 12 gen 2021 · Travis Tubbs







Travis Tubbs ha creato un post,

Post Q&A - Reporting and analytics

I'm currently working on reviewing data from our past year. Simple start is comparing our volume to the previous year. The problem I'm running into is the difference in number presented between the Tickets dataset and the Ticket Updates dataset.

Over in the Tickets dataset, I create a simple query with the following:
Metrics: COUNT(Tickets)
Columns: Ticket created - Month
Rows: Ticket created - Year (filtered for only 2019 and 2020)

Over in the Ticket updates dataset, I create another simple query with the following:
Metrics: COUNT(Tickets created)
Columns: Update - Month
Rows: Update - Year

The first thing that popped out was the fact that the Ticket Updates dataset query showed a 3x difference in tickets created for a particular month than the Tickets dataset. Other months also show smaller differences as well (typically less than 10 tickets).

(Note: We moved to Zendesk in the middle of 2019 which may account for the insane difference in the Ticket Updates dataset.)

To troubleshoot, I added the metric COUNT(Tickets solved) to the Ticket Updates dataset query. Sure enough, that brought the inaccurate number more inline with the Tickets dataset count. (There are still minor differences in other counts between the two datasets too.)

But now if you compare the Solved number presented by the Ticket Updates dataset, they don't match (sometimes by nearly 40x) the numbers presented in the Tickets dataset with the following query:
Metrics: COUNT(Solved tickets)
Columns: Ticket solved - Month
Rows: Ticket solved - Year (filtered for only 2019 and 2020)

The reason I've used the Ticket Updates dataset in the past is because I want to show both Created and Solved in charts. But seeing the difference in numbers has me concern as to which is giving the correct numbers I should be looking at, especially once I start adding in other criteria to compare counts.

Could someone help explain why there is a (sometimes jarring) difference in numbers and how I should be comparing tickets created and solved?

Data ultimo post: 08 gen 2021 · Travis Tubbs







Travis Tubbs ha creato un post,

Post Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

We recently enabled the new Zendesk Agent Workspace for our small team. A common piece of feedback we've received from our team is related to the details displayed in the tab title.

In the Agent Workspace, the name of the requester and a snippet of text in the most recent message response is displayed. While this may be useful for those that are primarily a chat environment, this information is not helpful for those with an environment that is primarily email/web and phone. (Although even in a chat environment, I don't see how seeing two or three words in the tab is helpful.)

Most email/web tickets start off the same, "Hi ." When multiple tickets are opened from the same requester (such as when comparing details from previous incidents), it isn't easy to identify which ticket is which.

The above image is five different tickets from Keith. Can you tell which is which?

In the previous layout, displaying the ticket title gave context on the content of the ticket. As you can see in the above screenshot, displaying the Requester name and first couple of words does not. This has negative effects on the team's workflow. They are now having to click between tickets more often to identify them.

A response I've seen from Zendesk in the announcement of the Agent Workspace is to mouse over the tabs to see more details. That's not a viable solution. Agents are more efficient when they are able to eyeball what tab is what by seeing the information they need in the tab itself.

If our team has any more feedback on this, I'll be sure to provided it.

Data ultimo post: 30 ott 2020 · Travis Tubbs







Travis Tubbs ha creato un post,

Post Feedback - Reporting and analytics (Explore)

While like considered minor, this really annoys me.

When I create a query using a table and set the columns to be responsive, the cells are evenly spaced as expected in the query.

However, as soon as I add the query to a Dashboard, an unnecessary scrollbar appears at the bottom of the widget. It's not because there's too much data as the bar scrolls nowhere.

Hardcoding widths into the query isn't a solution as it's a query shared across Dashboards that have different widths. And letting the query automatically fit to content means it'll constant change widths depending on the content within the table's results.

This is very annoying and really messes up the design of Dashboards, especially when you're trying to make them look nice and presentable.

Data ultimo post: 23 apr 2020 · Travis Tubbs







Travis Tubbs ha commentato,

Commento nella community Feedback - Voice (Talk)

I've already added my two-cents but I'm adding in a couple more because this is ridiculous. While we offer our callers the option to leave a voicemail or request a callback, sometimes a caller doesn't want to use that option. That's fine. That's why they're there.

But we've had a call waiting nearly 50 MINUTES today because we can't get it to route to an available agent.

It doesn't help that Zendesk doesn't provide any way for us to even see any details about these pending calls, why it might not have reached an agent, or any kind of details that gives insight about the waiting calls.

I can see how this would be less of a problem for larger call centers but when you're a small team like ours (with maybe 1-3 agents answering phones per shift), this turns into a bad experience for everyone.

Fix this.

Visualizza commento · Data ultimo post: 06 mar 2020 · Travis Tubbs







Travis Tubbs ha commentato,

Commento nella community Feedback - Voice (Talk)

This is one of the most annoying things about Zendesk Talk. We also have a very small team. Having one agent miss a call leads to a very bad experience for the customer, especially if other agents (if staffed) are stuck on a long call. (We had one call wait at least 12 minutes just this morning.)

This really needs to change.

Visualizza commento · Data ultimo post: 27 gen 2020 · Travis Tubbs







Travis Tubbs ha commentato,

Commento nella community Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

There's an app from Zendesk called Ticket Field Manager (https://www.zendesk.com/apps/support/ticket-field-manager/?q=mkp_ticket%20field%20manager) that does just this.

If it worked.

When I made the fields read-only, most of my fields disappeared. When I tried again, the fields were not read-only. (And an error appears in the browser's console.)

I have a ticket open with Support and they're investigating. Hopefully, they'll be able to fix it and it's the solution for your needs.

Visualizza commento · Data ultimo post: 05 nov 2019 · Travis Tubbs





