Guide Data Analytics in Explore



It'd be great to integrate the Guide analytics data in Insights/Explore, as we'd like to create reports for articles with the highest votes, comments, views, etc. The default view is not sufficient and lacks date range, scheduled reports, etc.





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Rob Stack

Zendesk Documentation Team

Hi everyone, the Guide knowledge base dataset (including information on article votes) is currently rolling out. It might take a few more weeks to get it to everyone, but you'll see it soon! See Analyzing your knowledge base activity with Explore for more information.


Agreed.  The Guide dataset only contains data about linked articles in tickets.  Can we report on the articles themselves?  We use view permissions to group articles by teams - it would be nice to see statistics about articles by group, author, date, views, etc.


Per Nicole's request on 10/31, we would like to be able to report on the following in Guide:

- Number of articles created and/or updated in a time frame (month & year).

- attributes to filter by author, visible to (because we use guide for internal articles, visible to is important) and section.  Label too - we don't have much use for Label since we cannot report on it right now.  We have different teams creating articles, so filtering by these attributes would help us report by team.

- Article publication date (create and publish could be weeks apart).

- Number of page views.  I see this on the Reporting Dashboard in Support, it would be great to have in Explore.  Google analytics is not an option for us.

- attribute for last edited date.


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Mike Davis

Zendesk LuminaryUser Group Leader

100% agree. I'd like to see more data about Community within Explore, such as topic, post, comment and subscription data.


Agreed, would like to see more reporting on help articles and community posts in explore. 


Oh yes! We need more data on that, too!


Absolutely agree


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hi all - 

The Guide/Gather and Explore teams are definitely planning to integrate Help Center datasets into Explore. 

It would be really helpful if you could provide some detail on the reports you're trying to run or information you're being asked to provide out of Explore. That information will be really helpful in looking at what data they need to help you collect in order for you to report on the things you want. Thanks!


The reports I am looking to generate would include data on which articles are being accessed by agents via search, if that helps. 

Basically, I want something that says:

Agent A searched for ______ (article they landed on) within _____ (timeframe).


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Mike Davis

Zendesk LuminaryUser Group Leader

Sure thing!

It would be great to have the ability to run queries on topics and posts. So if I wanted to know how many posts were added to Topic A during a given time frame, and then further filter that out, so by only ones that are answered, or by certain users or segments.

Also the ability to see who has subscribed to a topic and on what date. Essentially it would be able to look at data on member contributions.

In addition, it would be great to see other member data here, like how many members have joined in a time frame, were active, or were first active.

Hope that makes sense. Holler if you have any follow-ups for me. Thanks! Looking forward to seeing/hearing your solutions.



The most important metric for help articles (for us) is the number of Up and Down votes. So, we'd like to be able to see the number of votes for ANY article (we have more than 600 articles), as well as track the evolution over time, e.g. being able to pick a time frame (month & year) to see if there is a change in votes after updating the article.




I would like to be able to see the following:

1. How many articles  upvoted and downvoted - number, broken into sections and categories to understand what's helpful as a whole section as well as individual articles

2. Percentage of articles with over XX upvotes, percentage of articles with over XX downvotes

2. Upvotes and downvotes in a time period

3. Upvotes and downvotes since article updates (to gauge if improvements to the article are as helpful as we'd hope)

4. Articles created by agents (full and light) - number, date range, 

5. Articles created by certain agents (full and light) + downvote and upvote number - to gauge if agents are creating quality articles or just trying to meet a KPI of article creation

6. Tickets rated as good or bad and include linked articles

7. Number of subscriptions/follows on articles and sections

8. Search data - what and how many times customers and agents are searching for something and do and don't get helpful results.

Ideally would be great to no have to use Explore and Google Analytics together. If all in one place you can have the full picture.

Not sure what's possible but hope this is helpful.



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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Thanks for sharing the detailed comments, all! It's really helpful to understand what you need to report on and why. :)


Hi everyone! I forgot to mention regarding up/down votes -- it would be nice to get the data for translated articles separately as well. We are going multilingual and measuring the quality of localized articles is a necessity. Thanks!


We would also love to see reporting for Guide as we embark down the KCS journey.


I agree with all the previous comments, we need the Search data to understand what our customers are looking for and if they got a result or no.


What's the progress on this? We to are implementing KCS and not having all data available in Insights in Explore is very confusing.


I would like to make a query showing the helpdesk visits, the visits of the contact form page an the actually created tickets.

We provide good content in the helpdesk and our contact form provides solutions as well already so most of the tickets don't even come into existance.

However there is no way I see to make a query for this.

I believe visits on helpdesk and visits of contact form are the users with questions. All questions that doesn't result in a ticket can be considered solved.


Our needs are fairly simplistic at the moment. We're looking for the number of contributed articles within a date range. Our agents all have a monthly goal of x articles contributed. However, many of the other suggestions here would be nice to have on a "Guide" dashboard. 


The most important metric for help articles (for us) is the number of Up and Down votes, as well as track the evolution over time, e.g. being able to pick a time frame (month & year) to see if there is a change in votes after updating the article.


We've been putting a lot of work to give our KB the value we think it deserves, but now we don't have any reliable way to monitor if our customers are using it. It would be nice to include parameters like: number of customer views, agents number of views, upvote/downvotes, number of subscribers of the articles etc.


It's amazing how much effort Zendesk puts into promoting self service and almost no effort into giving us almost no relevant analytics in Zendesk Explore. They are expecting you to use Google Analytics for that kind of stuff. 



with Insight being deprecated, we'd love to see a lot of stuff in a dedicated guide dataset in Explore. Here is our wish list even if we are far from Christmas :

  • number of view per article in each language. As of now the number of view is global and can't be splitted into each available language of the article
  • Number of view per page (above articles : sections, categories, home page)
  • Page view timestamp : in order to better understand the path of the visitor in our help center. analysis will be a very manual method but can give some insight. for exemple:
  1. an isolated view of an article corresponds to a click probably form an answer on a ticket
  2. a view of the home page, then a category, then section and finally article, correspond to the clasic route by filter
  3. a view of the page, then a direct jump to the article correspond to a search result.
  • Number of subscription per section
  • All user information who subscribed to the section
  • All user information associated with the search
  • Number of votes per articles
  • a dataset without time restriction, currently the max is 90 days


I'd like to echo what Kelsey, Antoine, and Gaëtan said about the Search data sets. Here are our use cases:

  • Searches with No results - we use this information to decide on updates to the language and labels of our current FAQs to make them easier to find, as well as understand if there's a popular search term that we need to build a new FAQ for (e.g. knowledge base gaps).
  • Total Searches - provides information on the most popular terms our customers are looking for, that both do and don't have results.

Google Analytics is good for finding out which articles are the most popular, so GA data plus the Guide Search Stats help us have a fuller picture of what is happening in our help center.


YES! Absolutely agree!



Need your help to match query or analytic things between Good Data and Zendesk Explore. Because what I know Zendesk Explore only had Knowledge Capture and Answer Bot for current, but on Good Data / Insight, had Team Publishing. Because next year also, we know that Insight being retired.


Thank you!


Following this post




I am also interested in this feature to get a better dashboard on the votes and comments on articles over time.

Is this dataset release still planned for this year?


Regards, Robin



I would love to have the votes integrated in Zendesk Explore. With a large set on articles it is needed to have a broader view.




Hi, I am also interested in this feature to get a dataset with the votes and comments on articles over time.

Is this dataset release comming soon?


Regards, Esther



