Changelog for Dashboard Updates
Feature Request Summary:
Give us a change log for Dashboards, so that we know what was updated, and who did it.
Description/Use Cases:
Currently, Dashboards show a timestamp and name of who last published a Dashboard. The problem is, there’s no way to tell what changed.
Case 1: A prebuilt Dashboard has been updated by Zendesk. Currently, you can’t really use any prebuilt Dashboard for regular reporting, because there’s no way to know what queries are being altered Zendesk. You can’t really base regular reporting off a Dashboard that is being updated by a third party with no details of what changes were made.
Case 2: Someone in your org really busted up some Dashboards. Good luck figuring out who made those changes! You won’t be able to tell what happened aside from who the last person to publish the Dashboard was. If that person says it was broken when they published, you can’t refute that in any way.
Case 3: You have a Dashboard that is used for cadenced reporting, and nothing on it should ever be changed. The Dashboard was updated, but the updater says they “didn’t change anything, they just wanted the message about changes to the Dash to go away” (I personally do this all the time to regain that screen real estate, I am the monster). Now, some of your queries don’t show the same numbers they did last week. Someone must have updated the queries, and those updates went live when the publishing happened, unbeknownst to the updater who couldn’t tell the Publish action was affecting filters and settings on queries, because nothing visually changed.
Business impact of limitation or missing feature:
Adding in a changelog would make using the prebuilt Dashboards for reporting an option, as currently you have no way of knowing what changed and if changes.
Adding a changelog would greatly improve the trustworthiness of the data being presented.
Adding a changelog would make fixing unwanted changes actually possible, and not just an educated guessing game.
藤岡 慎也
Strongly agree with the author's opinion.
The dashboard function immediately reflects the changes made when editing.
If an employee touches the edit screen out of curiosity, the changes will be automatically saved immediately. And it cannot be undone.
I strongly hope that you will implement one of the following functions:
1. Allow viewing of edit history
2. Allow referencing and restoring of revisions
3. Make the edit mode manual save instead of auto save