Disabling out of office message filtering
Can we please get a way to turn off out of office message filtering? I have not once had a legitimate OOO message get caught by that filter, but CONSTANTLY have legitimate messages get caught by it that sit in suspended tickets until an admin manually checks on them. This is extremely frustrating, especially since we often get tickets to the effect of "Terminate X immediately and set their OOO message to:..."
Craig Lawes
I'd also appreciate this as I work for an MSP and we often have tickets about setting out of office messages which end up suspended. I would actually like standard out of office messages to flow through as well so my agents can see when a client is out of office and aren't going to respond.
Having this as a configurable setting would make much more sense than just blanket blocking it for everyone.
Belding, Brent
It would be very helpful for us to be able to change or configure how this works. We also get many tickets asking us to turn someone's out of office on for their mailbox and those requests end up suspended. Then a few days later they ask us why it wasn't done. It's be great it we could adjust that rule so we could have it look at just the email header for auto responses.
Expecting end users to refrain from putting the term "out of office" in their subject line so they don't get suspended just won't work.
Richard Heindl
We are suffering similar challenges.
Our standard out-of-office reply on personal mailboxes of our agents tells the recipent of the ooo-reply in urgent cases that refer to customers requests to get in contact with our general mailbox that is routed to our ZenDesk Support.
When senders do so but keep the body of the ooo-reply within the body of their message by simply forwarding then the mail is catagorised to be suspended.
Even worse in case the true sender of the mail is a known contact to our ZenDesk Support system or even a contributor or light agent.
The filter should be empowered to be able to detect those cases and not to suspend the request in case the true root of the ooo-message is the personal mailbox of an agent or even an admin of the ZenDesk Support system.
Darren Hua
Yes, this is very annoying for us. Even though we put it the email on a whitelist, they still appear in suspended...Whats worse is its in Swedish our tickets so it feels misplaced too given the context of the Swedish ticket.
Would love to have this optional as the actual OOO emails seldomly end up in the suspended view or become actual tickets given our use cases and support flows.
Nick S
+1 on this as it suspends legitimate emails if the original email thread contains an out of office message.
Benjamin Kirsch
Hi all, thanks so much for your feedback here, it has been logged and noted for our team to review. I want to redirect your attention to another thread with the same feature request. We are going to close this post for comment and ask that you put all additional feedback over in that thread, and also look for updates as they are available from our product team as well. Please note you do not need to replicate your feedback on that post as it has been noted already.