Random Satisfaction Surveys - Set Sampling Rate
In our business we have a lot of end users who create many tickets and they get tired of getting the survey emails every time their ticket is closed. We had one client ask us to turn it off all together.
We still would like their feedback and though a "Random" check box, or "Send Satisfaction Surveys every _____ tickets" would be a nice feature to have
Nicole Saunders
Hey Nicole -
I have received responses to many of my questions, but not this one yet. I'm talking to them again this week and will be sure to bring it up.
In the meantime, I did find this tip from Graham, one of our community moderators, on Reducing Satisfaction Surveys. It won't solve all of the issues brought up in this thread, but may be useful to some of you in cutting down on surveys for customers who submit a high volume of tickets.
Nicole Saunders
Also found this tip:
Restricting Satisfaction Surveys by Date which actually contains two separate solutions from different users.
AJ Acevedo
Any update on this? The lack of this feature is the only reason why we have yet to implement the Customer Satisfaction survey.
Tara Astbury
Agreed, would love this feature. we will not use sat surveys the way the functionality exists. we have a separate survey that we send out quarterly using survey monkey.
John Trumble
We also need this feature. We used to have CSAT turned on but we eventually turned it off after our customers complained about being bombarded with requests. We also felt that we weren't getting very sincere responses since they were mad about the survey itself rather than the support experience in question.
If we could set a specific % and have ZD offer the CSAT survey randomly on that percentage of tickets, that would be ideal.
Nicole Saunders
Thanks for the feedback, John.
No updates at this time from Product.
Jim Stalder
Fellow Zendesk Admins:
I've developed an easy way to send a satisfaction survey to any given Requester every 5th ticket, although you can tweak the logic below to make it whatever number you want.
Here is the summary:
Jim Stalder
Here is the automation:
Shipping Manager
I just added the triggers/automation which got me thinking. Will the logic above prevent the CSAT from being sent on the very first ticket? We would still like our surveys to send on the first ticket and then stop until X number of new tickets are received.
Thank you!
Ryan Mumby
Yeah I was thinking the same thing as.. err... "Shipping Manager"?. 1 off customers will never get asked about their experience. Only people who submit lots of tickets.
Jim Stalder
Assuming the CSAT Counter is initially blank when you create the custom field, you could move the ANY logic in the 1--2 counter switch to the 5-1 counter switch where it looks for a 0 or not present. This way, if the Counter is 5 or blank/0 then set the csat_survey_pending tag and move the counter to 1. This will get the one-off customers on their first ticket and then wait until 5 more tickets have passed before surveying again. (I might do that myself!)
Steve Slaviero
Hi Jim,
Just looking at automation part and comparing against the default CSAT rule when you turn it on.
The default rule has a condition for:
Ticket Hours since solved - (calendar) is - 24
Should your automation need this too? Because an automation is time based...
Cheers, Steve
Jim Stalder
Hi Steve - I think that condition just delays the survey being sent for at least 24 hours. Automations run once an hour and I prefer the survey to be sent more immediately. The issue will be top of mind with our customer. Personal preference...
Ryan Mumby
Steve, it's also important to note that sending that automation right away always might not be wise. If you get a fair amount of reopens, for example, and you might get a customer with an unresolved issue answering that survey that's not very happy.
I can't seem to find it but there was an article from zendesk based on data they'd gathered that suggested more people are likely to respond when they are not as busy (in the evening or first thing in the morning) and delaying your satisfaction surveys to get sent in the evening or middle of the night would produce a higher response rate.
Basically, you should adjust it how you see fit but put some thought into when you are sending them based on whats right for you.
Steve Slaviero
Hi Both,
Thanks for the very prompt replies!
Jim - OK, makes sense - I guess it's the add/remove of tags that stops it re-running. Correct?
Ryan - how would you setup an automation to send CSAT at a particular time, either morning or evening? And in a specific timezone too? They also wouldn't be able to re-open the case if it's been closed, it would open a new one wouldn't it?
Jim Stalder
Steve - So with my example, the trigger sets a csat_survey_pending tag. This tells an automation (which runs hourly) to actually send a survey out and add a csat_survey_sent tag. If the csat_survey_sent tag is present, then the automation knows to ignore that ticket and not repeat the action.
I don't know how one would specify the time an automation takes action, since time of day doesn't appear to be an option. Perhaps there is a way (I have not researched this) to use Liquid Markup to enter the time of day in a custom field via a trigger and modify the automations to look at this field, too. https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/115015463428-Reference-the-current-timestamp-in-a-ticket-update
Ryan Mumby
I don't actually set a time of day, but I know that if we're open 7am - 6 pm actioning request, they are going to be solved in that time frame. If I delay it by 10 hours after that it's going to fall either in the evening or late at night/early morning. for the majority of our users which are in North America. You'll have to come up with a plan for your own business as your operating hours and time zones of your clients might vary.
Jimmy Rufo
This seems like a no brainer to implement natively, as email fatigue is an important factor in overall customer satisfaction engagement. +1.
Lisa Seliverstova
+1 to that feature
We have customers, who are creating several tickets a day - sending surveys to all of them will definitely bring the satisfaction down.
Would be great to have a limitation based on end user, not on the ticket. And also having the time restriction - some sort of - send satisfaction survey to end user once a week / bi-weekly / once a month.
Shawn Oudavanh
I'm hoping this Random Tagging App will help some of you out there https://www.zendesk.com/apps/directory/?q=randomize%20surveys&idx=appsIndex&p=0
Shipping Manager
Looks awesome.....except the app is listed as v1 which is discontinuing in a few days?
Shawn Oudavanh
That's version 1.0 of the app. It's on V2 framework
Teri Hines
+1 to the ability to randomize or stagger frequencies for when an end-user receives the survey.
Maureen Myrick
+1 For this feature. While I appreciate the workaround mentioned above, it seems like a pretty popular request from your customers and I'm a little surprised to see this have been requested for what appears about 8 years and is still in the backlog for your product group. Did I miss something?
Brettany Rhodes
I would love to see the feature added too. Also, like the ideal of an automation that would pick random ticket and random dates. For example: pick 30 solved tickets every Tuesday and Thursday.
Danielle Eberhardt
+1 for this feature. I hope that Zendesk is still monitoring this post. Community members and admins shouldn't have to design wild workarounds for a feature that is necessary for business function.
Stuart Straub
Giving this another bump a year later as all the solutions presented still don't address this issue. (Also some of the solutions no longer work since Zendesk has had multiple updates since they were provided.)
Lenka Brozmanova
Hello everyone. This is Lenka from Nicereply. There are some survey apps available on the Zendesk Marketplace (Nicereply is one of them) that allow you to use over-surveying protection. This helps you avoid over-surveying your customers. You can decide how frequently your customers will receive automated survey emails. As an example, if you set this option for 5 days and a customer creates 6 tickets within the 5 days, he/she will only receive 1 survey.
Hannah Lucid
Hello, giving this thread an addition bump. Incredibly interested in a more robust Customer Satisfaction Rating settings to allow for more randomized surveying. Our customers also communicate that they receive an overload of emails from Zendesk and we want to ensure that we aren't bombarding, but still randomly checking in to see how satisfied customers are with our Agents service.
Amy Louthan
we would really appreciate this feature