Agent Workspace feedback - Tab titles / details
We recently enabled the new Zendesk Agent Workspace for our small team. A common piece of feedback we've received from our team is related to the details displayed in the tab title.
In the Agent Workspace, the name of the requester and a snippet of text in the most recent message response is displayed. While this may be useful for those that are primarily a chat environment, this information is not helpful for those with an environment that is primarily email/web and phone. (Although even in a chat environment, I don't see how seeing two or three words in the tab is helpful.)
Most email/web tickets start off the same, "Hi <name>." When multiple tickets are opened from the same requester (such as when comparing details from previous incidents), it isn't easy to identify which ticket is which.
The above image is five different tickets from Keith. Can you tell which is which?
In the previous layout, displaying the ticket title gave context on the content of the ticket. As you can see in the above screenshot, displaying the Requester name and first couple of words does not. This has negative effects on the team's workflow. They are now having to click between tickets more often to identify them.
A response I've seen from Zendesk in the announcement of the Agent Workspace is to mouse over the tabs to see more details. That's not a viable solution. Agents are more efficient when they are able to eyeball what tab is what by seeing the information they need in the tab itself.
If our team has any more feedback on this, I'll be sure to provided it.
JJ Miclat
Hi all!
We've heard from our customers that most prefer and want to keep the snippet of the latest message sent for ephemeral conversations, like chat. However, for email conversations, we've reverted the secondary text on tabs to display the ticket ID rather than the latest message sent.
From Ola Timpson:
Ola - If you're seeing the name of the attachment in the tab for an email conversation, this is not expected and is and issue. Could you get in touch with our support team (via with screenshots and sample tickets in your instance where this occurs that we could look at to investigate the root cause (if account assumption is turned on).
Regarding swapping the user name with the subject as the primary text of tabs, that's something that we'll look into in 2022.
+1 from here. Couldn't agree more. I've heard this request from several customers in the brief period this has been live.
Ola Timpson
Just logged on to post this exact same feedback. Tabs with the user's name and then 'Hi ...' just aren't useful. Our agents who merge tickets are finding it difficult to check they are merging the correct ticket references, when they can't see the references in the tab. And reviewing multiple tickets for a single user becomes very confusing very quickly.
Tobias Hermanns
Hi Zendesk,
any update on that?
We also need enable Agent Workspace for Focus EAP, but missing Ticket ID in Tab isn´t a good deal.
Please comment if you plan to add this back?
JJ Miclat
Hey @..., @..., @..., & @...,
Heard y'all loud and clear :)
We'll work on creating a toggle in Support settings that lets customers toggle between ticket IDs & the text snippet of the latest message (some customers want either or, depending on their ticketing workflow).
Tobias Hermanns
Hi JJ,
is there a roadmap schedule available when we can expect it?
Tobias Hermanns
any more update here?
Tobias Hermanns
Not perfect, but better :)
Ola Timpson
We're now getting really strange behaviour. For some tickets we see the ticket number, but if the latest comment has an attachment then we see the name of the attachment instead.
Tobias Hermanns
I can confirm Ola Timpson message.
Attachment will show text of attachment name.
btw. Was the Subject in Tab always show Requester or show Ticket Subject without Agent Workspace?
I see when I load a Ticket short the Subject in Tab, then change to Requester.
Ola Timpson
Without Agent Workspace it shows subject and ref - it's weird how it still loads those but then overwrites with the requester.
Tobias Hermanns
Fully confirm!
Subject + ID would be fit our need.
Julia Bayes
Please allow option to display ticket title rather than requester as the headline within each tab. The display as shown here is not helpful at all for quick navigation of running tickets/tasks.
When managing multiple tickets at a time, and with multiple windows open at a time, being able to glance at my Zendesk tabs and see ticket titles increases efficiency.
Tobias Hermanns
any news when subject instad of requester, will be added (back) as it was without Agent Workspace?
Many of my agents are flagging this as an issue as well after our recent move to Agent Workspaces. +1 to moving back to showing the subject instead of the requester. This is an unnecessary efficiency drag on our agents.
Willow | Brigid | S-W Care Supervisor
I completely agree - it really impacts my efficiency to not be able to see the subject detail off the bat - especially since I'm often working with different tickets from the same person. It's hard to differentiate between them all.
I can see that this suggestion was put forward quite a while ago - hope to see the feedback applied soon!
Andrew Schreiner
We just implemented this as well and have already had a complaint about it being hard to follow multiple open tickets with the same requester. Where are you at on the toggle mentioned above?
Ahmed Esmat
+1 for having the ticket number and the ticker subject on the tab header
James Monbeck
Please fix this - it is now 2022 :-) Need a newer update. Subject of ticket in tabs, please!
Tobias Hermanns
yes please enhance it. Thank you
Christopher Kenrick
I absolutely +1 this!!
We updated to this yesterday and that's a massive bug bear! Please introduce ASAP
Edwin Semmeley
It would be highly valued by our teams too
Hi JJ Miclat,
In line with the recent comments on this thread are there plans to allow toggling between Requester Name & Ticket subject in the tabs for email conversations?
This is currently the biggest blocker for my team moving to the new Agent Workspace.
@Zendesk Product Team,
I'm following up on this thread, as it has been over a year since it was mentioned on looking at a way to have configuration options for Agent tabs. If you are still trying to determine the best approach for this, I would say allowing Agents (within their personal configurations) to set their own preference would be optimal.
With Agents controlling their own Tab display, it means Admins don't have to make teams agree on one specific format to use for their layouts, and it also allows less management on the part of Admins, if you were thinking of allowing customization for individual Groups.
Darren Stagnaro
+1. We rely on subject to help track our open tickets. Requester is not unique enough for our operations and is a significant step backwards for how we manage our tickets.
I am seeing a lot of great new features coming to the Agent Workspace and it is disappointing that moving to it, will impact my teams workflow so greatly, because the Subject will no longer be displayed in the Tabs.
Is there any update on whether this change will be made in the near term?
For all those that are hitting this post after June 1st, 2022, the issue has been resolved. Now, the Zendesk tabs as well as your browser tabs display the subject of the ticket. For your browser tab, it displays the Subject of the ticket you are currently viewing. This is extremely helpful when having multiple browser tabs open for different instances (i.e. Production vs Sandbox, or even multiple Production and/or Sandbox environments).
Darren Stagnaro
Hello @Konstantin, not sure I am following. I still see all of the tickets showing the requester, so it's very much not resolved. Unless I am not aligned with what you are saying is resolved? See screenshot below from just today:
To clarify, this is what I see for our instances...
I am using the latest version of FireFox on a Windows 10.x machine.
Darren Stagnaro
Interesting, @zendesk product team, any chance you could share some details as to why we are seeing different results in the field? Is this something rolling out across different pods? I am using Chrome on a MAC.