SMTP Email delivery method



This topic is sticking around for many years. I'm personally surprised how high level of ignorance is presented by Zendesk developer.

Sending emails over authorized SMTP is only CORRECT and SAFE option for most companies that are concerned about data safety. SPF method works only to some level and then becomes a liability. 
Can't understand what kind of issue Zendesk have with SMTP approach but this doesn't build trust to the whole system. Should you care more about data safety and end-user comfort??

You can be surprised but adding SPF records in many cases is far more complicated that setting up email account and password for it ;-)

Hope you can reconsider ability to sending messages over SMTP. It's biggest disadvantage I can find at the moment if I compare Zendesk to competitors. Rest pass this test with flying colors.


Best Regards





Upvoting this; our email signature platform misses out on this feature.

Given that Zendesk does not support HTML formatting for all outbound correspondence, restricts how our email communication is delivered to our clients.


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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

@Oskar you are correct and Sell uses SMTP already!

@Carter thanks for sharing your feedback!


Upvoting this. Can't believe the request started since 2016 and after 5 years, the problem still have not been addressed. We just signed up with Zendesk and is surprised to face this matter which we did not check during our evaluation simple because such elementary email functionality (SMTP Authentication) is assumed to be supported by any / all system with emailing features out there.

Really hope this can be put in place soon in a matter of weeks / months and not in another couple years!!


@... thanks! We are quite excited for this feature to get into Support, last update from Product that I can see here was 6 months ago, do you have a estimate or is this on the roadmap in the near future?


Hello, checking in on this to see when we might see this feature.  A significant number of our messages get sent to Junk mail even with SPF and DKIM.  This has a serious impact on the reliability of our communications, and SMTP would fix this.  Hoping it can be done soon! Thanks


I would love to get an update on this, how is the timeline looking for this are we going to see this feature come into action this year, Q3? Q4? 2022?


This is a must have feature! Please provide an update



Thank you for the response, we would really love to see this going forward and please feel free to contact me at any point for any discussion/clarification regarding this requirement. I would appreciate the opportunity to participate.

Best regards


Scenario for the last week:  All Zendesk replies to users with or have been delayed then (after 5 days) bounce back to us.

Bounce messages are coming back fro multiple Zendesk SMTP servers - with error codes relating to security/spam type of conditions.

Our own mail server has a high reputation, dedicated IP address with no bouncing issues for years.

If we could use our own SMTP server for outbound replies this would avoid these sorts of issues.



This is urgently required.

We've had a situation twice in the last month where emails to _all_ Yahoo users were delayed due to Yahoo temporarily deferring emails due to spam complaints.

The real problem here is that we do NOT receive any such reports until some DAYS afterwards, after it has been sitting in the queue on the Zendesk SMTP server.  So we have a situation where a) we think the support issue has been resolved and b) the user thinks that we are ignoring them.

Using our own mail servers allows us to at least monitor any outbound mail issues - plus, being a mail server only we use on a dedicated IP address, means our IP address's reputation is not an issue.

An example of this is below.

Support response sent Sun, 14 Nov 2021 14:16:48 +0000
Bounce message received: Fri, 19 Nov 2021 14:36:14 +0000

This is the mail system at host

I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could not
be delivered to one or more recipients. It's attached below.

For further assistance, please send mail to postmaster.

If you do so, please include this problem report. You can
delete your own text from the attached returned message.

                   The mail system

<>: host[] said: 421 4.7.0
    [TSS04] Messages from temporarily deferred due to unexpected
    volume or user complaints -; see (in reply to MAIL FROM command)


Hi, this is a very important feature for us to ensure the best deliverability rates using the reputation of our own SMTP server. Please implement custom SMTP server functionality as soon as possible.


This continues to happen approximately once a month for us.

It's not a pleasant situation when the customer things we're ignoring them but the email is stuck on a mail queue somehwere with zero notification to us that it's delayed.

Zendesk need to implement custom outbound SMTP servers to fix this problem.  If the mail is being delayed, at least we know since it's our own mail server.

This has been raised as a support issue previously, but we don't have a high volume of support mail and it typically resolves a few days later.

We are currently experiencing about 1 failed email to Yahoo per month (out of maybe 5-10 per month to users of Yahoo) which is a high percentage of failures.



It would be GREAT to have an option to send via the clients mail server (specifically MS Exchange)
In our case the client already uses CodeTwo to do email signatures for all staff across the organisation. Having a profile for the support@ email address would mean that even the responses to support requests would be branded consistently, AND (importantly) managed from one place. 

By not having support for this, means that there is not a single source of truth for email signatures in the organisation. 



Being able to send emails via our business servers is also a request from my organisation, any update on this?


What's the status on this? Early this year should refer to the first 3 months, right?
Setting up SPF has limits. And we have users that do not receive our answers because Gmail is ghosting the answers away because they think it's an illegitimate spam mail.
I'm not even sure if the SMTP solution would verify the mails properly to gmail so that they don't ghost them but at least it would be a try.


A full year has passed, can we please get some updates on the plan for this? 


Still keen to see this happen...


@... is there ANY update about this, "being on the roadmap" in 2021, "starting discovery" early 2022?

I was sure I read an announcement in one of the various product change logs, but I cannot find it, after all, there are no respective settings.

So what's going on / why's nothing going on?

Best Regards

unpatient since 2016.


It is supported in Zendesk Sell, and the Zendesk Sell team are looking for email features for Sell here: Email in Sell - we want your feedback! – Zendesk help

Would love to hear from Zendesk Support team re same feature in Support...


Any update on this very critical and seemingly very easy to implement feature? This is the only thing preventing us from using Zendesk.


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Sean Cusick

Zendesk Product Manager

I can confirm that this feature is on our 2023 roadmap. We have no ETA at this time, though we will update this thread once we are ready to roll the feature out. 


Planning to move from FreshDesk to ZenDesk & testing different optons of ZenDesk, but found this SMTP option is not available. Will move on to this platform once this option is properly available.

Also Sean Cusick, one option which I have complaint to FreshDesk and they have not resolve it yet. Option is that when sending emails from custom domain SMTP (not gmail or yahoo), it just sent email from our server but does not save in SentBox of the email address. In programming, we have to use SMTP for sending email and must add few lines of extra codes (like imap_append in PHP) to save sent email in SentBox. So please must provide this option or add some checkbox "to save emails in SentBox".

Just followed the thread and also upvoted. Keep us posted.


Adding a voice, here. This is something our IT department requires so that there is a record of all emails in and out of the organization - something I'm sure many others can relate to. The increased delivery reliability would be a bonus. Eager to learn when this feature will be available.

Last status update was in March, so we're another half-year on now. Any sign?


Sean Cusick We're at the end of November now, any ETA available please? 

Would love to see if it's possible to retain features such as CodeTwo (signature manager), to stop double handling of signatures in multiple locations (Zendesk & CodeTwo). 


Should be implemented early last year... Now it's time to implement this feature. As Jarrad Richards told the signature Management is something important but also Mail signing and encryption... We all getting closer to use Mailrelay's for automatically sign and encrypt emails and this is at the moment not possible...


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Sean Cusick

Zendesk Product Manager

We are currently in development for an Authenticated SMTP Connector. We do not have an ETA for when that feature will be released. We will update this thread once we have more information. 


Hello Sean Cusick

Can I get a share of the development schedule?
I wonder when it will be released.
We are very interested in this feature.
It's a must-have feature.



Hi Sean Cusick 

On March 2, 2023, you mentioned this was on the 2023 roadmap. On December 1, 2023 you mentioned this feature was under development.


As of the first quarter of 2024 Microsoft has started a slow roll-out of some mail handling processes to ensure their IP's don't end up on blacklists due to open relays forwarding too much spam. This now affects the consistent delivery from  our internal support address relaying to our Zendesk support address to create tickets, and I'm sure we're not the only Zendesk customer having issues. We have SPF and DKIM setup properly but that's not the solution, and never should have been the solution to begin with, any longer. We NEED the ability to setup authenticated SMTP leveraging an o365 account in order to maintain brand consistency with our support.


Could you provide any sort of update? I saw reference that this type of functionality exists within Zendesk Sell, so it's not like the knowledge to implement the solution is missing from Zendesk's internal development team. We're just all curious why it's been 8 years since this thread was first opened expressing similar concerns to today, and still not having a solution in place to address things.


Thank you.


The following link outlines the changes I mentioned as described by Proofpoint, but it requires a login so I'll also attach a screenshot to read: Proofpoint's Response on CIDR Range Giving Relay Deny errors

Here is the link to the Microsoft documentation.



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Sean Cusick

Zendesk Product Manager

Thank-you everybody for your interest and feedback. Here is the EAP Intro and Signup Form doc.  All of the currently available information we have is contained within that page. 



