Explore API



We have Enterprise plan type.
We want to integrate Explore dashboard to another corporate site. This site have all information about our company system including call center (phone). 
I tried to find Explore API or another way for this task. I created ticket for support but the answer afflicted me.

Can you make feature request and add it to you roadmap for 2020? Thank you!





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Walter Bellante

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi everyone,
thanks for your patience and for sharing your needs regarding embedding/exporting data out of Explore.

On one hand, we do not plan to build APIs to export data out of Explore. Explore focus is to be the reporting tool for Zendesk and we believe providing APIs won't get us closer to serving this vision.

On the other hand, we are researching how Dashboards can be embedded out of Explore so that you can experience dashboards out of the Zendesk ecosystem.
I'll keep you posted here once I have more updates.

As an alternative temporary solution, have a look at "External link sharing" allowing you to link dashboards outside of Explore and empowering users without a Zendesk license to view them.



@... did you get anywhere with this? We are in the same situation.


This is definitely a big need for us. Are there any plans to have apis for custom metrics and elements available in explore so we can export this information into enterprise dashboards? There are custom metrics we will need to create but if there is no way to export that metric or data to an enterprise dashboard, we will have to start pulling and storing all the info into ticket fields in order to send that info elsewhere. 


Would be great if we could build queries up inside of zendesk and using an API get the results to create a custom dashboard display on a different corp website.

Having to build and maintain a tool that downloads all the data and then would be able to do queries against seems like an overkill


We need the same thing. We applied for an EAP to share the Dashboard externally, but it's pretty rudimentary, you simply make an entire Dashboard accessible to the public. If you want to integrate that into an internal website, that's not really helpful.


FYI in case it helps anyone around here:



+1 to this idea. Being able to query and request our dashboards via API would allow us to combine information from multiple sources, which is vital to compiling the entire picture of our team's performance. 


+1 here too.  Definitely needed!!


Any news about this feature?


APIs for Explorer would be really helpful


API for Explorer are vital for us.

We currently programmatically a fair bit from Insights-

1) Populate agent's time sheets

2) report on agent utilisation in Power BI

3) Report on time consumption to our customers via BrightGague


The main theme is the reporting on time information which, traditionally only available from Gooddata/Insights.

If Insights is retired before these features are available, it will be a massive breaking change for us.


Not looking for full feature parity with Insights (yet?) but something that allows us to programmatically consume curated reports is critical


Hi everyone,

I am quite astonished that this post did not receive any answer from Zendesk Support team ... the topic has been opened almost one year ago. 

I am in the same situation and an answer even negative would be appreciable.

Hoping we'll get something out of this post...


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Walter Bellante

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi everyone!
Sorry for the delay in answering this post.

We are working on making Explore dashboards embeddable. This is to empower enterprise customers to combine information from multiple sources and to consume dashboards outside of Explore.

We aim at shipping it in the first half of 2021.
I'll keep you posted on the progress.

Thanks for your patience,


Thank you, Walter for the update.


For our usage (and from the comments here for others as well), embeddable dashboards will simply not be enough.

Apart from being able to shape data for different needs, the biggest issue is that only through Insights/GoodData can we properly expose time usage patterns (by date/customer/agent/ticket type etc) then consume those patterns in external systems.

In my eyes, embeddable dashboards are a Professional level solution, not Enterprise.

To maintain what we currently have out of the box, we will be forced to trawl through the audits table, track ticket time changes, import them into somewhere else then shape them in useful patterns. Effectively, we'll be forced to build a parallel EDW for data that already exists in Zendesk (and available via Insights).

In addition, even if embeddable dashboard were a solution, your expected ETA is *after* Insights is retired. What do you expect your enterprise customers to do in the mean time?

Can Insights stay up until some feature parity is achieved in the backend?

I am happy to take this offline with any of your crew to show you how we use the Insights API in ways that cannot be achieved without similar endpoints in Explorer.



What Oren said 👆

Embedding a report is a Professional level thing. Enterprise needs an API to integrate fully into other systems.


I can only stress, that embedding explore dashboards is not a solution.

My company needs access to Zendesk Explore via API.

A PowerBI connector would be a plus!


We need access to Explorer APIs to get query results.

Embeddable dashboards is NOT a solution.

We need access to OUR DATA.


Adding another +1 to this one, being able to access the Explore data from other applications is must for us. Not having that is impeding our use of the platform. 


Must say being able to get our data out from explore, either thru API, data pipeline or other mechanism is a better solution than a embeddable dashboard please.


Hey all, agreed on this being a definite need.  We've just finished pulling a few metrics via the Support API into Databox, and it's a lot of work to get the data into a format for dashboards.

A potential workaround here is running the Explore data into Parabola, using the scheduled reports delivering in CSV format.  In parabola the data can be organized/combined etc however you want, and sent out to your Dashboard's API.

I'll give it a try and post back here with results.



@Walter Bellante 

We are working on making Explore dashboards embeddable. This is to empower enterprise customers to combine information from multiple sources and to consume dashboards outside of Explore.

We aim at shipping it in the first half of 2021.

Has there been any progress on the work to embed explore dashboards? Maybe an ETA to activation? 

While I agree with all the requests for APIs, embeddable dashboards would be a perfect solution for one of my clients.


Hi @...,

Is there any updates on embeddable dashboards coming in the future?

I would also echo the sentiment on this thread, that having an Explore API would be amazing - being able to query and pull data directly from Queries would be extremely useful.

On the other side of this (and perhaps this belongs in it's own thread), it would be great to see integrations or methods of pulling data from external sources into Explore - for example, that might be pulling in a dashboard from Datadog or pulling information from Jira.


Hi @...,

Could you please provide a feedback to us? We are all expecting an update since your last comment with an estimated date - "half of 2021". The end of year is fast approaching and we also need to provide some feedback to our management team based on the progress of this activity.




Hi @...,
any news update embeddable dashboards?
When can we expect this feature to be release?

This is a missing feature which really has an impact on us as we can't unify our SLA reports over different data sources and tools!

Mario Sperlich


This not an alternative, as it is not possible to combine Explore data with other systems' data (Jira, YouTrack, etc) via "External link sharing"
The only way I see to achieve that is to make Explore to be iframed, or return a query result by API. 

Or you see another workaround, Walter Bellante



Agreed - we really need the ability to embed a Dashboard or access the query results via an API.

At the moment, the data within Explore is useful, but we can't combine it with our other tools (Jira / Datadog) to create a unified view either internally or for our customer.

Best regards,


Explore datasets aggregate a significant amount of data that would not be economical to reproduce. My hope is that Zendesk makes datasets available via API or integration tool (such as FiveTran) that we would be able to access programmatically.


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Sharra Rosichan

Zendesk Luminary

We also need access to explore the datasets in other places besides Zendesk Explore. 


Any update on this? Seems like a lot of customers feel it's pretty essential, and Embeddable dashboards is not a solution for us either - we need an API



