Sort Tickets by columns like "Subject", "Requester" and "Status" at the "Organization requests" page
Feature Request Summary:
At Guide (= Help Center) it should be possible for end-users/customers to sort their tickets by columns like "Subject", "Requester" and "Status" at the "Organization requests" page.
Description/Use Cases:
We just launched our new support platform based on Zendesk.
We use the default theme "Copenhagen".
Some of our customers and partner miss our legacy support system, which we replaced with Zendesk.
The customers and partners with a really high ticket volume need more control about their tickets.
Business impact of limitation or missing feature:
The mood among our customers and partners is important for our business success.
They don't understand why the new Zendesk-based support platform has such usability limitations.
One partner told us how a global vendor like Zendesk, which praises itself for its good usability, can't manage to sort the columns of a table.
Other necessary information or resources:
I followed the following article and could achieve sorting for "Ids", but it doesn't work for the rest of the mentioned system fields:
Ashlee Shaw
We have received multiple end user complaints about the lack of the ability to sort their tickets as well as to hide closed/solved tickers.
Many of our end users are high volume users and require the ability to sort to be able to communicate effectively with our teams.
This feature is absolutely necessary and I'm surprised that given the native ability for agents to sort that end users have essentially no control over how they view their communications.
Jens Müller
our customers are companies with many employees. In this context quite a lot of tickets are created within one organization.
1) It is necessary to filter tickets by status (e.g. all tickets that are not solved or closed).
2) It is necessary to sort tickets by requester, status and other fields.
Gorka Cardona-Lauridsen
Hi all, thank you for your feedback!
I'm happy to tell you that we are currently working on a feature that will let you enable sort and filter on most columns/fields for end users and let you expose more fields as well.
We expect this to be available in first half of 2022, most likely in open beta. We are taking a phased approach to the release so improved sorting and filtering will be in the first release and the ability to expose more fields will come as soon as possible afterwards.
If you need this functionality sooner there are currently some possible workarounds by customizing your Help Center theme.
Check out:
Jens Müller
Thank you for the feedback on my proposal. I am looking forward to the new feature. :-)
Josef Prandstetter
Gorka Cardona-Lauridsen: Will this new feature include custom fields as well?
Means display, sort and filter custom fields in Help Center at the "Organization requests" page.
Best Regards,
Josef Prandstetter
Gorka Cardona-Lauridsen
Hi Josef Prandstetter
We will make custom fields available to be displayed, sorted and filtered on, but due to some dependencies it will be in phase two mentioned above. It is the most important sub-feature of this initiative, so it will not be forgotten.
There could be some exceptions based on the custom field type though we are still working through the details. Like sorting and filtering on multi select and credit card fields - multiselect is tricky and credit card fields don't seem useful to sort and filter by.
Josef Prandstetter
Gorka Cardona-Lauridsen: This are really great news for us, which we expect very excitedly!
Scott Burnham
Why did this stop working?!?? Sort by subject is super important, and now it is dead.... Has anyone here tried FreshDesk?
Shelly Traister
Getting push back from clients who already have a tough time managing our work in their own systems PLUS ours. If they can't filter and sort, it makes it that much more difficult to push the use of zendesk with them.
Gorka Cardona-Lauridsen When are these updates supposed to be implemented? The first half of 2022 is over now, is it possible to access this, even if only in beta?
Scott Burnham
Fyi, FreshDesk is actually worse than ZenDesk in this issue, and more, just finished testing their Enterprise tier, and it is also trash.
Gorka Cardona-Lauridsen
We are very happy to let you know that we have now added the ability to see custom fields to the new request list open beta and we will continue to add more features.
You can read more in this announcement.
I know this does not (yet) solve the issue in this post, but since it is related I thought you would find it relevant. As part of the work on the new request list we are intending to add better sorting capabilities.
Gorka Cardona-Lauridsen
Hi all
We are very excited to announce that users can now (pending rollout) filter their requests based on custom field values in the new request list experience. See the announcement here for all the details.
Eric Madura
Upvote, please. Lots of end-user requests for this sort ability.
Scott Burnham
Sure but it won't work. Read the thread...
Zendesk doesn't care as long as their big dollar accounts are happy, and sometimes not even then.
Gorka Cardona-Lauridsen
Hi all, I'm sorry that this request has existed for so long and that it was not the first feature we added to the new request list experience, but it is one among several important requests for improvement of the request list experience that we have prioritized according to importance, but also how quickly we can deliver an improvement to our customers.
That we haven't gotten to improving sorting yet, does not mean that we don't think it is important. It is part of our plans to improve the request list experience one iteration at a time.
Is it still part of the plan in 2024?
Scott Burnham
I think their plan is to just keep removing features…
Shawna James
I understand how our recent updates about this feature have caused frustration because we didn't reference our guidelines in this post. Product feedback that is provided in this space is not guaranteed to be included on any product backlog or roadmaps. While we listen and read every piece of feedback that comes through this forum, in some instances, our product teams need to make the tough decision to work in a direction that is not aligned with a particular piece of feedback, or they need to reprioritize to focus in another direction. This Community forum is simply for sharing your challenges and how you use the product, but it is not a case/resolution system.
Gorka's most recent update is the latest news we have about this feature request. Should we have more information to share, or updates to our plans, we will do so here.
Also, per our guidelines and code of conduct, I want to remind folks that we expect all community members to adhere to respectful discourse in this space. Feedback and constructive criticism are welcome. Disparaging, harassing, mean, or snarky remarks about Zendesk, its employees, vendors, partners, or other community members will not be tolerated.
Thank you again for your engagement and being valuable Zendesk customers.
Ron Thomas
Is this still part of the plan? Sorting is a standard option on every single thing that offers lists. Please allow us to sort by every category including custom fields/statuses/tickets/etc.