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Corrin Duque
Data ingresso 15 apr 2021
Ultima attività 04 feb 2022
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Corrin Duque ha creato un post,
We need to have an Alias for End-users added to Community!
Or at least a viable solution that solves the "anonymous/alias" user private identity requirements of communities like ours.
We chose to use Zendesk for our private end-user community. Because the majority of our end-users want the ability to be known in the community via an Alias or at least be anonymous not revealing their full name we worked with both Zendesk support team members and an approved Zendesk partner to create a work around. Unfortunately our work around failed on a few counts. See disadvantages listed below.
Currently there is no way to have an Alias. But we want and need to if we are going to use Zendesk for our customers to engage with one another.
Here is what we implemented after working with Zendesk and a Zendesk authorized provider Help Center design expert.
ZD initial proposed possible workaround:
Create a custom field for user real name and make their ZD username the alias.
- Profile name changes so that requester name becomes the alias in all ticket communications, views and reports.
- This isn't ideal as the customer would be addressed by their alias instead of their user/profile name. User management would also be a challenge.
- This won't work for us as we need tickets to come in with the end users current name format of FirstName_LastName-OrganizationName
Current Workarounds:
First Name only for Community:
Note: Public Profiles must be turned off for this solution.
- Privacy settings were enabled and Private profiles selected so that users would not be able to see anyone's profile. Unfortunately this does not stop users from seeing full names of the community members. So our work around for Alias and anonymous users failed due to the disadvantages listed below.
- We went to a first name only basis. We had a customization implemented that removed all information following the user's first name in the Community. Tickets remained as the full profile name. (We also removed Avatar for the Community).
- For users who requested an Alias instead of their first name we added a short "alias" name at the beginning of their user profile. Not ideal. But as a SAAS solution that does serious project and account work for our customers we can't change their true identity to an alias.
This solution failed due to the disadvantages listed below.
Unique User for Community:
- The other solution we implemented was to set up a separate unique user with the Alias name
- We created a custom user profile field called "Alias" which we used to cross reference the "real name" in the Alias User and the "alias name" in the Real User.
- We added the Alias column to our Customer lists for reference and reconciliation
- Not ideal. Not only is it confusing, it creates organizational chaos and is not scalable especially for our 500 customer base in a fast growing company.
- In addition we already had one user accidentally post to the community from his Real user and raise an emergency request to delete it noting with resigned despair that his identity had already been exposed.
- If users accidentally started raising tickets from their Alias users we create further user management confusion. We are not making this option available to more than a select few users as a temporary work around.
This solution did not fail per the disadvantages listed below. But it fails as a viable solution as it introduces serious user management challenges.
- Full username shows up in the Community search results. This can be removed in the code so that Community search results to not show author.
- Full username shows in the email notifications sent to any user following the post or comments. There is no way to remove or modify this currently. The only possibility to avoid this would be to remove the "Follow" button from the Topics and Posts pages so that users could not subscribe to email notifications for updates to posts or comments. This of course removes a very valuable function of community so is a huge trade off to ensure user identify privacy.
- Full name can also be seen in the page code. There is no way to cloak or alter this.
We would love to have an Alias solution for End-users added to Community! We truly need this!
In the meantime, if anyone has a more functional workaround I'd love to hear.
Data ultimo post: 18 gen 2017 · Corrin Duque
Corrin Duque ha commentato,
I believe my question was answered by the results! Even though the article does state "It may take an hour or so for the new custom dimensions to be available in your Google Analytics project" I expected to see them a bit sooner.
In logging out and back in several records suddenly populated.
So entering only the JS code indicated in step 3 worked great. I suppose the Google Analytics example is for other platforms.
Thank you again for updating!
Visualizza commento · Data ultimo post: 04 gen 2017 · Corrin Duque
Corrin Duque ha commentato,
Thanks Jennifer and team for updating! This is indeed a Happy New Year gift!
I've followed the instructions and tested to ensure it no longer breaks the java script and will wait a few hours to see if results start populating.
Question on the article. Is there a place we should be adding the javascript detailed out by the Google Analytics custom dimension referenced in step 2?
Or do we only need to add the javascript as indicated in step 3?
Visualizza commento · Data ultimo post: 04 gen 2017 · Corrin Duque
Corrin Duque ha commentato,
Thanks Jennifer,
We are unable to pull a report on solely customer or soley agent site search activity currently. I signed up for early access to explore so haven't seen more than a demo of BIME Analytics. Are you aware of whether we will be able to pull a high level Customer vs Agent site search trends via Explore?
Visualizza commento · Data ultimo post: 12 dic 2016 · Corrin Duque
Corrin Duque ha commentato,
Any news on updating this so we can track user role in site search?
Visualizza commento · Data ultimo post: 12 dic 2016 · Corrin Duque
Corrin Duque ha commentato,
Thanks Jennifer! Excellent news! I look forward to being able to leverage this!
Visualizza commento · Data ultimo post: 15 ago 2016 · Corrin Duque
Corrin Duque ha commentato,
Adding the final comment from Zendesk support pointing to the resources for updating this script. As a novice in java script I am not able to create the script based on the instruction and shell alone. Hopefully this provides all that is needed to update this article as this is a valuable information perspective to capture:
"As you can see here the use of the _gac object has been deprecated by Google and is something that we don't load in Help Center. Thus, when you utilize this old code, the JavaScript on the page fails as _gac is undefined as seen here. When this exception occurs all JS on the page fails to run, and it is necessary for the JS on the page to run as you have a theme that relies of JS to show the Submit button once someone clicks into the comment area.
Thus, to continue using what you were using I recommend you use the new code that Google supports which can be found here.
The new tracking uses the following syntax ga('send', 'pageview');, you can find more info about transition from the old code to the new in this Google article.
Once you have the proper (new) Google Analytics code in place and no JS fails on your Help Center, you should not have the issue you were experiencing earlier.
I can provide some guidance regarding this, however please not that I'm not versed in Google Analytics.
As the old ga.js is legacy code and can still be used I would first try to see if pasting the code found here and replacing UA-XXXXX-X with your web property ID, resolves the issue for you. You can paste this code in the Document Head section of your Help Center. This would be the easiest way for you to get things working as it was. However, please note that this may break in the near future.
If you would like to migrate to the new Universal Analytics by Google Analytics you'll have to make some backend changes in your Google Analytics as stated here. The Custom Variables found on the old platform has been changed to Custom Dimensions. As you can see the generic code for custom dimension is ga('set', 'dimension1', 'Paid');, if you compare this to the old ga.js it's as follows:
I hope this helps you out get started with getting things working for your Help Center and Google Analytics again."
Visualizza commento · Data ultimo post: 15 ago 2016 · Corrin Duque
Corrin Duque ha commentato,
Thanks so much Jessie! I'm a novice with java script so the update will be truly appreciated!
Visualizza commento · Data ultimo post: 03 ago 2016 · Corrin Duque
Corrin Duque ha commentato,
I received an update from Zendesk that this article references an old legacy code. The following articles were provided to help modify using the new code Google supports:
Visualizza commento · Data ultimo post: 01 ago 2016 · Corrin Duque
Corrin Duque ha commentato,
I also need the correct code for the exact example in this article as using the one given broke our java script.
I have a Zendesk ticket out on this as I had to remove the script due to the unwanted impact of the presence of the script causing the Submit button on the customer's request page to disappear.
We truly need to be able to measure user role in our Google Analytics so would be grateful for the functional script! Thanks!
Visualizza commento · Data ultimo post: 01 ago 2016 · Corrin Duque