

Forced to send automatic emails? This really should be fixed....


For reply please email me at ____________@_____________.__
Currently there is no way to disable "Welcome Emails".

In the Zendesk Support dashboard if you go to Settings > Customer and look under "account emails" you will see that there is no option to [DISABLE] welcome emails.

This makes no sense to me at all. Why is Zendesk forcing it's customers to send out automated emails? I've been told twice that the only way to turn it off is to disable the Help Centre completely..... that's not a solution.

Sure you could argue that it's a fairly important email to have; but it still does not make any sense to force people into it with no way out apart from shutting down Guide? 

Can Zendesk please develop a simple [DISABLE] button that stops automated welcome emails?

Customers are bombarded with enough emails as it is without an automatic welcome email. If in a 5min time span a customer submits an email and gets a reply they would receive 3x emails, which is a terrible brand experience.

They would be:
- Notified that their ticket is submitted (email)
- Prompted to sign up with the welcome (email)
- Receive a reply from our agents (email)


This post has been edited by the Zendesk Community Team in order to redact personal contact information. 




We really need this as well.
We are intending to use JWT SSO, and do not want any pre-populated users to be sent welcome e-mails. please help.


I totally agree on this. It is ridiculous that this functionality cannot be controlled by the admins.

Especially having multiple brand is causing even more frustrations. Currently if someone contacts us about brand A, a welcome message is send from the brand B support email.

Customers are getting confused about this.

We have a Help Center for ( Brand L ) Advisors, but we are sometimes in contact with their Clients as well.

That Help Center contains info for the Advisors only, Clients have nothing to do with that at all.
But they also receive the welcome email, for something they do not even have access to. 

The same for users of the other brand T, they have nothing to do at all with the Help Center of the
brand L.  This should be something fully controllable by and admin.



