No Data error message in Explore, Can we change it?
Ok the error message we get when no data available
If for example i am producing a report for a customer that shows how many SLA were breached and the answer is 0 then im stuck with this error message across my report.
Its fine internally but looks really shabby if its in a customer report
Is there a way to change what it says?
Or can we have a customizable message to put instead of it?
Or have allowances so it just says "0" or None?
There is nothing with my calculation it just hasn't had any data to add because we have not breached
Lets hope there is something we can do
Hillary Latham
Agreed. I would just like to see that there are zero results, which is sometimes good to see. It does not mean I have an error.
Pierugo Mazzaccheri
Has this been progressed at all after 2 years?!?!
Scheduled reports with no data available should show a message like "No data". I am actually getting "an error occurred" printed on the report!
There is no error!!!
Please correct as soon as possible.
Hayley Dobson
We are having the same issue, we have a simple query to pull back any urgent tickets, which currently has no results (therefore producing an error) but i need to retrieve the data. Its not an error as that is the expected result.
Pierugo Mazzaccheri
Just an update as I have recently discovered that the "error occurred" message seems to be included only in the reports manually exported off the dashboard. When the dashboard is scheduled and distributed the message actually says "No data available. Check your filters and calculations".
Would it be possible to remove the last part though? We send these reports to customers and that message is misleading (nothing to check for the recipients).
Drey Tee
Totally agree with all commenters.
It's ridiculous to send such a message even to colleagues and of course to customers.
Any workaround maybe?
CJ Johnson
It appears this message was removed and now you just no indication whatsoever as to why portions of the Dashboard are blank. It's even worse than having a message as though you messed up your calculations, IMO, because you cannot tell if it failed, or was just all 0's.
Pascal Turmel
Same - Provide ability to set a custom value for Null result set. It looks ugly on a dashboard with multiple reports. Better handling of displayed null values. I suspect there is no way to set a "If null condition then display" for a result set on attribute value, so would value PM 's update on this feature
Pascal Turmel
Please escalate to Product Manager for an ETA for reviewing this feature request
Wojciech Smajda
Hi Jeremy,
Thank conversation appreciate you for your feedback regarding the 'No Data' error message in Zendesk Explore.
While there is currently no feature to customize or change the 'No Data' message within Explore, we do understand the importance of having cleaner communication in reports shared with customers. Your suggestion for allowing a simple "0" or "None" or to have customizable messages in place of an error has been noted.
At the moment, there are no plans to implement this capability, but we continuously assess user feedback like yours for ways to improve user experience. We're committed to providing tools that meet the needs of our users, and your input is valuable for future enhancements.
Please continue to provide your insights, and keep an eye on our updates for any changes to reporting features in Zendesk Explore.
Thank you once again for your contribution.
Best regards,
Pascal Turmel
Could I get a new update from Product Management on the likelihood of addressing this easy feature? Thanks
Shawna James