

Allow articles to be posted to multiple sections



It would be super awesome if we had the ability to post a single article to multiple sections. We have a number of different "buckets" that our customers fall into that each have their own specific section. We often times write articles that are german to more than one group of customers but not all groups of customers. As it stands currently we have to write the article, post it to one section, copy it, navigate to a different section and post the article, navigate to a different section and post the article, navigate to a different section and post the article, and then navigate to a different section and post the article. This is also a huge pain because that one article now has 5 different URLs and becomes a nightmare for updating and linking in our marketing materials and / or website. It would be much easier and efficient if we could choose to post an article to multiple sections (even if it were still separate URL's for each).




I was thinking about buying a cake to commemorate...


yeah, it is under "planned" - don't get your hopes up: a previous post:

Andrew Dahl
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Thanks for all the great feedback on being able to post the same article in multiple sections. We like this feature so much that we've added it to the roadmap for Help Center.

Unfortunately I can't give a timeline, but this thread will be updated when we have more details to share.



@... Katarzyna Karpinska
Content Blocks has nothing to do with this feature requested here...
Once again... excuses excuses that are 10 years old...


Katarzyna Karpinska Andrew Nichols 10 years of waiting on this feature, is absolutely insane!


Hello. What is the status of this request which has the age of a teenager?  Is their a hope to see its deployment before 2025 or 2030?


This still has been waiting for 10 years!?!?!? THIS NEEDS TO HAPPEN! Please Zendesk! Any status on the updates?


Is this even going to be developed?

I read elsewhere that the Help Center's core framework makes it very difficult to do this. So the answer was the release of Content Blocks.

If posting articles to multiple sections is not going to be developed, and Content Blocks are the way to go, then it's better to close the topic as it is clearly also feeding expectations.



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Katarzyna Karpinska

Zendesk Product Manager

Ricardo Novais Pereira, you might be referring to this comment. You are correct in saying that this is a complicated problem for us to solve but the development of this feature is actually already ongoing and we hope to see some early changes in UI in the first half of this year. As for content blocks, they are covering a slightly different use case than multiplacement so we see them rather working together than instead of the functionality you are requesting. 


Ricardo Novais Pereira Katarzyna Karpinska

This feature has been requested over 10 years ago by me and a few other folks. 
Lots of promises and nothing delivered, the same thing with the KCS module.
Content blocks have nothing to do with posting articles in multiple categories in my opinion...


I don't know if you are aware but you can reuse content between Categories using Paligo. It's also here in the Zendesk marketplace. 

Paligo allows all the functionality mentioned in this long request as well as other pieces of functionality that authors may need such as versioning and collaboration. 

Zendesk is superb as a support platform and Guide provides excellent functionality for showing content, personalization, ticket deflection, widgets and the like. Paligo simply adds an enterprise level of authoring on top of Guide. The combination maybe of interest. 

[Yes I am connected to Paligo but I still think this information is relevant here]


Antonio Maninha We're working on a new help center where I work, and content blocks were one of the adoptions we made to reuse the content in different articles and sections. We have situations where just reusing the same article on different sections would have been in fact easier, but Content Blocks also provide a workaround to achieve something similar. I'd say it's already a possible alternative, but your case may be different - there's a lot I don't know.

Katarzyna Karpinska good to know, and thanks for clarifying!


Olá Ricardo Novais Pereira
Espero que esteja tudo bem consigo.
In my scenario, we do need to have multiple categories. It gets me really upset the fact that we have been going on with this request for over 10 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ZD has promised and doesn't deliver. They have also removed entire KCS modules and features. I don't get it. I love the software but ZD needs to cater more to what we need.



Antonio Maninha we can connect, and perhaps I could offer some input? Otherwise, you might have to continue waiting for more years :P  https://www.linkedin.com/in/ricardonovaispereira/ 


Maybe it's one final request for this feature that will put it over the top. Right? Right?

This would be very helpful. 434th time's the charm!


To all those hoping and wishing:

I too am hoping and wishing with you as well for this feature to eventuate. It will come within due time.

What we all need to keep in mind is that Zendesk is quite an old technological beast. Meaning it's like an old American V8 Muscle, built on old architecture underneath which is pretty limiting. Zendesk have been working really hard to change and modify the underlying infrastructure to Zendesk so new features like this can become available to us. 

Like all good things, the foundations and all the work under the hood must be done first before it can come to reality and be seen and utilised by users from there. 

I know this is a pain in the ass to still be waiting after 10 years but ZD is trying to do their due diligence for us. You can't push a square peg through a round hole any quicker than a round peg. 

In case you're also not aware, this feature IS planned on the Gudie roadmap this year. Its currently visible on the road map and Zendesk know that they have to build it in order for their system to be able to keep up with modern times. 

I'd rather wait for a solid release on such a feature, rather then something which is rushed and fails/breaks all the time. 


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey Will love the enthusiasm. :) Just wanted to note that the product manager indicated in her comment above that the feature is currently being worked on.

I think we passed the tipping point with comments and votes a long time ago, and now it's less about people weighing in and more about just waiting as development goes through its paces. I realize that this thread sat for a LONG time before the team was able to take action on the suggestions, but I want to reassure everyone that this feedback is very much on the team's radar, has, in fact, influenced the roadmap, and your comments are absolutely playing a role in their decision making. Thank you all for providing your feedback and thoughts, and for your patience as Katarzyna and team work through the many challenges of development. 

Ricardo Novais Pereira just a head's up, this forum is public so you may want to consider linking to and connecting via LinkedIn or something to that effect rather than posting your email address here. 


I think that we all also appreciate your enthusiasm but the lack of communication between ZD and their users is something that needs to be improved upon... Look what SF and SNow are doing with their customers... Monthly webinars, interaction, and recognition, they listen to the customers.
ZD has been actually removing modules related to KCS... you had the module, removed it, and came back with something else that kind of works but doubles the work that support agents have to create content (back to copy and paste ticket resolution to the new article).
This thread is over 10 years old and shows a lack of commitment to having such a needed feature.
I am glad it is coming to an end and finally, we have a happy ending (hoping so).


Poor, tired, old Zendesk. This is why I left.


any news here?



Hello there,

We hope you're doing well!

Our team has been working on a solution proposals to address the issue in this thread, and we're eager to gather feedback from you to better understand and validate the usability of our proposed changes. This will help us ensure that we're on the right track to meet your needs and improve overall satisfaction with Zendesk Guide.

We're looking for participants who:

  • Regularly create and manage articles in Zendesk Guide.
  • Experience challenges in replicating the same content across multiple sections or brands, leading to content duplication.
  • Are interested in providing feedback on our proposed changes to address this issue.

The study will involve a 1-hour session, during which you'll have the opportunity to test a prototype of our proposed changes and share your thoughts on the potential improvements.

If you're interested in participating and fit the criteria mentioned above, please click the following invitation link, which will start with a short screener survey: Invitation Link

Thank you in advance for considering this opportunity. Your participation and feedback are invaluable to us, and we truly appreciate your support in making Zendesk Guide even better for all our customers!


Also interested in having the ability to have a single article populate in multiple locations. 



It's just a dream over 10 years long, that shows the commitment to their customers...
We are in need of that feature too and still, this big ask is going again after 10 years to the black hole!!!
Really dissapointing...


When can we expect an EAP to start?




Any update on this feature? This would be a huge win for our kb! 


The following is one idea for this suggested Zendesk feature to help you think through it. This is using an "alias" feature.

  1. Add a Create Alias Article button on the article's right side editing panel, maybe just above the Archive Article button.
  2. User decides to have the same article show up in two different Guide sections. User clicks Create Alias Article button and a popup asks to choose the destination section, then when selected, clicks submit.
  3. Under this button it now shows a section name as the selected alias location for reference.
  4. When anyone goes to the section where the alias is located, that article label in the list with an "alias" icon to indicate it's an alias. When they click to open it, it brings them to the original article.
  5. When the user admin goes to archive or delete an article (or archive) that has one or more aliases, a app prompts the admin saying it has aliases and deleting (or archiving) the article will also delete (archive) all aliases.


When chickens start growing teeth, the feature will be available...


Is there any update for 2024 on the outlook or status of this feature to allow an article to reside in multiple "sections"? (not Content Blocks) - Thank you! 


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Katarzyna Karpinska

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Rebecca

We've done a lot of back-stage work last year to enable this feature and we are actively working on this functionality right now. We hope for a first release in a few months. 


Hi Katarzyna Karpinska is there an update on this please on the release date?


Considering she said "in a few months" on Jan 31st, i would expect something around end of march or april.



