

Need Agent dashboard for Community


I would like to support a customer by the community forum and not only via a private ticket. Private ticket is visible only from customer and agent.

I'd like the customer to post his question in the community forum so not only the agent, but also other customers or the moderators (= really happy customers) could help him, even when our agents are not online!

This could be possible via ZD, but there's one important thing missing: a dashboard that permits agents to monitor community activities. 

At the moment is not possibile for an Agent to have a sort of a dashboard where he can simply read a list of the community activities, ie new topics or posts added.

Agents/customers can follow a discussion and get a notification email for new activities, but this could not be a solution for an agent because he will have to manage too many posts/tickets (so emails!). 

In a word: ticket and post/topic should be managed in the same way. The solution to convert topics/posts to tickets doesn't work. Other users could need the same answer.





Hey do you mean to say that you are looking for an option where an agent can comment on a discussion and it directly gets reflected against a top publicly?


In other words: how can an agent monitor all the discussions of the community? 
If this is not possible, I cannot know if a customer that added a topic, get an answer or not.

I see that at the moment an agent can receive notification emails about the topics he is following (not the new ones). An agent (differently to a simple user) should follow quite all the topics, so he would get too many emails... he cannot monitor all the discussions in this way.

If an agent could have a sort of Control Panel/dashboard (similar to the one used for tickets), he could simply view all the new topics or the topics the he is following. 

If I'm sure to monitor all the activities of the community, I can ask all users to ask for support opening a topic and not a private ticket. In this way all the users of the community could help him 24hours a day. If the agent, that monitor all the topics, sees that no answer is given from the community, he can solve it directly or he can decide to change the topic to a private ticket.

This is a very important feature. At the moment I'm only able to use Zendesk for private tickets, and having a community is useless, because I cannot monitor it. 

I hope you can understand what I mean, thanks!


The question is more simple: I know you're using Zendesk too, so how did you see I opened a new topic? 


I got it :) 

What if there is an option to alert executives if a topic of their expertise is posted? And a dashboard to see those and choose to answer.

The following is the thought process behind it:

1) I find your idea of giving option to customer care executive to respond to topics great and feel will be productive.

2) But there is nothing triggering an involvement from executive. He may choose to ignore as well.

What do you think?




Yes, I think that the best solution would be a dashboard where any agents can see the new topics and the topics he is following and someone replied.

If there's no a dashboard now in Zendesk, how can you check if there are some new topics added to one of the community forum present in this website?

If I open a new topic in this forum, who will discover it and how?

Moreover, supposing to have this case: User opens a new ticket and Agent A is following him. User also open a new topic in the community forum and Agent B is following him.
The problem is that 2 agents (A and B) are busy with the same user for the same problem, isn't it?



Hi Stefano,

Take a look at this app in beta. Probably this is the one you've been looking for.


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Mike Davis

Zendesk LuminaryUser Group Leader

I have this same question, or at least a variant of it.

Is there, or can I create, some sort of 'Manage posts' view, similar to the 'Manage articles' view for KB articles? Is the only way to manage incoming topics by viewing the homepage of the Community?


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hi Mike, 

Yes, the only out of the box way to view community posts is by looking at the "All Posts" page in the community. However, several customers have built custom integrations similar to Kiryl's app above between Support and Communities that generates tickets out of community posts and comments. We have done this ourselves in Zendesk's instance, and find it works quite well. We leveraged the channel framework and API to make this work. 

The other workaround that we used in the past and sometimes recommend to users is to create a Gmail address and subscribe it to all of your community topics. This email address will then receive notifications for every new post or comment, and you can leverage the filtering and labeling functions within Gmail to organize and file them. 

I'll add that the Guide product team is aware that many users wish to have an administrative backend to the community platform, but they have not prioritized it on their roadmap. I encourage everyone using Zendesk Community to add your vote to the original post in this thread and add your detailed use case in the comments below if this is something you would like to see prioritized. 


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Mike Davis

Zendesk LuminaryUser Group Leader

Thanks for the response, Nicole.

The link provided by Kiryl above doesn't work. Can you tell me more about what sorts of apps might work for this? In addition, how do you subscribe to all community activity?


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

You're welcome, Mike.

Kiryl's post is a little old; I don't know if their app is still available. I don't know of any others - we don't have any currently in the Zendesk marketplace. Most customers either have internal development teams build an integration between their community and Support or hire Zendesk Professional Services to build it for them.

To subscribe to all community activity, you'll want to be logged in to your help center with the email address you want the notifications to go to. Then go to each topic in your community and select the "follow" button on that topic. This will send an email notification of every new post or comment that occurs within that topic to the subscribed email address. 

Note that if you add a new topic to your community, you will need to follow the same process to subscribe the email address to it. 


Nicole, is the idea with using the gmail address you would then use it as a channel coming into Zendesk and set up views, automations, triggers, etc? 


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey Christine - 

When we were using the Gmail inbox we did not set it up that way, we literally just worked out of the inbox, and leveraged the filter and label functionality to keep track of what was happening with a given post. 

Now we have built an integration between the community and Support, so that we do get tickets for community posts and can use views and business rules and such. This requires some development resources to create, but is definitely a step up from the Gmail inbox method. 


I am jumping on this bandwagon late, but it's becoming more apparent that without an agent dashboard, this product isn't really helping us be more efficient.    I'm shopping around...


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hi Csamuel - 

Can you tell us more about what you would find useful in an agent dashboard/administrative backend to the platform? 


I for one am becoming a Community Moderator in addition to my normal job, so I don't have time to deal with tickets and emails related to this. What I would love is a dashboard that shows me a list of new posts, and a list of posts with new comments (i.e. not a link for each comment; useful for when a post has HEAPS of activity, I don't want 30 notifications for the one post).

It would be good to see which topic each post is in, how many comments there are, how many upvotes and how many downvotes.

A section for seeing which posts have gone the longest without any comments, as well as which topics haven't had any new posts or comments on existing posts in a long time will help us trim the fat and tailor our Community to what the Community wants to talk about.

Lastly we need to be able to see a list of new user accounts created and their profile pictures, in case someone has created a new account that uses inappropriate details or avatars.


Here are my requirements from an agent dashboard:

  1. New posts added per day - to monitor user engagement per day
  2. Comments made by agents per day - to monitor agent engagement per day
  3. Fetch the list of unanswered questions

Would love to have the ability to do this in Explore. Right now trying to use the APIs but they're really confusing.



Adding to Zunairas Post I think it's also valuable to see:

  • Posts that have been marked as "solution" per timeframe

@... if you have any details on how to do anything close to this with the API - please share it with us :) 


@... I wish I could but I've barely started with the APIs and am already stuck. Haven't been able to get any data at all so far. Opened a ticket with ZD support and waiting for help. :)


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Kasper Sørensen

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi all,

I was reading these comments and wanted to engage to see if I can help out here.

For instance, if you want to get posts that have been answered, you can inspect the "status" attribute of each post in the API. Or are you looking for when it was marked as answered? I don't think the API supports that, although the information is available in the Moderator Activities page in the admin area.



