

Audit Logs


Please update the content of the audit log available for enterprise customers to include details on the creation, modification, deletion, and enable/disable for targets in ZenDesk. Also add my voice to those asking that the audit logs be made available in real-time in machine-readable form, using webhooks for example.




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Caroline Kello

Zendesk Product Manager

Dan, have you checked out the new location of audit log in Admin Center? It will give you the date range filter and export to csv. 

Thanks for the clarification on "search/filter (inclusively and exclusively)". That was something I had on my list to validate. I'll take a look at "Ability to jump to a specific page number (even if just by query parameter in the URL" that might be something we can look at separately. 


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Dan Ross

Community Moderator

Nope, never knew that existed, and I was recently in this part of the UI a few weeks ago. I was using the Admin Settings-> Account->Audit Logs in Support. Do these logs include audits for any product we own, or just Support?

I didn't see this in any release notes, was there any announcement on this made anywhere?

Overall, this looks pretty good!  I'll check this out a bit, it's definitely headed in the right direction.


Thanks for the reply Caroline!


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Caroline Kello

Zendesk Product Manager

It was released yesterday, so no wonder you didn't see it 😄 It's the same logs for now, but a starting point to allow us to scale and add in more features with the end goal of removing the Support location. 



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Stephen Belleau

Zendesk LuminaryCommunity Moderator

@... This is great! Looking forward to the next release - definitely headed in the right direction.

One thing I'd love to see changed is that all of the user sign-in logs shouldn't be part of the account audit logs. It would be amazing if that was moved to a spot on the individual user's profile page. 


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Caroline Kello

Zendesk Product Manager

Hey Stephen, end-user sign ins isn't captured at the moment, it's only agent activity. Are you seeing something different on your account at the moment? Or just feedback for future consideration? 


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Stephen Belleau

Zendesk LuminaryCommunity Moderator

@... Right, sorry for being unclear. I did mean agent sign-in logs - it would be great if that was on the agent profile page, instead of cluttering up account audit logs. Feedback for future consideration.


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Caroline Kello

Zendesk Product Manager

Thanks for the clarification and feedback, much appreciated! 


@... I agree that the audit log is not useful now that successful logins are listed.  Date range isn't a helpful filter for me - most of the time I'm looking to see who changed a particular record so I can talk to them about it - I have no idea the date the change was made.  Now there are pages of successful log in lines so I can't even reasonably do a browser search on a few pages to find what I'm looking for.

A search on the key words in the items changed field would be very helpful.  Or a search on the user role (including custom roles) could also be helpful - I'm mostly looking for activity that only an admin or someone with extra security could do.  So that activity would narrow down my search.


I'd really like the ability to find out who edited a user's name. This is the scenario: customer writes in that their name has been changed to "Customer <unprintable expletive>". How do I find out whether it was an agent that modified the customer name, or whether it was the customer trying to "prank" us?




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Dan Ross

Community Moderator

Great suggestion Adam! I'd like to expand it to include any changeable attribute (name, email, custom fields etc.) 

One really awesome feature would be an admin only 'view this object in Audit Logs' button. 

Having somewhere on the User or Org that I can click to take me to a prefiltered part of the audit log to just show me events with that object would be SUCH a timesaver!



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Dan Cooper

Community Moderator

I noticed that there was a recent change that allowed for a few more audit log activities to be shown.

"Audit log now shows events for when an agent is added to and removed from a group, when an organization is deleted, and when a group is deleted."

It's great seeing movement here, I hope that this continues until everything is available.  I also agree that filters should be added sooner than later aside from date ranges. There are some filter options available via the API but it's still fairly tedious and I find myself regularly wishing for action to be an available option


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Caroline Kello

Zendesk Product Manager

Filtering is next on our list; we're planning on this being an iterative approach and are currently working on the ability to filter by actor with more actions/filters to come. 

As for gaps in our audit log events, that's something that's top of mind for us as well and we're planning on continuously closing those gaps until we're as close to "everything" as possible.

More good stuff to come! 


It would be awesome if you could search via Agent/End-user and see all the changes that they have made.

I was looking for a change to a trigger that an Agent made but could not locate and figured it might be in the audit log. I knew who made the change but not when. So it would be nice to be able to sort by Name.


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Caroline Kello

Zendesk Product Manager

Hey Sydney, 

Filter by Actor is available in the Audit log in Admin Center where you can search for agent activities and date ranges. End-user activity isn't available currently. 


Thanks Caroline! That does prove helpful however there are a lot of logs (specifically signing in). It would be awesome to be able to search for the item before exporting it (it is best practice to not download/keep PII information).


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Caroline Kello

Zendesk Product Manager

Yes, totally agreed - more granular filtering (specifically per item) in the Audit log is something we currently have on the roadmap for later in the year.


I would like to also request audits of changes to the end user profile. This is key customer information and we should be able to audit which agent or user added/changed/removed the information and when.



We would like to see more end-user updates especially to user profile name as this would be useful to understand if it was customer error or an agent has changed - with data breaches top priority it helps understand where the change was made.



We would like to have much more useful data displayed in the audit logs, such as when any change is made to a user or an organisation. 

It is vital for us as a responsible business holding customer information that we have a duty of care to ensure the data is accurate and if a change is made we are able to see when and what was changed and by whom - this is more important to me than seeing when someone has logged in or changed their password, which fills the audit log at present.



same! please add this feature asap. It allows for complete transparency and the ability to hold individuals accountable. 


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Caroline Kello

Zendesk Product Manager

Hey folks,

We've two themes going for the audit log work in 2021: a) we want data to be easier to find which includes work like better filtering capabilities, and b) we want data to be there to find, which means we're looking to close the gaps on some audit events that we know are missing focusing on Support settings to start with. Looking forward to being able to share those updates as work progresses and will make sure to update this thread.


Additional items within the audit log would decrease our effort in hunting down the information:

  • When Groups were created (if they were made incorrectly, we can see how long the impact was happening)
  • The ability to filter out logins (logins consume pages of data and does not prove useful for our team)
  • Additional filter options as we specifically need to look for actions happening but sometimes do not know the time frame or who performed the action


It would be great if changes to User Fields in profiles were logged, as this was requested over 3 years ago, and marked completed, but still isn't a feature that is available. 


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Caroline Kello

Zendesk Product Manager

Hey CJ, at the top of that post is my announcement that User Fields is captured and available in the audit log. Is there something in particular that you're missing?


 Checkboxes, text fields, and user tags, all do not, for example, log any changes. I haven't tested the rest of the user field types to see just how many, but effectively none of my user fields actually log any changes currently. 


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Caroline Kello

Zendesk Product Manager

Oh, do you mean updates to the User fields as they appear on the user profile? Gotcha - that's correct that we don't currently capture that in the audit log. What we do surface is the configuration of the User fields in Admin Center. Now I understand what you're saying.

Our efforts right now are towards capturing changes to settings and configurations in Admin Center - I'll create a task on our backlog for changes to the User fields on the user profile. 


Caroline Kello the message you posted on the post says "Hi folks, just here to let you know that updates to the User profile and updates to Organisations are now available in the audit log. " 

You specifically stated that "updates to the user profile" are available in the audit log. This was posted on a request for "What Agent/Admin changes what End-User Field on what End-User when - if that makes sense." 

There's no part of this mentions "configuration of these fields in the admin center", and the request very specifically states that they want to know what agent made what action on what field, on *what end-user*. This request was never about logging changes to the settings for existing user fields. 

So was this removed? Never created? Because nothing they requested seems to available.  https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/4409222520986-Audit-Logs-for-End-User-Field-Changes



Support has updated me that the feature request to record changes to fields in user profiles was never implemented.
They will not un-mark the request completed despite being completely misleading, and this isn't a priority for them to implement, so it won't be happening any time soon. I was told to file a brand request to request this again, despite already having done so almost a year ago and *also* having that request marked as solved out when it was not. 


Hi :waves: I was advised by Dave to add my request to this thread:

It's imperative we're able to see a version history or track changes of ticket fields, especially if you have more than one administrator -- if you click in the ticket field, at the top it even tells you when it was last modified but not "what" was modified or by whom. It seems pointless to indicate a field was recently updated but not say what information was changed. Secondly, since automations and triggers can rely on tags, it's even more important to know of any changes made since it can break other configurations. It would also be very hard to correct any offending behavior regarding updates when you don't know who made them. Thanks!


@Caroline Kello -- any chance of logging Emails sent to Users in the Audit Log?  Many vendor platforms offer this now.  Great for troubleshooting end-user support requests.  Thank you for considering.



