Revert to last published state - "unpublished changes in editor"


As with most people, testing layouts in Dashboard is very much trial and error, but the current version doesn't allow you "revert to last published state" and the unpublished changes in editor message is permanently pinned to the top.

There doesn't appear to be a way of reverting to last published state, and hiting edit takes you back to the edited test version.

This needs to be a feature that's possible for the Explore app to be useful.




Please add this feature. I rearranged the widgets and now have to spend hours manually recentering things because there's no simple "discard" feature.


+1. Undo broke my filter boxes to somehow render as entirely transparent and I can't just discard my changes... now I have to throw out the filters I put in and put them back one by one from scratch. I was very surprised to find that there was no "discard changes" or "close without saving" option!

I also want to point out that this is inconsistent with query behavior: if you exit out from the query editor without saving, it asks you if you want to discard your changes or save. If you exit out from a dashboard, it keeps all unpublished changes without user input.


My colleagues built a report and I had a play around in it just seeing what Explore could do. I didn't save my changes. Little did I know they were auto-saving. Now that I actually need to edit the report I'm unable to because every time I try to it says there are unpublished changes in the editor and I don't want to publish whatever I mucked around with when I was just testing functionality.

Agree with what someone argued above that this seems more like a bug than a feature request.


Please add this feature.


The lack of this is causing us lots of frustration and wasted work. 


I agree with the above, this is extremely frustrating. It's been over a year. Any update on this feature? I waste more time trying to "fix" a change I made, that didn't work as intended. Please move this feature to the top of your Product Roadmap... If there is a "workaround", I would appreciate if someone could share. TIA!


This seems to be a pretty critical feature as the "unpublished changes in editor" seems to appear even if you haven't made any changes but just gone in to check something. It makes me worry that I've changed something by mistake but I know I'll just have to go ahead an publish regardless as there is no choice...


Agree to all above and I appreciate the difficulty of adding versioning or detailed undo. But 'revert to published version' should not be extremely hard and would help a bunch of us



This is a rather frustrating experience when testing changes on any dashboard.


I found this very frustrating as well. IMO this should be prioritized as a bug fix rather than a new feature request. Not being able to edit the current version of a dashboard can be pretty crippling if someone has been testing things.


Adding more support for this request. Very surprising that the system can recognize the current version of a dashboard and recognize un-published changes, but can't discard them.

Every file/query/dashboard-editing solution I've used has had this ability, so it's shocking to see that Zendesk is treating it as a "feature" to be prioritized at some point in the future rather than a base-line necessity to be corrected as soon as possible.


This needs to be addressed ASAP.  I see it has been over a year since first reported.  Roadmap?  How about a timeline?  


+1 Definitely a bug not feature. Lost a lot of time because of this. I guess Zendesk customers' time isn't as valuable as the Zendesk Devs ;)


Is there any update to this feature?  I clicked the "auto-arrange" button and have about 3 hours of work waiting for me if I were to publish these changes :( Hoping Zendesk can delete from backend or something


+1 Hello - Are there any updates to this or any sort of ETA?


Adding another voice to say how critical this is.  I clicked the wrong button and I think now I will spend the afternoon redoing my dashboard. I can't make any further changes until I get back to baseline, and since there is no revert option I have to do it by hand.  I would like to see this fixed asap.


Zendesk team, I love your product overall. And I really like Explore. But this is ridiculous. Not being able to jettison unpublished changes is just absurd. And the fact that this has been an open problem for over a year now, if not longer, just makes it so much worse. 

Some of us depend on the dashboards in Explore to get anything done. Not being able to delete any unpublished changes means that the slightest screwup means you can never edit the dashboard again. You can't even clone it to fix it since the cloned version is based off the one in the editor, even though that one isn't published. If nothing else, cloning should only use the _published_ dashboard, since that's the one being used. 


It's been over a year since the last Zendesk response to this request.  This seems common sense because clicking on anything in the editor results in the system thinking there are changes that have been made.  I don't know what changes have actually been done because what it considers a change is so simplistic.


For almost a year now, not able to publish the changes and my dashboard is a mess. Now I have to spend a lot of time rearranging my dashboard.


Is there any ETA yet for this feature?  I used the automatic re-organize button and I assumed this widget would keep my widgets at a size where you could actually see the data, but unfortunately it just shrunk all of the widgets to a tiny size and none of the queries are actually visible.  I'm now faced with editing each widget by hand which is a huge amount of work :(


I would like to also request this feature. It's very hard to test new layouts for a dashboard when adding a new query to it and being unable to refresh/restart if what is being tested isn't working and is drastically different from the original.


Is this feature updated? i have been looking for edit option for dashboard but unfortunately can not apply any changes.


+1 this simple yet important update that would help anyone who builds dashboards. I frequently find myself noodling in a dashboard and then the next time I open it I am told that there are unsaved changes. I would like to know, what are the changes compared to the current saved state before I blindly hit save and save over my dashboard.

Please consider including a "revert to last published state" option in Explore to prevent this. Or, allow a feature to show what changes have been made when compared with the last saved state. 


@... This was on the roadmap one year ago - what's the status today?

This is critical, especially because of how unintuitive and buggy Explore is, generally; it's impossible to edit dashboards without trying things out and making experimental changes, some of which may need to be reverted. Having unintended changes or failed tests in the editor makes it impossible to move forward on anything else.


An item that I saw come up that has since vanished.  We're still waiting.

Let Me Discard Dashboard Changes by CJ Johnson

Feature Request Summary: 

When a Dashboard is opened in edit mode, all changes are saved instantly, and a little thing pops up telling you that you have changes you should publish. I want a "Discard changes" button offered as well. 

Description/Use Cases: 

Use Case 1: Explore constantly pops up saying that you've changed the Dashboard when you haven't made changes, like when you've selected a query with your mouse, but not altered anything in anyway. This is alarming, especially because edit mode is the only way to get a link to a query on a Dashboard, and you may panic that you've altered an important Dashboard just trying to get a query name. Being able to "discard changes" would give you the ability to leave the Dashboard as it was.

Use Case 2: You want to make your Dashboard look really nice, and play with the fonts, colors, etc. There's undo, but there's no real "save" besides publishing when you get something to where you want. If I want to mess with font colors and text boxes, and then go "nah actually it was better before", I'll need to hit undo a whole bunch of times and I won't know when to stop to have it be at the "Published state". It will just say there are changes to be published no matter what. Being able to discard changes, would let me roll back by my experimenting cleanly. 

Use Case 3: 
You need to add a query to a widely circulated Dashboard. You open it, and it looks like terrible, someone must've tried to adjust the font colors and text boxes and not hit undo a bunch of times. They didn't publish the changes, but the undo button won't work for you. Now you cannot publish your change, without publishing what they did, or manually resetting their changes with the live Dashboard as reference. Being able to discard the changes, and know you were adding your change to the last Published version of the Dashboard, would be much nicer. 


Adding my voice to the chorus of users requesting this feature. If you use the back arrow on your browser or just close the tab, the changes seem to stick!


The ability to discard unpublished changes should be considered one of the most basic elements of any WYSIWYG editor. The decision even to make changes in the editor auto-save and be irreversible if you're not in the same browsing session as the initial change, without user ability to turn it off, is positively asinine in the first place. But, if that's the product decision they're sticking with then they should at least make a "discard all unpublished changes" option. I don't need to go over the use cases, they've all been covered by the numerous posters above, but I certainly hope there are vast improvements to many aspects of this currently-abysmal, barely-usable product called Explore.


What is the update from Product Management team on this front?  Looks like a PM responded over a year ago, that this thread is going to be invaluable to research....however, teams' frustration level and data inaccuracies and lost FTE to supporting is more than research, so would love to have a sense of when any kind of fix or workaround could be communicated here.  This doesn't seem like a feature gap but more so a bug related to the "Undo" function that has gone unaddressed.  


+1, very frustrating that one cannot discard unpublished changes.   It has been 2 years, are there any updates on this?


Yeah if Zendesk wants Explore to actually be useable in a corporate environment, basic features like discarding unsaved changes need to be present. +1 for getting this implemented.



