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Henkka (Pepron)
Data ingresso 15 apr 2021
Ultima attività 01 mar 2023
Zendesk Consult for 10 years with over 70 successful Zendesk deployments
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Henkka (Pepron) ha commentato,
Adding +1 here, and would like to ask does this feature request also cover all of these emails being sent from
Or is there another feature request for that? Or if this is possible to already change even better :)
It's causing problems when we are using a diffetent email domain for these emails then the one the customer is accustomed to.
Visualizza commento · Data ultimo post: 07 set 2022 · Henkka (Pepron)
Henkka (Pepron) ha commentato,
Have to continue still on this:
So in the case that a non-authenticated visitor enters the same email address twice on different machines/devices or a random person puts in the person A's email address, the ticket created in Support will be tied to whatever email address was entered at the start of the chat conversation. Only the Support end user with that verified email address will have access to the contents of the tickets (across all channels)
When we have an already existing end-user with a verified email address in Zendesk Support for test@test.com email - the email is already verified within Zendesk Support - and visitor Y comes to the site and inputs test@test.com as their email address is the Agent Workspace chat an chat ticket under Zendesk Support created under that verified test@test.com email address based just on what in this case visitor Y writes on the prechat form? If not, what's the agent experience for chats/chat tickets within Zendesk Support in Agent workspace when there already is existing end-user with verified email address present and visitor Y inputs that same email address to the prechat form.
From your answer I understand that everything would be delivered of course only to the end-users email address in this case test@test.com so the end-user only has access if they have access to test@test.com email inbox.
The history part is good and we now understand this but what we're after now in this continuing question is as chat is an instant messaging system and if the chat/chat ticket with Zendesk Support in Agent workspace is created under whatever is inputted as the email address by visitor Y in the prechat form - what is the agent experience handling the chat? As whatever is written by the agent in the on-going chat is delivered to visitor Y via chat channel and not via email channel where this verified email address would work.
Visualizza commento · Data ultima modifica: 27 gen 2022 · Henkka (Pepron)
Henkka (Pepron) ha commentato,
Thank you Ramin!
We understand now how the history part works. This is a little off-topic, and should possibly be under another article, but still another continuing question on 1:
If we get the same email address for the chat visitor via the prechat widget and we have Agent workspace where the chat ticket is created and managed within Zendesk Support and therefore the Zendesk Support End-user would have to be on the created chat/chat ticket ticket how does this work with the same email?
We understand that we can handle the end-user within chat as a different end-user but as with Agent workspace within Zendesk Support there can't be two different end-users with the same email what would the agent experience be when handling this kind of a ticket?
Visualizza commento · Data ultima modifica: 27 gen 2022 · Henkka (Pepron)
Henkka (Pepron) ha commentato,
Hi Ramin,
And thanks for your comment.
1. Just to make sure - if we are not using our own tokens etc for authenticating users or doing any custom authentication - just the Zendesk Chat's prechat form.
When we have visitor X inputting email test@test.com and user Y inputting email test@test.com how does this work:
A. If the chat with with visitor X is live?
B. If the chat with visitor X ended let's say 24 hours ago?
2. Is this chat history functionality only present when there is a custom authentication in use?
3. If the Zendesk prechat form doesn't show any chat history even when there is the same email inputted is there anyway to restrict this new chat history functionality with custom authentication present so that chat with custom authentication would act exactly the same way as with the Zendesk chat prechat form and no history would be shown to any visitor?
Visualizza commento · Data ultima modifica: 27 gen 2022 · Henkka (Pepron)
Henkka (Pepron) ha commentato,
Question regarding this functionality where the chat log is preserved - What happens when prechat form is enabled?
If I open a chat with prechat form and input test.user@test.com as my email address the chat opens as a chat from end-user test.user@test.com.
What happens when whoever someone else opens a zendesk chat with the prechat form and inputs the same email address test.user@test.com as their email - is the same chat history shown just based on what the end-user types as their email address to the prechat form?
Visualizza commento · Data ultima modifica: 26 gen 2022 · Henkka (Pepron)
Henkka (Pepron) ha commentato,
Voicing on opinion on the subject: This is a basic functionality in many other ticketing systems. This is also part of the problem why many other ticketing systems are hard to use and manage.
Even if there would be a perfect technical solution to hide details from different agents based on this and that we are left with the managing part which gets hairy very fast.
As soon as we start to restrict the whole 360 view of the customer which is the basis of modern multi channel customer service systems and processes and have a situation where we can't trust that all that we see is really all that there is we are sort of "going away" from the whole idea on which for example Zendesk runs on and does a pretty good job.
On technical side then at first glance this feature request for limitins groups out totally seems pretty straight forward but when you start to go into details and start to really look into what to do with the user profile, what to do with reporting, how this affects different apps and channels etc it also get very hairy.
What we have as a Zendesk partner done with customers is we have left these groups out of Zendesk for the time being. Not just because you can't do it easily but also because when you start limiting and managing those limitations many times, not always, but many times even without the technical limitations we have come to the agreement that adding these restrictions would hinder and make difficult all the other work in Zendesk to that point that things work better and more efficiently if we keep the 360 idea of the customer inside Zendesk which everyone can count on.
Saying all this, as a Zendesk Partner we have a lot of customers who are asking for this and a lot of customers where the deal might hang on this kind of a feature so really looking forward if Zendesk finds a way in the end to implement this and other kind of Enterprise restrictions which are found in other systems but do these implementations in the Zendesk way so that it's not a total pain in the **s to both work with and manage :)
Visualizza commento · Data ultimo post: 18 feb 2021 · Henkka (Pepron)
Henkka (Pepron) ha commentato,
Hi Bart,
If I understood correctly this tip earlier in the thread might do the trick:
Unrelated tip: You can easily also create user and organization links with the following calculated attributes:
LINK("https://YOURORGANIZATION.zendesk.com/agent/users/"+[Requester ID],[Requester name])
LINK("https://YOURORGANIZATION.zendesk.com/agent/organizations/"+[Requester Organization ID],[Requester organization Name])
LINK("https://YOURORGANIZATION.zendesk.com/agent/users/"+[Ticket requester ID],[Ticket requester name])
LINK("https://YOURORGANIZATION.zendesk.com/agent/organizations/"+[Ticket organization ID],[Ticket organization name])
For your use case if I understood it correctly _ticket_ requester would be good but if you're using these for user/organization spesific queries then you could use also use Requester ID/Organization ID without _ticket_.
In the latter just keep in mind that if you've activated multiple organizations this will show you always Requesters/Users default organization while if you're doing ticket spesific queries Ticket Requester/Organization ID will always bring up the right organization based on the ticket.
Unfortunately none of these work with drillins etc for now so you probably need to do a Table query like in the example in this article
Visualizza commento · Data ultimo post: 16 gen 2021 · Henkka (Pepron)
Henkka (Pepron) ha creato un post,
We manage a lot of Zendesk sites. A crucial part of the workflow for managing articles and developing Guide for self-service is to understand what users search for via Guide itself or even more via the Web Widget.
We still use this hard-coded feature on many of our Zendesk accounts for seeing what people have search and clicked etc:
Now we also have totally new Zendesk accounts where for a good reason all of these old hard-coded reports as well as Insights/Gooddata is not shown anymore and everything is moved to Explore which is totally how it should be.
So we went and tried to find how we're able to see what our users search for by creating a Guide report for it only to find out this is currently not possible and all Guide related reporting features actually just revolve around Knowledge capture app and answer bot.
This feature is absolutely crucial in the quest for making and especially managing our Guide's so we know what articles are needed and can add these searches as labels for the correct articles. And we can see the tech in reality still is there for the hard-coded view because we have on some of our accounts while on others not.
We know there are ways to use Google Analytics etc to see something but what we need is an easy way to see "this is the search" and copy paste it to the correct articles and it has to be inside Zendesk because this is something we need to monitor on an on-going basis. Just like this was and still is at our accounts. Google Analytics is not providing us this.
We believe it's going to take awhile to add this to Explore taken how it's done now so please:
1. Enable the existing hard-coded search somewhere inside Zendesk. It could be inside Guide settings if the Reporting button inside Zendesk is going away etc but please enable this crucial feature somewhere on the Support or Guide product.
EDIT: This is enabled but it needs the Guide to be activated and takes some time to show in Reporting!
2. Add the ability (metrics&attributes) to create a custom report for all the searches self-service users do to Explore.
Data ultimo post: 27 mar 2020 · Henkka (Pepron)
Henkka (Pepron) ha commentato,
This is a very important feature and used in Insights all the time.
Does this mean we're unable to for example add a Last Updated date and sort via that too?
Visualizza commento · Data ultimo post: 16 set 2019 · Henkka (Pepron)
Henkka (Pepron) ha commentato,
We have this need too, any updates?
Visualizza commento · Data ultimo post: 10 ott 2017 · Henkka (Pepron)