Customize Help Center "Follow section" email notification
Currently, when my customers follow a section in my Knowledge Base, if I add a new article in this section, they receive an email notification containing the full article.
Ideally, I would like to be able to edit a template for this notification.
In my case, I would simply put a link to the new article.
That would be a nice new feature!
Dylan Cao
7 months past after the official comment, is there any further information?
The customization of the automatic notification mail is also important to us.
Hope you can take our suggestions into consideration.
+mil for this option
Karyn Esrtada
+1 Please all the useful emails, customized or not, are going straight to the spam box!
Kalle Windefalk
I would like to see a more dynamic feature (at least the ability to turn it on/off). What about Hi-light paragraphs, text or images or whatever, that has been changed in the last update that generated the article update email. Some articles we have for the agents contains a lot of information. Hi-lighted changes would speed up the follow-up on what has been changed without the need to read it all through again to find that a simple line of text has changed (which could be crucial)
Mitchell Smith
Just come across this also.
This is really not good for engagement. I can see that users will get an email about a new article, scrub through it on the mail (which is never as nicely formatted as the site) and not visit the site.
I appreciate that email customisation is hard however surely in the meantime we can have 2 formats one with the full article and one only showing the title and a few lines for example. Then we can choose a toggle option to select how its sent.
We won't need full customisation but just the option to hide the main body of an article. Especially when they contain lots of images and additional content which is not favourable for a users mailbox.
Any updates will be great thanks!
Still looking forward to hearing more from Zendesk.
The difference in branding on overall outward professional look is like night and day between what we can do within the HelpDesk articles and the automated email that goes out to followers.
Could we receive an update on timeframes/expectations on this functionality?
I would also like the ability to customize the "follow" email that gets sent to end users. Is there any update on this feature? Thanks!
Sean Needham
+ 1 We'd also like this feature. It would be great to be able to customize the "follow" emails. Currently we don't use follow on articles because of the current format.
Emelie Stjernquist
We also need to have it customized. As is, the content shown in email doesn't reflect the importance of the information given to the customer, neither is it branded.
We are using as is, but are not satisfied with it.
Robyn Casanova
Agreed and upvoted.
My initial request/post:
My company would like to customize the emails sent from Zendesk for "posting of a new article in a section".
SCENARIO: KB User subscribes to (follows) Section "FAQ" in the Knowledge Base. My organization posts a new Article to FAQ. Zendesk sends an email notification to KB User. This notification lets KB User know that a new Article is posted to FAQ.
Jacqueline Lehr
The inability to customize emails creates a poor customer experience for the customers we serve in our Zendesk Guide help centers and for me as a Zendesk customer. Please consider prioritizing this feature. Thanks!
Maiken Blok
We want to customise these e-mails too to match our branding and make it easy for our customers to recognise the content is from us. I attach a copy of an e-mail here below. I suspect these often land in the spam filter or simply get deleted without anyone reading them, as there are no clues other than the sender name that it comes from us.
We want to be able to customise the templates 1) to match our branding and 2) to match the style of the content we usually provide.
Ronja Sindek
We also really miss this possibility... We wanted to change all our manually send "information mails" to the "notification-mails" via help center articles and now can´t customize them ?! :(
And we also want to add the unsubscribe function, but I can't find any documentation about this?
Ines Costa
Hi Zendesk Team, any updates on this? Is this on your roadmap?
Ronja Sindek
For legal reasons, we must offer the user / customer the possibility that he can quickly unsubscribe. At least the info, why he receives this mail and how he can deactivate it is necessary.
For this we must be able to edit the email notification.
Kasper Sørensen
Hi all,
Chiming in here because there seems to be talk of two things: Customizing emails and adding unsubscribe links. I am confused by the second point because we already provide an unsubscribe option for the notifications coming out of Help center. Here's an example of a notification upon a new article created:
The unsubscribe option is at the bottom (the "click here") link.
Ronja Sindek
Hi Kasper, i saw this in the Zendesk mails (now they don't have it anymore). But Zendesk support couldn't tell me how to get it in.
We only get the info - that Liquid markup is not possible.
Kasper Sørensen
Ronja Sindek I don't understand why that would be. But maybe I'm missing something here. Did you do something to your email templates or something that caused this?
Ronja Sindek
@... unfortunately, i don't understand it either. in any case, it's missing for us and we've already had 2 tickets where we couldn't be helped.
Where could I look if there is something "wrong" in our settings?
Kasper Sørensen
Hi Ronja Sindek
The only way that I know of is if you remove the {{footer}} element from your email template. Here's how this is inserted on my account (the default template - you can click the Revert link at the bottom to restore the default template if you want)
Sarah Boyd
Is there a way to stop sending these emails, even after subscribers have clicked "Follow?" We would like to completely stop those emails from going out so we can use our own email platform. For security reasons, we do not want the entirety of the article contents being sent via email.
Kasper Sørensen
There's not a single "turn off notifications" option. But you could consider removing the "Follow" buttons on the section page of your HC theme, and then an account administrator can remove the subscriptions via our REST API. Then you would essentially not be getting anyone to follow it.
Sarah Boyd
Thank you, Kasper! Just out of curiosity, is there a manual way to remove the subscriptions?
Kasper Sørensen
Hi Sarah,
The only way at the moment is to use our REST API. The documentation for which is here:
I guess another way would be to create brand new sections that are not yet subscribed to. But that seems pretty intrusive :-)
Ines Costa
Hi there, we have to be mindful that not all Zendesk Guide users are experts in APIs nor may have the resource at hand. Something simple as being able to edit email templates should definitely be added to the product roadmap at least. Thanks
Jon Schlueter (Hearsay)
Would love to see the ability to edit the emails that are sent from Guide. The biggest ask from our customers is the ability to unsubscribe. If I tell them to log in to our Help Center, find the article, click "unfollow", I promise you 0% of my customers will do that — it's just too much work and a pain in the butt for them. Adding an "unsubscribe" link is a big need for us as it's in every email with every other company.
Henkka (Pepron)
Adding +1 here, and would like to ask does this feature request also cover all of these emails being sent from
Or is there another feature request for that? Or if this is possible to already change even better :)
It's causing problems when we are using a diffetent email domain for these emails then the one the customer is accustomed to.
+1 to customization of the "Follow" email. We want to be able to better control the formatting and content of these emails, specifically for our service alerts.