

Agent Workspace conversation line breaks/color coded replies


Hey Zendesk,

Since enabling Agent Workspace we noticed that the comment line breaks have disappeared. In long conversations back and forth between Agents and end-users, the ticket can become confusing.

Without this line break it is harder to identify the difference between an Agent reply and an End-user reply. We have had cases where Agents will say " 3rd comment" and usually, we count the lines to find the comment. Without those lines, it becomes a bit harder. Not impossible but more difficult.

We would like this differentiation back or even color-coded replies. An identifying marker to determine the difference between an Agent reply and an End-user reply.







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Amisha Sharma

Zendesk Product Manager

Hello everyone,

Excited to share with you that Modernized Conversational Experience beta is now accepting sign ups: https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/6910916146330-What-is-the-Modernized-Conversational-Experience-MCE

We will be addressing the pain point expressed in this post as well as part of this beta. Inviting all of you to have your admin sign up to opt into this beta to provide us early feedback. Thanks!


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Amisha Sharma

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Everyone,

Thank you all so much for taking the time to share the feedback with us in regards to the way we display the messages in the conversation log. We are actively listening and have our eyes on this post. Our team would like to investigate this feature request further to find the best way to address your needs. On September 14th, at 11:00 am CST, the Agent Workspace team will be hosting a closed feedback discussion that will focus on Conversation Log navigation improvements, including, searching, sorting, color difference in replies and how the latest message is displayed. Join us as we have members from the Agent Workspace team on hand to hear more about your pain points and use cases! RSVPs will be limited so be sure to sign up as soon as possible!

If you're interested, you can RSVP here: https://events.zendesk.com/e/mn6yap/

We would love to chat with you and find the best solution. Thanks!


Dividing lines would be a big improvement for us as well.


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Amisha Sharma

Zendesk Product Manager

Hello Syd & Monica,

Thanks for providing feedback. As we work on redesigning the reading and writing experience, your feedback is very valuable. I'm looking to meet with you 1:1 or in a group to get feedback on the new designs.

Please do not post your personal information when responding to this request, but please let us know if you're open to meeting 1:1 or in a group setting to provide feedback on a few new designs. Thanks! Once we hear back from you, we'll coordinate time with you and send a calendar invite for a 30-minute session. 


Posting to see if there has been an update on this request?  We are in the process of migrating to Agent Workspace and this has come up consistently as a pain point in feedback we've received so far.  A large percentage of our tickets will be active for 3-6 months or longer and gather many comments/replies in that span, so being able to differentiate between replies is key for us.


Grant Schuemann 

I found that for people struggling, uploading the company logo as a profile picture to their zendesk profile helped differentiate between end-user and agent messages.


Is there any news on this? It's now the end of November and there is still no basic divider or other changes in the Agent Workspace to separate out customer from agent replies. Can't we have the agent reply with a different background to the customer, or some other divider between messages to at least be able to see, at a glance, where each comment ends?



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Amisha Sharma

Zendesk Product Manager

Hello All,

Thanks for engaging on this thread. Unfortunately, we haven't been able to prioritize working on this project this quarter as we are currently working on a few reliability and stability projects to improve the performance of our ticket UI. But, please know that this is on our radar and we plan to start working on this next year. Thanks again!


PLEASE prioritize this!

We are wasting time EVERY day, because it's so difficult to see, where one update stops and another one start, especially when there is replies to replies to replies.

It's the worst of the many, bad bad UX/UI decisions that have been made with the big update of last year.


We also want to see this basic feature implemented. This topic has been open for almost 2 years now...


Amisha Sharma what is the latest on this please?


Yes, please. We have heard from our agents that this would be very useful. Would be great to have customer and agent responses in different colors and have them staggered. Customer to the left and the agents comments to the right. 


It would be cool for everything to be color coded: internal notes are yellow, bot responses are another color (text or text box), customer questions another color.... to differentiate from staff responses - our staff are asking for this.


Amisha Sharma Please provide us with an update


Color coding would be incredibly helpful -- the visual prompting of colors would make tracking conversations between and customers so much easier to track.


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Sydney Neubauer

Zendesk Luminary

+1 I made this post while at another company. This is still a pain point for teams. Especially when a requester replies and it includes everything from the previous comments so it becomes even harder to tell what is their comment vrs. old comments


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Amisha Sharma

Zendesk Product Manager

Hello all,

Thanks for all your feedback!

I have an exciting update. We're almost done with the new designs for Conversation log. We're currently in the design validation phase. Here are a few pain points we are hoping to solve with the new designs:

  • Agent messages and end-user messages will visually look different so that reading and understand where a message is coming from is easier.
  • There will be a way to distinguish between different messages, a clear indicator when a message is ending and the next one is starting.
  • Reducing white space in the UI to reduce the amount of scrolling.

This is one of our highest priority projects for this year and the plan is to deliver the new design incrementally, starting from Q4 this year. Thank you!


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Bradley Smith

Zendesk Luminary

Glad this is finally being implemented - this is a huge thing for a lot of the teams and will be a welcome addition. 


Definitely agree with this. I see there are now faint lines which have been introduced, but which don't span the full width of the screen - these still aren't as good for quickly telling the difference between each response when scrolling through a message as the old version used to be.

It's very common to recall that the user provided a particular piece of information three or four replies back and want to quickly scroll through the messages to find it, and it's been quite surprising for us how much of an impact this has had on agent efficiency.


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Sydney Neubauer

Zendesk Luminary

Amisha Sharma any update? I see it says it "starts Q4". We are almost at end of Q4 https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/4408860699034/comments/5817515974170


Amisha Sharma yes, is this ready to be released now? We've been waiting so long and it will make such a positive impact. Thanks.


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Amisha Sharma

Zendesk Product Manager

Hello all,

Thanks for your patience so far.

We are actively working on this feature and are targeting March 2024 for the release. We understand that earlier we were hoping to deliver by this year, but due to changes in the scope of the feature and a few other higher priority initiatives, the timeline for the release is now March 2024. 



Amisha Sharma we are a few days away from March 2024. can you please confirm if these improvements are going to be available in march 



