Link user field with ticket field


I'd like to request the link between user field and ticket field


I have "User Device" drop-down field in my custom ticket field. The agent or user will fill this field when they work on the ticket.
I also have "User Device" drop-down field in my custom user field. This will stick to user.
There should be a way to Auto fill the user field if the agent updates the ticket field.




I second this.


Same here.


Definitely want this


yes please.


@Zendesk, is there already some kind of way to connect these two field types? I'd like it too!


Hi all, not sure if this helps but sharing anyway in case someone is looking to have a connection between user field and ticket field working the other way around where user field will populate a ticket field automatically.

An example.

You have a user field "Country" that has an option "Netherlands" with tag "netherlands" and comes through automatically or is added to all your users from the Netherlands.

You can create a custom ticket field "Country" with the same option "Netherlands" and the same tag "netherlands" so when a ticket is created by a user from the Netherlands for example, the ticket field "country" will automatically get populated as "Netherlands".

This solution helped us get better grouping and ticket info in our views which we were not able to achieve with just the regular user/ticket tags.

I doubt that this will work the other way around so that ticket field will update a user field with the same value.



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Heather Rommel

Zendesk LuminaryThe Product Manager Whisperer - 2021Community Moderator


YES! We do this also for location. We only run into an issue if someone happens to work for multiple locations like IT people lol



Hi, is Zendesk planning on adding this feature? Our agents add a user ID to a ticket, but I'd like the custom user field to get updated then as well. So the condition is: custom ticket field = present > action is: custom user field = custom ticket field.

It's not possible using triggers now, as all the ID numbers are unique and adding a tag has no sense, unfortunately!


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hi Marianne - 

We haven't seen a large number of requests for this at this point in time. However, we are continuing to collect votes and detailed use-cases to see whether this is something that would be of high impact and value for a significant number of customers. 








We are just trying to populate the User Name field on the User from a ticket form. There has to be a way to do this!


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The Wise One - 2022Community Moderator

Huh, my clients really need this. 



Would love to have an end user be able to submit a ticket via the support site and have it update a custom user field


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hi all - 

Please register your vote with the voting arrows on the original post, a "+1" comment neither registers as a vote nor gives Product Managers any useful details about why you need this, how it would impact your business, etc. That information is, however, very helpful, and I encourage you to share more details with us. 


This would be a great addition. We would like to pass information from a Numeric User Field to a Numeric ticket field


Hi Anh / all,

There is a simple workaround for this which Catherine has mentioned above but I'll try to make the steps clearer.

Basically, you don't need to link the two fields - you can achieve the same result by adding tags to the user's profile in Zendesk.

In this scenario, do the following:

  1. Add your ticket field and list all User Device type options in the drop-down list
  2. Find the tag for the User Device for a particular person e.g. ipad_3g
  3. Go to the person's profile and add the tag from step 2 into the Tags field for the person e.g. ipad_3g
  4. When a new ticket is created for the person, the Tags from their profile are automatically added to the ticket tags (including ipad_3g).
  5. The Tag will automatically populate the User Device drop-down field on the ticket.

Tested and confirmed this works as I've described.



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Heather Rommel

Zendesk LuminaryThe Product Manager Whisperer - 2021Community Moderator

Yes! That's what we do too. Great step by step instructions. Thank you


@Mike, thank you for sharing this, much appreciated!


We also found this solution to populate a tickets form fields through the keywords added to a ticket from the user. However, unfortunately this does only work for dropdown or checkboxes. When it comes to textfields, it obviously has no chance anymore, because there is no data transport. I installed the app "User data", however it does not show anything in custom user fields. So info we import into zendesk, can't be seen anymore. Also clicking on the user to check these details is greatly dropping the ticket solving time. Instead seeing everything at a glance, we need to click on the user, check there, wait the zendesktypical loading times and close the view again. It could be so easy though.





This is an absolute must-have for us. Not being able to connect these fields is disrupting our ability to integrate Zendesk into the rest of our organization's data ecosystem, and it not only hampers our support operations, but also prevents the accurate reporting we depend on in this growth phase.


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hi all -

I checked in with the product team, and they said that while this is not something currently being worked on, this conversation has caught their attention and the next time they have an opportunity to explore new ideas for future development this is a request they will revisit.

In the meantime, there is one way to accomplish what's being described here via the triggers functionality. It's a bit cumbersome to implement as you have to create a separate trigger for each field relationship, but it will get the job done:

  1. Trigger condition: [first custom a field] is [value from custom field dropdown]

  2. Trigger action: [second custom field] [second custom field value]

If your two lists aren't too long, this would work to link your two fields.

Hopefully that helps some of you, and we will follow up if and when the product team is able to dig into this request. Thank you as always for your feedback and for bringing this need to our team's attention!


Thanks for the update, Nicole. We'd be more than happy to work with your product team to scope this out when they're ready!


As mentioned by Catherine and Mike, there is a more scalable solution available currently that doesn't require triggers per field value.


I would like to see a way to do this the other way around. Without manual work. A ticket being able to update the usersetting. It seems there is no way currently. Would be good if a trigger or something could do that.


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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey Sebastian,

What ticket field type are you trying to use to update a user field? If you're attempting to update a custom user field what type have you set up?

If you have any additional information to provide let me know as I'd like to do some testing on my end to see if we can come up with some sort of workaround.



Hello Brett,


I want to update either the language field or the keyword field.

The thing is, that the automatic language recognition of zendesk is pretty randomly. So often the language is wrong which is why dc-language recognition is something we can't really use. However, we have a contact form field "preferred language". We can read the contents in there in a trigger. So we can serve the user with the language he awaits. However, that's only valid when that is the source of contact. When he sends an email we only would have the language in the account.

So the idea is to edit the user language once a ticket came through the contact form with preferred language, since we would know that this is the correct language. So rather than knowing the language in this single ticket, we would like to either edit the language itself in the user account or add a language tag there.

Best regards,


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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Hi Sebastian,

Sorry for the delayed response!

It looks like you can use a trigger to change the users language based on the field selected in your ticket form. Here's a sample screenshot below from my test account:


Keep in mind you'd have to create a separate trigger for each language you support but it's certainly possible as far as I can see. 

Let me know if this isn't the solution you are looking for.




