Support Needs BCC Option
We often have issues that impact multiple users. It would be really helpful if we had a way to BCC all affected users so we can manage only one incident ticket and message everyone the same thing at the same time.
Currently, if we merge the tickets, all email addresses are exposed and it generates a lot of complaints. So, we're stuck having to have 2-3 agents spending hours managing these communications. Having BCC would save my small team tons of time.
DJ Yoder
Hi! Have you ever looked into the problem/incident functionality? Not sure if it fits your use case exactly without having more details, but my team uses this to post one update that notifies all related incident tickets at once. No ticket merging and no individual updates or BCC notifications are required.
Roxanna Martinez
BCC is such a basic function - hard to believe it's not already available in ZD. We use this often to include internal parties that are not added in ZD as well as to send mass comms to several clients without revealing their emails.
The Curated
Agreed! We always need to send out mass communications and it would be handy to have a BCC option in ZD rather than going back into our e-mails to send it through there.
BCC would be useful for us, our clients often have super users who want to be copied into any responses we give their users. They don't always want the user to be notified, so BCC would be very helpful.
Elias Laham
I totally agree with the above comments. BCC is such a 'basic' function not to have in the system. We have many cases that agents would like a manager to see a thread by adding them in BCC and not have to add them to the actual ticket keeping this private from the end user. ZD do have other options but are very difficult and are not as affective as a simple BCC.
Melissa Kivisto
A BCC function would be really handy to post select ticket replies to other tools.
For example, our Customer Success department handles licensing requests through ZenDesk, and we use Gainsight to manage our accounts. Gainsight has a "post to timeline" email address, but best practice is BCC only.
Dave Dyson
HI Melissa,
For your use case, an Email Target could work – this recipe will show you how to create one, although you'll probably want to change the trigger criteria (either using the presence of a "gainsight" Tag, or by adding a "Send to Gainsight" checkbox ticket field and checking to see if that's been checked: Workflow recipe: Notifying External Email Addresses
In this way, customers won't see the Gainsight email address. Hope that helps a little, at least, and thanks for your feedback.
Carrie Biney
I, too, would find this helpful. Our Zendesk customers are our employees, so being able to bcc their admin or supervisor on a response on occasion would be incredibly helpful and time-saving.
Nick I.
We need the bcc option to be added in Zendesk so we can inform more than one clients that report the same issue, at the same time without sharing personal info. Please consider that. We need that.
It's insane that such a known ticketing system doesn't have a BCC option.
Hi there! If the problem is only in sending the same email message to different users without them knowing the CCs, then you can use the mass emailing tool like Proactive Campaigns. Especially, if you send these kinds of emails regularly.
Shaun Murray
Adding my voice to the choir. We would love to see BCC as an option. Could allow us to BCC a partner when we send emails to customers so they are in the loop but customers cannot email them directly.
Thorarinn Olafsson
It would be really helpful for our customer service agents to be able to bcc managers or partners directly on the ticket. Another issue we are trying to work through is to add Trustpilot Automatic feedback onto the ticket. We need to be able to add them as bcc to the ticket for that to work.
Marie Hanna
BCC is a basic email function, I am very surprised that this isn't already in Zendesk and needs to be voted on to be honest.
We have customers that contact us about a certain product, one of the sales reps want to be contacted every time we get an enquiry about it. If we CC the sales rep the customer is going to question why a third person has been included in the email. With BCC we do not have to explain anything to the customer and keep that information in the back end.
Zendesk Sell includes BCC functionality, why not Support? As others have said this is a basic email function. We don't use it often, but when you want to send something from zendesk to a colleague who isn't a ZD user, I'm not copy pasting! Please bring BCC to Support.
Adam Coll
echoing general sentiment here, we have several use cases for using BCC functionality and I'm extremely surprised ZD Support doesn't allow for this feature.
My team is doubling our tickets to keep various parties up to date, creating extra work and confusion. Please escalate this with your product team!
Dmitry Sokolov
Hello, Zendesk team!
Trust, following actions require to have BCC function:
1) mass emailing among the customers if there is required notification about the same solution
2) add specialist from the other department to follow the email if this specialist doesn't use Zendesk personally
3) add management as BCC in order not to disclose personal email of employee to the user
This thread is active for a long time, please take a review over this function update if possible once more.
Roxanna Martinez
Adding another comment to this thread - our team, which typically uses ZD for all conversations, is forced to outsource our mass communications to our CRM due to the lack of BCC in Support. Where we are not doing mass communications, we run into the same issues that Adam referenced. Please look into adding this basic function as soon as you can!
Melissa Hardwick
My organization would greatly benefit from bcc functionality. We have organizations that want to include their customers in communications without revealing their individual email address.
Meg Gunther
I'm not sure if this is the same use case functionality that is being requested above. We have our Account managers add our support addresses in as BCC when emailing our clients. While a ticket is created its showing up in our default support address not the one BCC'ed. In this case its the queue for our accounting staff to begin billing, we do not want the accounting address made public to the clients. The email originates from outlook and is sent to the client as the TO and CC: out support addresses is added as the BCC: This way we can track the communication. Side conversations wont work for these as the account managers do not have Zendesk access.
Christian Jessen
We have a simular situation where we need the BCC function
For instanse when we have a system break down we need to be able to contact multiple customers in individual threads, so that they cant see the entire recepients list
Christian Jessen
We too would like a BCC function, This would be very usefull when needing to send out service messages to multiple customers, who are not allowed to see eachother..
Kristin Montera
Hi ZD,
Please add a BCC function, it would greatly benefit our organization if this was available. Thanks!
Andy Neely
Hi Zendesk!
Echoing the request for a BCC function as well. We often need to add a specialist or email group from another department (who doesn't use Zendesk) to follow an email, but we do not want end users to see the personal email of the employee(s) and try to contact them directly (thereby disrupting the desired flow of communication).
Jesse Bowers
Hiya- would like to echo the sentiment of the users above. BCC would be a helpful tool for our organization, as well as a visual way to discern between CC and BCC users/light agents/customers. Please consider rolling this feature out as soon as possible!
We need this for Pipedrive's Smart BCC option!
Jay Schulze
Dallas Frazer
Hi team ZD...
I would love the option of BCC within tickets so that we can include an 'email to Salesforce' email address.
Some users only engage with customers in Salesforce so it is helpful to automatically push all ZD email comms to the customer Salesforce via the 'email to Salesforce' email link.
Stéphanie Cettou
would be extremely helpful to have the BCC option to run proactive campaign or inform about a specific update, for example. Without all people contacted see each other adresses.
Then, if one of these person comes back to us, it creates a new ticket, it is perfectly fine. So, we can handle the communication specifically.
Thank you,
Marie Hanna
I believe the BCC is an extremely important feature as it means the agents don't need to do extra steps doing a side conversation. BCC would make the agents more time efficient, these extra steps should not be required.