Ticket export tool for End-users (Export tickets by organization)


Request: provide a tool for end-users so they can 'export' all their tickets, or their organization's tickets. Especially useful for end-users that are part of a large/active organization.

We would like an option via the UI, where they would be able to select and export to a CSV file on demand. This might include the latest status of an open ticket, the ticket ID, description and and the last update made.




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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Thanks for sharing, Kristen. 


Since I posted on 3/30/2018, even more of our clients are requesting or demanding this feature. Because of this, my manager is having clients try out a Zendesk competitor (I guess I shouldn't name that software here) which allows admins to create custom reports and make them available by Organization(s). The "shared" reports can then be run or export at any time by the client. 

Because this feature is in such high demand, clients are considering the switch in spite of the facts that 1) the competing software looks like it was written in the early 2000's 2) The competing software is far less user friendly, intuitive & less "brand-able" 3) clients will need to learn an entirely new ticket mgmt system 4) the competition's customer supports seems to be 2nd to Zendesk

Please keep this in mind when considering the priority you place on this new feature request

In my opinion, Zendesk is far better than this... well... downgrade that we are proposing to clients. However, this one feature could outweigh Zendesk's superiority in all other areas. I'm not sure if clients have given feedback to my mgmt yet, but when they do I'll share the info that I'm allowed to pass on.




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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Thanks for those details, John. Hearing about the impacts such as the ones you shared are really helpful details for the product managers. 


We also have a customer requesting this feature.


Our customers are looking forward to have this.


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hi Helpdesk 2 and Emilie - 

Can you tell us more about your use case? What the problem you're trying to solve is, how frequently it comes up, etc.?


Hello Nicole,

Our case is to provide a way for our B2B customers to export the list of requests they can see in their help centers.

As they can see the requests of all people from their organization, it would be easier to have an overview of these requests without the pagination.



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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Thank you, Emilie!


Hi Nicole & All,

I've posted here a couple times before, but only recently thought about the Marketplace as a possible solution. I haven't found an application yet that offers client-side reporting but I'm wondering...

  • Is it possible that a Marketplace application might do what we're looking for here?
  • Are you aware of an application I missed that has offers this feature?
  • If client-side reports is not a feature on your development team's hit list, is it possible to ask a Zendesk partner about it?

I'm throwing Hail Mary's now as I've been asked to test-migrate all our tickets to a trial of the competitor service I mentioned in my post from a couple moths ago. I'd rather stay with Zendesk than move to the other software, but unfortunately the decision isn't mine.

So that unhappy message before a good one...

Thanks & Happy Thanks Giving!



I've found that you're able to create custom ticket exports within Good Data. This is a viable work around...


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey John -

It is definitely possible that someone could develop an app to allow users to export their request data, though I do not know of one currently available in the marketplace.

End-users can access this information via the API, which would enable them to download a CSV with the info. I realize that this isn't the in-app, pretty and advanced reporting that some users have asked for here, but the data is available, and that's what leads me to believe building an app would certainly be a possibility. Here's the information on those API endpoints: Zendesk Support API

As Quinton suggested (thanks for jumping in, Quinton!) you may also be able to create those exports via GoodData/Insights.


Thanks for your responses Nicole & Quinton. To clarify, are you saying that Good Data has functionality that can resolve the problem discussed in this thread? That is, it allows configuration for clients to run/export reports on their side, as needed?

Or is mention of Good Data just a "BTW" for another way to create reports generally & not a resolution to this thread?

Thanks again!


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hi John, 

What Quinton is suggesting is that you could generate some custom reports and schedule them to export to the end users who are seeking them. But end-users would not have direct access to generate those reports themselves. 


We would like this feature for the same reasons that other people have already listed.

  1. What is the problem? There is not a way to easily review tickets
  2. Why is it a problem? Our customers want to be able to easily review tickets.
  3. How do you solve the problem today? We show them how they can search by organization and sort
  4. How would you ideally solve the problem? Have the users be able to select fields and dates that they want to export to reports. IMPORTANT: They should not be able to export internal notes.
  5. How big is the problem (business impact, frequency of impact, who is impacted)? Currently, we don't have a lot of customers requesting this but we have had people ask for it now and then. I anticipate this will be a growing concern. 



We have over 100 clients using Zen Desk to open / update tickets.  Several have asked for a way to pull tickets from the Portal. This would be a welcome enhancement for us. 


PLEASE add this feature. It may be the determining factor of us changing products after many successful years with Zendesk. Unfortunately the need for this may trump other fabulous features in Zendesk.


I have posted on this request before but here is a specific use case I am running into today. 

We have an organization opening rapid fire tickets over the past couple of weeks.  It's become clear we have a project here, not break fix support.  I would like for the customer to export out all their tickets, tell us which are still active (as so many are pending) so we can build a project plan from it.  But instead I will need to build a customer specific view, do the export myself and send to the customer.


Got exactly the same situation as @Jodie. Any update on this, @Nicole?


I get this request all the time from our clients. Please consider adding a simple "export" option for end users to export their list of tickets.

  • What is the problem? Customers cannot export their list of tickets (mostly they'd like currently open or recently solved).
  • Why is it a problem? They need a list they can review and distribute easily in a meeting.  All the folks involved with a ticket may not necessarily have Zendesk access. A simple list makes reviewing open and recently solved issues at a high-level meeting simple. A list also can be customized for quickly added notes before and during the meeting (rather than having to open each ticket up to take notes).
  • How do you solve the problem today? Someone either manually re-creates the lists of issues, takes a screenshot, or asks an agent to download the list. There are also a few accounts where we generate a weekly/monthly ticket report in Insights that is sent to the account manager and then forwarded to the client. 
  • How would you ideally solve the problem?  Allow an end user to export any list of issues from the Zendesk portal.
  • How big is the problem (business impact, frequency of impact, who is impacted). This impacts customers who have at least 10+ issues going on at any one time or during a major project. Some of our clients have multiple regions/users and therefore regularly have several tickets open at any given moment. 


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Thanks for your comment, Melissa. 

@Marcel - we have not heard any updates from the product team on this. 


This is important for me as well. So far, I've resort to copying and pasting the ticket list from Organization view.

@Zendesk Community Any advice of alternative options? 


  • What is the problem?: Clients cannot generate reports on their own support tickets.
  • Why is it a problem?: Our large clients that have coordinating departments & need to communicate support ticket statuses regularly cannot do so freely.   A PDF just doesn't cut it.  We and the clients need transparency. 
  • How do you solve the problem today?: I pull the massive report for all orgs. and filter it via pivot table.  Loss of my productivity and takes away time to assist clients with real issues.  We have large clients needing this functionality. They have agreed to a weekly report, but want it daily.
  • How would you ideally solve the problem?: Add feature that allows clients to generate Advanced-type, pre-formatted reports
  • How big is the problem (business impact, frequency of impact, who is impacted): HUGE.  Clients are recommending we move away from Zendesk so that they can have this feature.  It is also necessary for their Audit and SOC compliance requirements.


+1 on this request. Other ticketing platforms offer this - why can't Zendesk do the same?



I have been asked about this feature by multiple of our customers right now.

  • What is the problem? Our customers cannot export their ticket list
  • Why is it a problem? We have customers that have multiple users in the same org and not all of them have access to all org's tickets. Typically the main POC of our customer wants to be able to export the ticket list including some fields that may be relevant to report internally and also for reviews with us. 
  • How do you solve the problem today? For our major customers I manually export the ticket list.
  • How would you ideally solve the problem? Let the end users export their ticket list with all available fields (selectable)
  • How big is the problem (business impact, frequency of impact, who is impacted): The number of customers asking for this is increasing and I am getting complaints about the tool used. I am mitigating with manual scheduled Exports.
  • In addition, with the good old "Good Data" I could send a dashboard also to external users, does not seem to be possible with Explore, creating more and more job for my team.







Thank you for your business.

There is a request to be able to output the ticket list on the user side.
It doesn't seem to have any function now, but I would like you to add it.

Thank you for your consideration.


Got a request like this from one of our customers just today. It seems users have been clamoring for this for a long time now but it never gets picked up. That's a shame. :(


+1 again

  • What is the problem? In large organization, project manegers need to be able to track and follow all tickets of the organization. The current end-user view is to limited for that to produce end user project management reporting.
  • Why is it a problem? Agents need to assist each project manager every week or every month to get an export in Excel.
  • How do you solve the problem today? The work is done by agents. it shall be controlled by the end-user.
  • How would you ideally solve the problem? Add a button "export to Excel" in the end user view of the list of tickets. The extract shall contains all fields visible by end-users.
  • How big is the problem (business impact, frequency of impact, who is impacted) : Impact is on customer side on project managers and team managers. Impact is internal for our R&D and validation teams and for our managers outside of the operation & support team

Again this is big impact and looks like a very small development to do for Zendesk product team. Our team does not understand how Zendesk product team did not solve this in 7 years. 

+ 1 issue in Zendesk in the list of subject pushing us to move to another tool.


My organization has allowed our end users to export their ticket data on their own via the sharing of Explore report dashboards.


I consider this issue solved for enterprise level zendesk accounts.


I guess that might work for Enterprise but not for Teams unless someone has a workaround.



