

Social Messaging - First Reply Time SLA (missing)



At this moment is not possible to have an SLA about "First Reply Time" in Social Messaging Tickets.

This particular SLA is very important, especially in this type of channel.





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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey everyone,

Thank you all for taking the time to share your feedback with us! I'm pleased to share that starting on October 16, 2023, reply time SLAs for Messaging will be available for all accounts that use social, web, or mobile messaging channels.

You can find out more information in the following announcement: Announcing an upcoming enhancement to reply time SLAs for Messaging

Kudos to Prakruti Hindia and her team for their hard work on building this needed functionality :) 

Thanks again!


Hi Unai,


Thanks for the feedback!


Can you tell me a bit more about why this is important for you and your team?


Also, is it more important for your agents to see the SLA badge in tickets or for you as an admin to be able to report on the first reply time in Explore?




Hi Dean,

We need to use this SLA because is the way we use to prioritize our ticket in views. And the "Fist Reply time" is key in our Social Channels like WhatsApp.



Thanks, Unai,


We are planning reporting improvements in Explore, targeting H12021. This will include key metrics like First Reply Time, Comments etc.


SLAs are on our mind for 2021, but we don't have any concrete timelines right now.


I will add to this thread as things progress.


Thanks for your feedback.



Gracias Dean, por la iniciativa del equipo!

Con respecto al SAT  (encuestas de satisfacción) para la mensajería WhatsApp, ¿también lo incluirán?



First reply time and Next reply SLAs are absolutely needed for social messaging channels, because customers' expectation is to get a near real-time response via these channels.

Any update on when that will be available?


It's a must thing, how I can know wether my agent replied customer in very first sec. or not. 

This will increase customer satisfaction. I don't know why zendesk provided this with email but not a will messaging platform as we are very well aware with technology, everything getting shifted to whatsapp and other communication platforms. 

Please requesting to implement its ASAP. This is a key function for us and reason as well to join zendesk. 


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Arpan Nagdeve

Zendesk Product Manager

SLA work is under discussion we still don't have a concrete timelines on the same, from feature perspective customers can now measure FRT for messaging conversation from explore. 


Hi Arpan,

Thank you for your response. Could you please guide me on how to achieve this within explore? When I set up a query using SLA dataset and choose "First reply time (min)", then all the Whatsapp tickets are showing only blanks. Please help. Thanks.


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Arpan Nagdeve

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Barbara, 

The first response time feature is not GA yet and is currently gated under a flag, you can reach out to us via support and we can enable the fix and guide you on steps for you to build the FRT reports. 


Dear Arpan Nagdeve,

Could you please help us for FTR reports especially for WhatsApp. is there a native fix for that?



Dear Arpan,


Could you please guide us for the next steps after the fix to build FRT Reports.


Thank you.



Dear Zendesk,

First reply time in Explore is an important metrics for us, as most of our customers come via Social Messaging channels (Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram). We would like to know whether our agents are overloaded. Is there a a way to build this report on Explore?


Hi Budi,

The first response time feature for Social Messaging is not GA yet and is currently gated under a flag. I will create a ticket on your behalf so we can discuss your options if this has not been enabled on your account.

If the Messaging First Response Time feature has been enabled in your account however, then you should be able to use the First Reply Time metric in the Support: Tickets Dataset to see the FRT of Messaging Channels (such as Facebook Messenger, Whatsapp, and Instagram DM).

To specify the Messaging channel you're interested in seeing, select the Messaging Channel(s) from the Ticket Channels attribute or filter. In my example below, I've filtered on the Facebook Messaging channel:

NOTE: The Messaging FRT enablement will only allow you to see FRT from Messaging channels from the time it was enabled onward and will NOT show historical data.


Hi team! I'm struggeling to calculate FRT for messaging channels in my Explore reports, If I select Whatsapp channel the metric First Reply time shows me blanks, there's any way to build a calculated field to get this information?


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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Mariana,
As Messaging is fairly new, FRT is currently one of its limitations. However, it is currently being worked on and is already near fruition. We don't have an exact date yet so please keep an eye for any updates on our page.
Hope this helps.


Hi Dane,

Are you also planning to include "Next reply time" metrics for Social messaging channel in the future? That would be very useful too.



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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Barbara,
A new Messaging dataset is currently being worked on. Like the FRT, we don't have an exact date yet so please keep an eye for any updates on our page.


Since migrating from Live Chat to Messaging, we are now missing a vital piece of reporting - First Reply Time for Messaging. 

Checking in for an update please as I notice the latest comment here was last month.

Thanks, Emma


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Mei-E Loh

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Emma, 

The messaging dataset is slated to be released in Q3 however we have worked on a FRT metric for messaging ahead of time behind a feature gate for messaging that i have turned on for your subdomain, so you should be able to see it in explore now.

Do take note the FRT metrics currently has its smallest denominator in minutes and we are slated to release the FRT metrics in seconds at the end of April. 

Do let me know if you have any further questions!




Hi Mei-E Loh,

Do we have to subscribe for the feature gate in order to see the FRT metrics in seconds at the end of the April? Or will the release done for all subdomains?




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Mei-E Loh

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Erkin, 


There will be a feature gate for FRT metrics in seconds, we will probably add all the accounts currently on the chat ticket metrics feature gate to it.

Do let me know if you are not already on the chat ticket metrics, I can have your subdomain added to that and subsequently to FRT metrics in seconds. 





Hi Mei-E Loh,

What is this feature gate, is this an EAP or something else? I can't find FRT metrics for socials/messaging in this list.

As a Zendesk Partner, we have a customer who is really waiting on SLA for Whatsapp tickets. 



I have checked the account which has been implemented a fix by Zendesk team. However there is no fix for second for FRT on WhatsApp channel. Can we use metrics in seconds right now? 

Thank you



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Mei-E Loh

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Tim, 

It is a short term fix for serving FRT metrics to messaging customers. I suspect it is not on the list as it is meant to be a short term fix and there is a long term plan to introduce this metric with the Messaging dataset that is currently in the works slated for EAP end of Q2 but i will find out if i can get it listed. 

In the meanwhile, if you send me a a list of customer subdomains i can get them added to the feature gate. Do take note that the FRT metric is currently only available in minutes at the moment and we will be releasing seconds on the API in early April and in Explore in early May. 




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Mei-E Loh

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Erkin, 

As mentioned above, the FRT seconds is not available yet and will be released on the ticket metric API early April and in explore Early May. 

If you are already on the feature gate for messaging FRT it will be made available to you automatically then. 




Hi Mei-E Loh,

Thank you for your swift reply. To confirm, the FRT metric behind the feature gate is the SLA badge that is visible in Views and in a ticket? If yes, how can I contact you to send you the customer subdomain? 



We need this metric in order to measure productivity & performance for our Chat support team (we've fully migrated over to Messaging). 


Can we please be added to the FRT in seconds release? 


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Mei-E Loh

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Taylor, 

We will be releasing FRT seconds at the End of April-Beginning of May, since your account is already on the Chat ticket metrics arturo, it will be made available to you automatically when we release it. 

I will update this thread again when it is released. 




Dear Mei-E Loh,

How can we add our subdomains on the chat ticket metrics arturo? Could you please help me?





