Can I separate numbers in a single custom field?
Hi there, I have a custom field for a number. Currently we are creating incident tickets to the main one to track the different numbers in that field but it would be nice if I could put a comma between the numbers and still pull the individual numbers.
Ex: Field says 1234
What I would want to do is "1234, 5678" and be able to report on those numbers separately.
I was googling around trying to see if I could find this and also looked at the functions in Explore for the Standard Calculated Attribute but I wasn't able to find anything that seems to match what I'm looking for.
Is that possible in Explore by any chance? It would save us a good amount of work.
Dave Dyson
Hi Matt –
Would you be able to share what these numbers represent? Sounds like you're using a text field, but I'm wondering if it might be better to enter the numbers as tags on the tickets, or even a multi-select dropdown field, if the values of the numbers are something you have control over, since those can be used in Explore reporting – see Reporting with tags and Reporting with custom fields
Matt Duchowny
Hi Dave,
The field is a number field shown below.
This represents which of our stores is reaching out to us. If a ticket encompasses more than one location, we are adding one location into the problem ticket and then creating incident tickets for each location to link so that we are tracking this info.
I know we can do tags, and maybe that's the way to go, although we have other reports for tags so I'm not sure about that.
Do you know if what I'm looking to do is possible?
Dave Dyson
Hi Matt –
Thanks for the followup and for your patience! Based on your description, another option that might be helpful would be to use a custom ticket field of the multi-select type. You could enter all your store numbers as possible options, and your agents could select as many as are appropriate.
There's a not on using mutli-select fields in Explore reports here: Tips for using custom fields in Explore
Otherwise, you're correct that tags would be the other way to track this. There's no issue with having different reports using tags, although you might want to filter out one type of tags or another if you're looking at all tags at once.