Feature Request: Reporting on Article Labels in Explore
As a team relying heavily on article labels for content management in Zendesk Guide™, we'd like the ability to report on article labels in Zendesk Explore™.
As a team relying heavily on article labels for content management in Zendesk Guide™, we'd like the ability to report on article labels in Zendesk Explore™.
Orsolya Forster
Thank you all for sharing your feedback.
I see that having the label filter would help you with tracking the performance of articles of various types. We will look into adding label data to the knowledge base reporting.
Many thanks for your contribution!
Stephen Belleau
Agreed! This would be really helpful.
Rishabh Kumar
Absolutely. This is something that even we are trying to figure out and will be really helpful to manage articles.
Allison Sargent
Same! We use labels to keep track of our article types - reference, troubleshooting, etc. And this would really help us filter our "buckets" without having to manually do this with 900+ articles....
Casey Birkholz
We need this! I have to report out on article use for a specific project - I could pull 1 report based on labels but instead, I have to manually pull 9 reports every week and review 1x1 to capture all of the articles in various sections. It takes forever.
Dimitri Velednitsky
With Answer Bot filtering working only on Labels they have become a crucial part of our content management. Since it was absent from our content management before starting to use Answer Bot we are trying to do catch-up and that's incredibly difficult when we can't even assess what our current situation is.
Christopher Boerger
This indeed would be helpful.
Shane Monaco
Hi Team, reiterating everyone here expressing this feature would be helpful. Any updates would be appreciated.
Krista Zaloudek
+1 on this request. Additionally, if there would be any way to add functionality to have any Explore reporting on Help Center articles with embedded videos or other embedded media as well.
Our business really would like easy to pull reporting on the performance of groups of articles, which we can segment easily through labels.
Additionally, with reporting on the clicks on videos, we can better understand if the end user is actually using the help center material produced.
Our goal as a business is to use Explore data to build better content for our end users as well as to work with the specific teams to easily show them insights from the data on how both groups of articles, search terms, specific articles, or embedded media are performing.
Ana-Alicia Siqueiros
Agreed with this request as it is needed time and time again to make us more efficient and be able to ultimately provide quicker service to those requesting.
Love the idea Krista provided of "to add functionality to have any Explore reporting on Help Center articles with embedded videos or other embedded media as well."
Khusboo Shah
+1 on this request. We are looking for a count of articles linked from tickets that can be filtered via labels. This data is important for us to monitor.
Tobias Hermanns
is there any update here on the roadmap, we also urgently need this ability here?
Scot Sroka
Also interested in this request!
Can Zendesk share an approximate date when this could be available?
I'd like to dig deeper into reporting on articles, by grouping them in different ways (categories, sections, labels). Categories and sections I can already report on in Explore. If reporting on labels will not become available in the near future, I would be looking into doing so with Google Analytics. However, I am relying more on Explore and would prefer to do it here. Is this a feature that will become available soon?
Thank you in advance!
Ryan Boyer
I want to add my voice to this feature request! Because there are not customizable fields in Guide, we use the Labels field for several purposes - search, integrations with other systems, linking to problems, etc. Without any way to report on these labels, it becomes unmanageable since the only way to confirm an article is labeled correctly is to go into the article manually in the Guide admin view to check the labels. This is a cumbersome process since it would be easier to report on the labels as an attribute in Explore.
Anne Roe
Orsolya Forster - Are there any plans to add labels to Explore? Its been a few years since the last update on this.
Orsolya Forster
Hi Anne Roe and all in this thread,
As we are focusing on other Guide dataset work now, labels will likely be added next year. Still on our radar, as we understand how important this addition is for your reporting.
Rebecca Che
Hi, we use these labels to distinguish different inventories and components. without this feature in the Explorer, we are not able to view and measure articles correctly. Hope we can see this feature as soon as possible. Thanks.
Hi Orsolya Forster
Is there a date set for this metric to be released? We would also find this highly beneficial ^_^
Thanks in advance!
Heather Ausmus
We're very, very, very interested in this too. It's going to be rather long content audit to update labels on our KB w/o this, while it's going to be hard to track that our team is using labels accurately. Please release this soon!
Bobby Koch
need this asap
Jake Bantz
Hello everyone! Jake here from the Zendesk product team, I appreciate you continuing to express interest in this feature and sharing your individual use cases.
We apologize for the delay on our end in providing you with an updated response to your feature request. We wanted to let you know that at this time we are not able to commit to building this feature. We understand this may be frustrating but wanted to ensure we closed this loop to remain transparent.
We are going to close this post as “not planned”. We will leave the post open for comment and encourage you to continue to add your use cases and support but want to remind folks, as is stated in our Community Guidelines, that we can not commit to prioritizing any one piece of feedback we receive in the community.
If you are interested in learning more about this and other features being built please make sure to check out and follow our Community events, What’s New Community Topic, and Zendesk Updates. Again, we apologize for our delay and appreciate you being a valuable Zendesk Community member.
Bobby Koch
That's a huge problem Jake Bantz and incredibly dissapointing to see this update. Releasing featues, but not being able to report on them shouldn't be possible from an enterprise solution. Frankly, the reporting across guide is inconsistent and honestly pretty useless in it's entirety. I really wish you would see this for what it appears like to your customers - which is technical debt/a miss from the product team that built out these features. It screams half-baked product solutions and that is terrifying as we are heading into a world powered by AI. Please give us the reason this is not as important as whatever else is on your plate, otherwise you are just responding to a 3 year old post with no substance, other than “we don't care”.
Also very disappointed in this update. I don't know of many platforms that don't facilitate reporting on tags/labels.
Tobias Hermanns
Same here…
We used Tags to get Filter View in Guide, but Explore can do more i.e. show us a list which articles include “URL” and update them after a while. Disaster, that no reporting is doable here.
Bobby Koch
Pranita Suvarna just a heads up, this is a massive issue for our org (and the response from the PM equally as concerning).
Efrat Barak Zadok
Orsolya Forster and Jake Bantz -
We need article label in our reporting as distinguish by labels certain types of articles and we need a way to measure how many article with certain type were created.