Hide Groups from request assignment.
Hello Zendesk Community,
since the options for managing views are limited (evryone, members of a group or just myself) i would like to hide certain groups from the request assignment.
It is not practical to have a group show up when its sole purpose is to enable certain views for agents.
Or am i missing an option?
Kind regads
ZZ Graeme Carmichael
Check out the Assignment Control app from the marketplace.
This app is free and made by Zendesk but is part of Zendesk Labs, so be sure to read the conditions before installing.
Josh Keller
Excellent app -- thanks!
Luigi Petrolito
I am looking for this app but I am not able to find it on the marketplace. Has it been removed?
Nicole Saunders
Hey Luigi -
I'm looking into what happened to this app; will let you know as soon as we hear something!
Josh Keller
You can clone/download it here and upload it as a private app. Strange, though, that it disappeared from the marketplace.
Nicole Saunders
thanks for sharing, Josh! I'll keep looking into the marketplace issue.
Luigi Petrolito
Great Thanks!
I will give it a try. Have a great day!
Nicole Saunders
Hi all -
Update on the disappearance of this app, it was a Zendesk Labs app which means it's experimental and may disappear at any time. As we have been updating our apps framework, we've been removing outdated and unsupported Zendesk Labs apps from the Zendesk Marketplace. Some are being updated to the v2 framework, and this one is under consideration for that process.
We can't guarantee that it will return, but if it does, it would become an officially supported 'Built by Zendesk' app maintained by our Professional Services team.
Kristyn Thomas
Looks like the Private app is no longer an option due to the new framework as well.
@Nicole - I vote for new app for this too!
Nicole Saunders
We'll keep you posted, Kristyn!
Josh Keller
I'm using the Assignment Control app -- I installed it from the Marketplace before it was removed. Does this mean it will soon stop working if it's not compatible with the new apps framework?
Nicole Saunders
Hi Josh -
I have confirmed that Assignment Control is currently on the list of apps we are planning to update to v2 of the framework. It's possible that they will add new features and functionality and it may no longer be a free app, but at the moment that's TBD.
You should be able to continue using the v1 app for the time being, and will receive a communication later this year when it's time to upgrade to v2.
Josh Keller
Thanks for letting me know, Nicole. I sure hope it stays free--this is basic functionality that I would think should be part of the default Support system.
Nick Haddad
Hi all,
I have built a ZAF V2 adaptation of the Assignment Control app for my own personal use. The repo posted above looks fairly stale, so I haven't submitted a pull request.
Is there someone I should chat with specifically about this? I don't want to distribute the app without ZD's permission because it is definitely based on the ZendeskLabs ZAF V1 Version.
Josh Keller
That's awesome, Nick! Yeah you can just send that app over to me. ;) Just kidding, kinda, but thanks for attempting to share your work.
Nicole Saunders
Hey Nick -
I checked with our apps team, and they said you're welcome to distribute your app, with the caveat for all users that any apps installed from 3rd parties are not guaranteed to work and that we can't support them if they break or doesn't work as expected. We recommend alerting people to this when they install it.
Zendesk is planning to release a fully supported v2 of Assignment Control later this year, though it will likely no longer be a free app at that point in time. We don't have an official ETA, but it's not slated until the second half of the year at this point.
Nicholas Haddad
@Josh Keller -- I just wanted to drop a note and say that the app I referenced earlier has been added to the Zendesk Marketplace and can be found here. It's called Assignee Mask and is largely the same as the old Zendesk Labs app, except that it's framework V2, is a little more performant, and you can apply the rules globally to all agents if you choose to rather than specifying targeted groups or orgs.
Josh Keller
Thanks so much, Nicholas! Nice work and greatly appreciated.
Vladimir Shkuratov
Hi Nicole,
Do you know if "Assignment Control" will updated to v2 or it will be stopped after 15-th of October?
Nicole Saunders
Hey Vladimir -
Assignment Control is planned to be updated to v2. :)
Mare Donohue
I tried to upload the current private party app but not allowed since it is version 2. I am very interested to know:
1. an ETA for releasing V2?
2. can I be notified when it becomes available?
3. I hope it doesn't cost extra!
Thank you, Mare
@... any update on when V2 will be released? Thanks
Nicholas Haddad
@... -- The app I referenced earlier in this thread has been added to the Zendesk Marketplace and can be found here. It's called Assignee Mask and is largely the same as the old Zendesk Labs app, except that it's framework V2, is a little more performant, and you can apply the rules globally to all agents if you choose to rather than specifying targeted groups or orgs. Would this work for you until the native version is added?
Mare Donohue
Assignee Mask looks promising but it looks like you need to get into the API just to find a group id to mask -- as it looks like it requires the id rather than the group name. I've never gotten involved in the API. Any ETA on when the native version might be available? thank you! Mare
ZZ Graeme Carmichael
To quickly find the Group ID in Support, Go to Admin>People>Group then right click over a group name and select copy link address:
Paste that link somewhere and the Group ID will be at the end of the URL...
Mare Donohue
Thank you -- I searched for an easy way to find the group id and did not find this. I'll look at implementing this Assignee Mask.
Any ETA on implementing the native version?
user user
If you have multiple groups as I have in my organization, you can use the API command to get a list of all your group id without having to individually click on each group.
domain.zendesk.com/GET /api/v2/groups.json
Dan Cooper
v2 of the Assignment Control app is now available for those on this thread that seem to be waiting for it.
Mare Donohue
Does it take awhile to update? I assigned some group ids to hide from the assignee menu and they still show. Refreshed and logged out and back in but still not updated. The Assignee Mask app was working well and was immediate. Thank you!
Brett Bowser
Hey Mare,
I was actually able to replicate this on my end as well. The changes should take place immediately. I'm going to create a ticket on your behalf so our Customer Advocacy team can dig into this further and determine whether or not this is a bug.