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Phelan Carey

Data ingresso 29 ott 2021


Ultima attività 08 feb 2022





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Phelan Carey ha creato un post,

Post Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

Zendesk Dev Team - It would be spectacularly useful to be able to set to Custom View as the Default view that the ZD interface displays when you land on the "Main Agent Page" [https://[company].zendesk.com/agent/].

I have a view ("Phelan's Tickets") that displays only the tickets which our Ticket Manager put under my purview - I am constantly re-visiting the "Agent Main Page" in order to curate my queue (hundreds of clicks per day), and every single time that happens, I am presented with the "My Tickets" view, instead of the "Phelan's Tickets" custom view.

1) The extra click & load time is tiresome - Support agents such as myself & my team have so much on our minds that even minor snags and speed-bumps in processes derail us.

2) If I forget to switch views, I end up looking at and addressing tickets in the Main Queue, which aren't assigned to me, wasting time & derailing.

I believe this to be a low-effort, high-return ticket. Please address ASAP!

Data ultimo post: 08 feb 2022 · Phelan Carey







Phelan Carey ha commentato,

Commento nella community Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

Hey Folks - This is a +1 from my team, too.

Tickets are all-but-never 100% clean and sequential - there are assumptions that get wound and unwound, Scope Creep that must be handled, User Cases and Technical Information that must be aggregated and sifted once / twice / thrice - before the ticket expands-to-and-addresses the entire breadth of the issue raised within it.

For example... right now, I'm in the middle of aggregating all of a customer's disparate complaints (ZD, Email, Gong, etc) into one ZD thread, which I will then hatchet down sub-task by sub-task. I am just about to Slack my Customer Success Manager so that she can follow along: My Internal Note in which I aggregated all of their complaints is 5-7 questions down in the thread, already. I want to post a link in the Slack convo which auto-scrolls directly to this Internal Note, since it's the nexus of Current Understanding about this ticket, and will be for another ~12 ZD posts at least.

All that's required to produce this functionality is.... 1) The use or establishment link of some kind of link-safe unique ID for each Thread Tile, 2) A permalink button tastefully displayed in each a/o 2a) the Global Config therefore, and 3) the front-end functionality to Auto-Scroll to this thread post.

It would be great if this could get dispatched ASAP. I think this would be high-win for relatively low-effort.

Visualizza commento · Data ultimo post: 29 ott 2021 · Phelan Carey





