Customize Status Field Values



It would be great to be able to customize the status field drop down and specify which status values are considered closed (and open for that matter) Much like Salesforce's Status picklist where you can check which values are default and closed




Is there any update from Zendesk Engineering Team? 


If I manually assign a new ticket to one of my agents, I would like the status to stay as new and not change to open. Will this be addressed with the custom status fields? 


@... Are you able to please see if there's any update on when custom status' will be released?


Count me in; we have certain tasks that are laying at development and want to make a clear statement to the user showing the ticket. Currently this is one of the most missing features that others like Jira and Frehdesk offer (I know.. it's always a trade off but just saying).

Thank you



Any news on this feature?


Just adding a +1 here and hope that we get another update soon on this.


Adding my +1 here. We've been waiting on this to be a feature for the better part of a decade...


hey Gaurav Parbat

Really great news. 10+ years in the making for this feature request. 

It would be really great if you could allow some of the ZD Partners such as myself access to the closed EAP this quarter. I've got quite a few customers on the books where I can help provide you with feedback based on all of their use cases etc. As a partner, it's also great to be able to test out the features which are coming and also provide you further feedback as well. 

I've filled out the survey, looking forward to hopefully being a part of the first EAP. :)


Can you please confirm which versions of the product this feature will be available in?


Will we have this feature in Q2?


Hey Carl Carver

I'm sure Gaurav Parbat will correct me if i'm wrong here. 

There's only one version of ZD Support in general and the new custom status' will work on it. Ticket field status' in general are not something that is linked to the new agent interface, in case you were referring to this as the "versions of support". 


Hey Amie Brennan

I should have said which 'plan' will this be available on. We have Professional; I just want to make sure it's not going to be an Enterprise-only feature. 



Hey Carl Carver

Ahh good one. Makes sense now. 

One would like to think the new custom status' feature would be available across all plans since ticket fields are allowed on all plans in general. 

Although if it was going to be plan restricted, it's probably going to be professional or enterprise would be my bet. 

Def a question Gaurav Parbat would be able to help us with. :)


One of the problematic use cases we have is the ability for customers of our Support Help Desk (powered by Zendesk) to see accurate status information. 

If a customer has logged 100+ tickets with us from their view they can not differentiate (or filter) product feedback requests vs. issue/bug reports. Additionally, they see tickets as "open" or "solved" but they do not see the correct status that internal agents see. For example - if something is product feedback we let the customer know we will take their feedback into account and mark that ticket as "on hold" but the customer sees the status as still "open" creating a lot of confusion for our customers in managing their own ticket views and updates.  

Can you tell me if we're missing something in how the customer sees the status updates or if the use case I described above will be addressed by the product beta coming? If so how can our company get in the beta?



Any update on this? Was the beta version released? When is it going to be public for all customers?



Any updates on this feature? We would at minimum like to have the exact same status' on both agent side and end user side.

Support Ticket Help Center request
New New
Open Open
Pending Pending
On-hold On-hold
Solved Solved
Closed Closed


We could not agree more with Agyeman Danso's request (above). It's extremely frustrating when our customers cannot see the same status we have designated for their ticket. We put "product feedback" tickets "On-Hold" until our product team has an answer or the feature ends up in the product. We need our customers to see the accurate status on their end. (I've run several tests with customers and they see our "on-hold" tickets as "open". If they submit a lot of product feedback tickets they have an extremely difficult time navigated their ticket status. 

Additionally our customers want to see the "ticket types". If we have "support issue" or "product feedback" as ticket types our customers want to be able to see AND filter their views. It imperative for amazing customer support. 


Q1 is over and so is Q2 soon. Has the EAP started already?


We need an update on this feature please Product Managers...


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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey Oliver and Mark,

It looks like Custom Ticket Statuses is currently in EAP. More information can be found in this topic: Zendesk Support EAP - Custom Ticket Statuses
I hope this helps!


Brett Bowser

I'm a registered user - and I'm getting the below: 

You're not authorized to access this page


Brett Bowser I do not have access to the topic you're linking to--> 

I know we at LumApps have access to be part of early access (between myself and Andrew our Support leader).


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Gaurav Parbat

Zendesk Product Manager

Hello Everyone!

I am excited to announce that Custom Ticket Statuses will be in a Limited Closed EAP starting mid-June, 2022 in production instances. We are looking for a small group of up to 200 customers to participate and provide feedback on the feature. We are also planning a larger Open EAP in the next two months and a GA right after. 

If you wish to participate in the EAP, please sign up using the following link. CTS Closed EAP Signup

There are certain criteria for this EAP

  • Participants must be on the new Agent Workspace
  • Participants must know and accept that not all features will work with custom statuses during the EAP
  • Participants may be willing to provide feedback on their experience



Gaurav Parbat,

Ticketing Product Manager


Thanks for the update with the test group - when do you plan to officially get this feature released?


I’m not able to access the link as well.


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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey Claire,

Apologies for the confusion! As Gaurav mentioned, the EAP is limited which would explain why you don't have access to the link. You'd need to sign up on the form that Gaurav provided. 
That being said, it looks like the form link isn't working properly so I will see if we can provide an updated link.
Stay tuned!


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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey Melody and Claire,

Here's the correct link if you're still interested in joining the closed EAP:
I hope this helps!


Brett Bowser Thank you! I shared with my Help Desk leader to get us signed up.


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Gaurav Parbat

Zendesk Product Manager

Hello Everyone, 

We are now in an Open EAP for Custom Ticket Statuses. Any customer on the Agent Workspace can participate in the EAP. You can enable custom ticket statuses from your Admin Center and use this feature in both your production and sandbox accounts. This EAP is available on all plan types and doesn’t require you to sign up to participate. Please read this announcement for more details. 


Gaurav Parbat


Gaurav Parbat The link to the announcement in your post is broken. Can you please fix it :)



