How to export Zendesk macros into a spreadsheet

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The Wise One - 2022Community Moderator


Regarding to this post I decide to make this short tutorial.

1. you need to be logedin as Admin or Agent of your ZD account.
2. open this link (but change XYZ to your zendesk account name)
2a. If you have more than 100 macros, you should export one more JSON file cause it's up to 100 macros per export. Second file is on this url  (replace XYZ to your ZD name)
3. When json file is loaded, save it on your computer (CTRL+S or CMD+S)
4. Open site:
5. Upload your JSON file
6. Wait a little
7. Click on Download button.

Ta-Da, you have your macros exported in CSV file format.

Hope this helps!




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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Hi CSM Zendesk,

Could you clarify what sort of data you're looking to export in regards to macros?

Just want to make sure we're both on the same page here :)


WOW!  This was fast and easy!  Thank you for this post.  It was very helpful.


Do you have something similar for exporting a report from the Zendesk Manage articles UI based on applying a filter?


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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey Mary,

There are are a couple of options for exporting Help Center content as mentioned here: Help Center data export

The most common method I've seen is through Kbackup integration that was developed in our App Marketplace: kBackup

If you have any questions regarding the integration you'll want to reach out to the developer directly.

Hope this helps!


Thank you so much for this.  You probably just saved me HOURS of typing!


We've been using the option to download macros based on the group, but cannot figure out how to get the next page of macros for that specific group. Does anyone know how to do that?


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ZZ Graeme Carmichael

Community Moderator

Syd S

Try this:

Or look for the 'next page:' url near the end of your output:



Thank you so much Graeme! Worked like a charm. 


Worked perfectly first time. 


Thank you!


Super helpful, thanks a mil! :) 


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The Wise One - 2022Community Moderator

Thanks for the feedback, Rebekah. Very glad to hear that! 

I just spotted this post is created precisely 3 years ago :O 
The days are long and the years are short. :)


Thanks to OP.

I am just not clear on point 2a and 2b


"2. open this link (but change XYZ to your zendesk account name)
2a. If you have more than 100 macros, you should export one more JSON file cause it's up to 100 macros per export. Second file is on this url  (replace XYZ to your ZD name)


My understanding is that point 2 is for less than 100 macros?

We have over 200, so I used point 2a, but I did not understand the logic behind "the 2nd file?" What is a 2nd file?

I used both points, and both times it extracted over 200 macros, so I am not sure what the "more than 100 macros" has to do with anything?

Thanks to clarify.


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The Wise One - 2022Community Moderator

Hey Matthew, the key is that number of macros per an API call/request is limited to max 99 macros. 

So, if you have eg 250 macros, you will have to do the call 3x.
How to do that? Just replacing the last part of the URL "page=2". So you should call it with: page=1, page=2, page=3. Let me know if anything still isn't clear. Best.



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The Wise One - 2022Community Moderator

Hey Pradeep, I just checked and they seem to work. Please note you should remove XYZ from the links and put there your ZD subdomain. Sure, you need to be logged in as admin in your ZD. 


Hi There, 

What is the best way to export by usage in the last 30 days; 

I tried


but was unable to do so


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Matteo Genesio Stara

Zendesk Digital Resources Team

Hello Juan,

You can try using sideload instead (if your plan is Enterprise)


Or the standard usage for macros:


You can change asc to desc.

Hope this helps!



Is this link,, still functional? I tried it but it does not work. I'm getting the error message below.

  "error": {
    "title": "No help desk at",
    "message": "There is no help desk configured at this address. This means that the address is available and that you can claim it at"


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hi Jed - Yes, that API call should still work. However, I clicked through to your account and it looks like you have a different subdomain listed there from the one you indicated in your comment above. 


Hi, thanks for the tip how to export macros, it's very useful.

Is there a way to export the JSON file back to Zendesk with some changes? I want to add descriptions to macros and it would be very convenient if I could do it this way. 



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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey Mateusz,

You would need to use the api to bulk import macros and make changes to the descriptions. The link I attached should provide some additional information for you.



This works beautifully! It also helps if you want to find a specific word occurring in more than one Macro that needs to be changed. I recently had to change voice and tone for a specific term throughout our 500+ macro library and this saved me so much time.


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Glad you found this so useful, Beth! Thanks for sharing. :)


Hi ZD team,

Thanks for your information, but, how can I to get personal macros? 



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Jason Schaeffer

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Christian!

You can find your Personal Macros by going to Admin>Manage>Macros from there you can change the dropdown to Personal Macros. There is more information on tin this article: 

Organizing and managing your macros


Have a great day!



Hi, is there a way to upload the macros again after making some changes??


Hello Magda,

We would have to convert the CSV file back to a .json file and import it back to the Zendesk account.

For more info:

Community post: How to re-Import Macros in CSV to Zendesk
API create macro

Hope that helps!


Why are the columns in a different order between files? I've been working on writing macros for two days in Excel to do formatting and get rid of information I don't need only to discover that they won't work on every sheet because the columns are in a different order!

Here is an image of the rows copied and pasted from two different files with the different column titles highlighted. I'm only including the last few columns so as not to break the page width here. :)


I just discovered that Powershell, while being a great platform for quickly creating little helpers, has some rough edges, i.e.

ConvertTo-Json commandlet:

  • if you use Windows Powershell version 5.1 as delivered with Windows 10 or earlier, PS does not reliably serialize deep objects - if your object goes beyond 2 levels, it actually does not serialize the deeper parts. The Problem is that there is no error message, just incomplete objects.
  • if you use PS 7, it gives you a warning message that serialization is not correct because of the greater depth of your objects. In addition, it allows you to specify parameter -Depth, which then allows you to write complete serialized objects.

So, if you use PowerShell, switch to PS7 to avoid problems.


This was so helpful and REALLY easy to use. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU



really nice workaround, any thoughts of how to export the Agents instead of all Users in a list?




