Product Suggestion: Can you add email notification when articles are published?
Is it possible to enhance the Publishing option in Guide so that whenever a new article is published, an auto email-notification is sent to the author of that article?
Heather Rommel
Hi Mary,
Why would you want this? Aren't they the ones publishing it? lol
I think I'm missing your use case, but I'm not the Product Manager anyway so...
Mary Paez
Sometimes certain individuals publish their own articles. However, we have a group of KCS 1 support staff that only submit for review. When we publish their articles, it would be great to auto notify them of this.
KCS I create, classify, save, submit for review. Then, they do not know the status afterwards. It would be good, as a courtesy, to let them know their articles are published.
KCS II and III publish their own articles. In this case, it is not needed.
Stephen Belleau
Thinking a little broader here, it would be great to have trigger functionality on articles, period. Our use case is similar where we would like our KCS III group notified whenever internal articles are created. We might also want to notify a different group when an external article is published to the help center.
If triggers were enabled on articles we'd look for the following functionality:
Am I dreaming too big? :)
Mary Paez
I think these are reasonable. Maybe give each user the options to turn these on/off to allow them to control how much notification they receive. Publishing internal articles notif. is great for the worldwide team!
I'm not familiar with the trigger actions you mention. Can you elaborate?
Stephen Belleau
Sure - I was thinking something similar to how ticket triggers work already. They have the conditions it evaluates, and then the actions it performs when something evaluates to true. e.g email a user, update a field, add a tag, etc.
Nicole Saunders
Hey Stephen -
Would you be looking for true triggers, i.e. when an article is published it creates a ticket in Support that triggers can the be fired on? Or more of a customizable notification system that lives within the Guide interface and sends email (or maybe in-app) notifications?
Stephen Belleau
Hey Nicole!
I was thinking actual triggers - if the trigger functionality is going to be expanded to include custom resource objects in the future, then I would hope articles could be included. So if I go to create a trigger, the first step would be to choose type of trigger: Ticket, custom resource, article, user...
Mary Paez
Hi Nicole,
The problem with creating a ticket as a notification is that it becomes a middle step. It would be helpful the email notification is sent directly to the author of the article.
Right now the Knowledge Capture feedback is sent as a ticket. Then, I get an email and have to send it to the person that the feedback is directed to. After I send the email to the author of the article and cc the person who sent the feedback, I have to set the product on the notification ticket and then close the ticket. This takes extra time for me to do this work.
It would have been a better design if the auto-notification went to the author of the article in which the feedback is provided with no ticket being opened. It could cc the person who sent the feedback since you already know both thru Knowledge Capture.
Heather Rommel
While I can see Mary's point, for our account, an email directly to the author would not be the best routing for us.
We would prefer to customize a Trigger to route these if you don't mind because we would have differing needs based on which article, which section, which category and which brand.... Also the author of the article is not necessarily the point person for that topic forever...
So if we could trigger off a tag on that article, or the category/section... that would be amazing. And we'd love a ticket!
Thanks for considering this!
Mary Paez
Maybe offer two options on how to notify (enable the checkbox for the one you want)
Nicole Saunders
Thanks for the lively discussion on this, all. Keep the ideas coming!
Maggie Ungerboeck
I think this would be a nice to have but in our case, there would be no need for a ticket to be created. It would just save the step that I am doing currently which is to send an email to the author letting them know their article is live.
I think being about the build more detailed email notification customizations would be great overall in Guide but for us, crossing it over into Support wouldn't be much benefit to us.
Mary Paez
I have to agree with you, Maggie, having tickets & a middle process slows things down. Faster if the notification is sent to the person or group directly with no middleman process. Also, we don't like having to manage all those tickets around feedback.
Suzie Baunsgard
I would love to see the option for triggers on articles, so that we could develop the ability to notify folks when the status changes.
I get articles at all hours of the day (we're worldwide), and it's helpful to know soon after an item goes up so I can ask questions to that timezone in (whatever amount of crossover time) I have without waiting a whole day.
Kalle Windefalk
Agree with Mary.
our KCS I can only submit for review. They need to submit the article via the KC app to get the link statistics. Since the author is not notified when an article is published, our KCS Coach need to send them a message when the article is published so that they can submit the article in the ticket. This is very time consuming.
Suzie Baunsgard
Hi, further refinement here. We'd love to notify people (or groups) on publishing, and as one of the people who admins content, I'd really like a notification when folks create a draft.
Long story short, we have a process for creating content, and creating a draft with no follow up notification leaves me in a position where publication is delayed (which is not great for our customers) and where my first interaction with a writer is not timely and not as positive as I'd like.
The features in publishing and guide admin are not as helpful as an actual notification. People are often doing their best in trying to do it right, but miss a step, don't quite get everything perfect, and something's left hanging in draft where it's not searchable and lacks visibility.
Meredith Huffman
Hi all! I'd love to use something like this to pull into a Slack channel we have. This way it alerts our team to look for it while working with customers or refer to it for an internal process coming up. I've been looking for an option for this since we moved to Zendesk HC but it's not apparent and a lot of the Google Results bring up a broken link. Does anyone have any process they've used to accomplish this? Thanks in advance!
Sofia Koivuniemi
I'd also be interested in getting notifications from published articles to Slack or Teams, so everyone in our support team is aware of new articles.
Sofia Koivuniemi
Any updates on this? Would also need to receive a notification for unpublished articles.
Natasa Stevanovic
I am also interested in using Slack channels to announce new or updated articles. Any news or ideas? Thank you!
Katarzyna Karpinska
Hi All, thank you for taking the time to provide us with this feedback. We apologize for the delay on our end in providing you with a response to your feature request.
We wanted to let you know that at this time we are not able to commit to building this feature. We understand this may be frustrating but wanted to ensure we closed this loop to remain transparent.
At this time we are going to close this post for comment and mark it as “not planned”. If you are interested in learning more about this and other features being built please make sure to check out and follow our Community events, What’s New Community Topic, and Zendesk Updates. Again, we apologize for our delay and appreciate you being a valuable Zendesk Community member.